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World Heritage Convention

7 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1993close
Session: 09GA 1993close
By Year
The Ninth General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was held in Paris, at UNESCO Headquarters, on 29 and 30 October, during the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference. One hundred and fifteen of the one hundred and thirty-six States Parties to the Convention were represented at this meeting. The representatives of two intergovernmental organizations and two non-governmental organizations attended the meeting as observers. The list of participants is given is Annex I of this document. In ...
7. The General Assembly elected by acclamation Mr. C. Leventis (Cyprus) as Chairman. The General Assembly also elected unanimously the representatives of Burkina Faso, China and Tunisia as Vice-Chairmen, and Mr. H. Palma (Peru) as Rapporteur.
9. In accordance with the recommendation of the World Heritage Committee at its sixteenth session, the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. R. Milne, (United States of America) presented to the General Assembly the report that the Committee was submitting to the General Conference of UNESCO. The text of Mr. Milne's presentation, as well as the Committee's report to the General Conference, is presented in Annex II to this document. The General Assembly took note of this report.
10. The General Assembly examined documents WHC-93/CONF.003/3 presenting the accounts of the World Heritage Fund, in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the Fund, and WHC.93/CONF.003/3 add. presenting the contributions received up to 28 October 1993. The Assembly was also informed that the following contributions had been received since 28 October 1993: State Party                             Amount (US $)                                        Year of contribution Ethiopia                                              ...
13. Under item 8 of its agenda, the General Assembly was called upon to elect seven Members to the World Heritage Committee, to replace the following seven Members whose mandate would expire at the end of the twenty-seventh session of the General Conference: Brazil, Cuba, France, Italy, Pakistan, Tunisia, United States of America. The list of the thirty-one States Parties having submitted their candidature was read to the Assembly. Upon the proposal of the Representative of Niger, seconded by numerous delegations, the General Assembly suspended its work to consult among groups with a view ...
29. The General Assembly felt that these elections showed that the voting system as set out in the Rules of Procedure was no longer suitable to the present situation. On the one hand, the requirement of obtaining an absolute majority had necessitated nine ballots, and, on the other hand, the system did not guarantee an equitable representation of the different cultures and regions of the world. Consequently, the General Assembly recommended that the revision of this item of its Rules of Procedure should be inscribed on the agenda of its next session, and requested the Secretariat to ...