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1. General Policies Regarding the World Heritage Convention
1.3. Shared Responsibility and International Cooperation
1.3.2. International Assistance

Operational Guidelines


Paragraph 239

“(…) The following considerations govern the Committee’s decisions in granting International Assistance:

a) the likelihood that the assistance will have a catalytic and multiplier effect (“seed money”) and promote financial and technical contributions from other sources;

b) when funds available are limited and a selection has to be made, preference is given to:

. a Least Developed Country or Low Income Economy as defined by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committee for Development Policy, or
. a Lower Middle Income Country as defined by the World Bank, or
. a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), or
. a State Party in a post-conflict situation;

c) the urgency of the protective measures to be taken at World Heritage properties;

d) whether the legislative, administrative and, wherever possible, financial commitment of the recipient State Party is available to the activity;

e) the impact of the activity on furthering the Strategic Objectives decided by the Committee;

f) the degree to which the activity responds to needs identified through the reactive monitoring process and/or the analysis of regional Periodic Reports;

g) the exemplary value of the activity in respect to scientific research and the development of cost effective conservation techniques;

h) the cost of the activity and expected results; and

i) the educational value both for the training of experts and for the general public.”

Date year: 2019
Source: OG Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.19/01 - 10 July 2019)
Code: 2390

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