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World Heritage Convention

201 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 2000
Year end: 2000
By Year
In May 2000, the World Heritage Centre received information from the national authorities that the Department of Archaeology would restore the demolished hydraulic works of Shalamar Gardens, and that the football stadium constructed on Bhir Mound (600 BC – 200 AD) at Taxila would be demolished. The authorities had stated that the south-eastern wall of the stadium had been demolished and that the boundary wall on the remaining sides would also be demolished. The Centre was informed that the “rooms” constructed on the northern side will be utilized for watch and ward staff ...
Sites: Taxila
The Secretariat informed the Bureau that it had received on 21 June 2000, a brief report from the Polish authorities on the state of affairs for the planning and preservation for the World Heritage site of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. This report included the following information: An International Council for Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps was set up on 29 March 2000 under the chairmanship of an ex-minister for Foreign Affairs and with the participation of both national and international experts and institutions. The Council met for the first time on 7 June 2000 ...
The Secretariat informed the Burea that it had received two reports from the Permanent Delegation of Portugal: (1) report of meeting on the marina project (13-14 January 2000, attended by the ICOMOS-designated expert), and (2) a Periodic Report on the State of Angra and its Sea Front (dated 10 April 2000). The Periodic Report provided information on: The adoption of a plan for the Urban Involvement of the Angra Bay; Models developed for the marina dam, its connection to the city and support services; Status of development of the areas along the Bay, including the eighteenth-century ...
The Secretariat informed the Bureau that the Permanent Delegation of Portugal had submitted on 5 May 2000, a report concerning the state of conservation of Sintra which was transmitted to IUCN and ICOMOS for review. ICOMOS expressed reservations about the state of conservation of the site and indicated that a joint ICOMOS-IUCN mission would be required. Both IUCN and the Observer of Portugal endorsed this proposal.  The latter informed the Bureau that Sintra, because of its location, 20 km from Lisbon, was under strong pressure (urban development, tourism). The Bureau, therefore, ...
The Secretariat informed the Bureau that it had received a Management Plan for the Stonehenge World Heritage site, prepared under the direction of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site Management Planning Group (comprising national and local organizations) and chaired by an English Heritage Commissioner. ICOMOS congratulated the Government of the United Kingdom for this management plan for what is a very complex site. It recommended that careful evaluation and assessment be undertaken in each stage of the process of implementation. The Delegate of Hungary commended the high quality of the ...
The Bureau was informed of the findings of the UNESCO-Vietnam expert team concerning the impact on the World Heritage values of the site caused by the heavy rainfall and floods of October-December 1999, which was the worst flood recorded since 1886. This technical study co-financed from World Heritage Fund’s emergency assistance, noted the gravity of the erosion, particularly along the left bank of the Perfume River, and the urgent need for riverbank consolidation to mitigate the risks of further damage from future floods. The long-term damage of the monuments and houses from ...
The Bureau took note of the information provided in the working document on the state of conservation of the following properties: NATURAL HERITAGE Comoe National Park (Côte d’Ivoire) Caves of the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst (Hungary/Slovakia) The Delegate of Morocco pointed out that the protection of surface water is important in karst systems. Kaziranga National Park (India) Lorentz National Park (Indonesia) Kamchatka Volcanoes (Russian Federation) Sinharaja Forest Reserve (Sri Lanka) Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)  CULTURAL HERITAGE Rock-hewn Churches, Lalibela ...
NATURAL HERITAGE Technical Co-operation Guinea - Assessment of the State of Conservation of Mt. Nimba Strict Nature Reserve and Institutional Strengthening of the Centre for Environmental Management of Mt. Nimba - US$ 30,000 The Bureau authorized the Chairperson to approve up to an amount of US$ 30,000 for the request described in WHC-2000/CONF.202/12, subject to the Centre and the State Party co-operating to prepare a detailed budget breakdown and to achieve cost-savings for vehicle repairs, fuel costs, and the final report production. Kenya - Preparation of a Management Plan for ...
Property: The Wooden Churches of Maramures Id. N°: 904 State Party: Romania Criteria: C (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List on the basis of criterion (iv): Criterion (iv): The Maramures wooden churches are outstanding examples of vernacular religious wooden architecture resulting from the interchange of Orthodox religious traditions with Gothic influences in a specific vernacular interpretation of timber construction traditions, showing a high level of artistic maturity and craft skills. It was noted that neighbouring States Parties could consider ...
II.1 The Committee adopted the Provisional Agenda and Timetable (WHC-99/CONF.204/1 Rev.10) without any modifications.
