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Title Code Session Year State Party State Party (ISO) Property Property inscribed on the Danger List Category Theme Language Language (ISO) Size
  1 WHC-93/CONF.003/1 Prov Ordre du jour provisoire WHC-93/CONF.003/1 Prov 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  2 WHC-93/CONF.003/1 Prov Provisional Agenda WHC-93/CONF.003/1 Prov 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  3 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.1 Liste des documents WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.1 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  4 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.1 List of documents WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.1 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  5 WHC-93/CONF.003/2 Report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee WHC-93/CONF.003/2 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  6 WHC-93/CONF.003/2 Rapport du Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial WHC-93/CONF.003/2 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  7 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.2 Liste des Etats parties à la Convention WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.2 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  8 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.2 List of the States Parties as of 1st September 1993 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.2 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  9 WHC-93/CONF.003/3 État des comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial WHC-93/CONF.003/3 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  10 WHC-93/CONF.003/3 Statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund WHC-93/CONF.003/3 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  11 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.3 Comité du patrimoine mondial WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.3 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  12 WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.3 World Heritage Committee WHC-93/CONF.003/INF.3 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  13 WHC-93/CONF.003/4 Contributions au Fonds du patrimoine mondial WHC-93/CONF.003/4 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  14 WHC-93/CONF.003/4 Determination of the amount of contributions to the World Heritage Fund foreseen by Article 16 of the Convention WHC-93/CONF.003/4 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  15 WHC-93/CONF.003/5 Élections au Comité du patrimoine mondial WHC-93/CONF.003/5 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  16 WHC-93/CONF.003/5 Elections to the World Heritage Committee WHC-93/CONF.003/5 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en
  17 WHC-93/CONF.003/6 Compte Rendu WHC-93/CONF.003/6 09GA 1993 Statutory documents Français fr
  18 WHC-93/CONF.003/6 Summary Record WHC-93/CONF.003/6 09GA 1993 Statutory documents English en