III.1 Proposed by the Delegate of Hungary, and endorsed by Canada, Thailand and Benin, Mr Peter King (Australia) was elected as Chairperson by acclamation. The following members of the Committee were elected as Vice-Chairpersons by acclamation: Canada, Ecuador, Finland, Morocco and Thailand. Mr. Dawson Munjeri (Zimbabwe) was elected as Rapporteur. III.2 The Committee warmly thanked the out-going Chairperson, Mr Abdelaziz Touri for the excellent leadership he provided the Committee during the past year which had resulted in closer working relations between the Committee and the ...
VI.1 The Committee noted the reports of the following four reform groups and sincerely thanked the States Parties who had participated in their work. Task Force on the implementation of the ConventionChair: C. Cameron (Canada)Rapporteur: K. Keeffe (Australia)WHC-2000/CONF.2000/INF. 7 Working Group on the Representativity of the World Heritage ListChair: H.E. Ambassador Mr Olabiyi B.J. Yai (Benin)Rapporteur: H.E. Mr M. Peek (Australia)WHC-2000/CONF.2000/INF. 8 Working Group on Equitable Representation in the World Heritage CommitteeChair: H.E. Ambassador J. Musitelli (France)Rapporteur: ...
VII.14 The Committee approved the regional strategies presented in Annexes I, II, III and IV of Working Document WHC-2000/CONF.204/8. The budgetary implications are considered under item 13 of the Agenda (WHC-2000/CONF.204/15, Chapter IV of the budget).
VIII.44 The Committee recalled that in accordance with its request at its twenty-third session, IUCN and the World Heritage Centre planned and organised, in consultation with the International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME), a technical meeting which analysed case studies on World Heritage and mining. This meeting was held at the IUCN Headquarters (Gland, Switzerland) from 21 to 23 September 2000 and reviewed practical case studies from the following sites: Lorentz National Park, Indonesia; Huascaran National Park, Peru; Doñana National Park, Spain; Camp Caiman ...
VIII.1 The Committee reviewed document WHC-2000/CONF.204/9 describing state of conservation reports of eighteen natural and five cultural properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
VIII.2 The Committee was informed that in accordance with the recommendation it made at the last session, the Centre and IUCN had organised a workshop on the "Role of World Heritage Danger Listing in Promoting International Co-operation for the Conservation of World Natural Heritage" on 6 and 7 October 2000 in Amman, Jordan, at the time of IUCN's Second World Conservation Congress. As requested by the participants of that Workshop, the Committee noted the seven priority recommendations included in WHC-2000/CONF.204/9 and suggested that the Centre consider incorporating them as appropriate ...
VIII.3 Iguacu National Park (Brazil) The Committee noted that an oil spill that occurred 600 km from the site did not have any major impact on the site. The Committee recognised that the illegal opening and the use of the Colon Road is the most immediate threat to the site and learned that IBAMA has allocated the equivalent of US $560,000 to support action related to the closure of the road and to restore areas affected by road construction. The Committee was informed that the Brazilian participant at the workshop held in Amman, Jordan had informed the Centre and IUCN of other potential ...
VIII.4 Srebarna Nature Reserve (Bulgaria) The Committee was informed that the Minister of Environment and Water, by a letter dated 11 September 2000, has transmitted a state of conservation report to the Centre. The report reached the Centre only on 17 November 2000 and hence allowed only a preliminary desk-review by IUCN. The report describes changes in physical (e.g. water quality) and biodiversity indicators that show improvements in the state of conservation of the site. It outlines measures taken by the State Party to strengthen social, cultural and political support for the ...
VIII.5 Manovo-Gounda-St.Floris National Park (Central African Republic (CAR)) The Committee was informed that a representative of the State Party had presented a paper on the state of conservation of the site at the Amman Workshop held on 6 and 7 October 2000. He had confirmed that poaching, including by armed groups from neighbouring States, was widespread in the area and that an UNESCO/IUCN mission to the site to plan mitigation and rehabilitation measures would be welcome. The UNESCO National Commission of CAR had contacted the Centre and plans to field a mission were underway. The ...
VIII.6 World Heritage sites of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) The Committee noted detailed information on the state of conservation of the five sites in the DRC, i.e. Virunga, Garamba and Kahuzi Biega and Salonga National Parks and the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, reported from pages 2 to 5 of the document WHC-2000/CONF.204/9. Furthermore, the Committee noted the following additional information reported by the Centre: (1) In addition to the UNOMC, contacts have been established with members of a UN Panel conducting a Probe on Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources in DRC and ...