The National Park Ciénaga de Zapata and the Speleological-Lacustrine System
Permanent Delegation of Cuba to UNESCO
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The National Park Ciénaga de Zapata and the Speleological-Lacustrine System, located in the central South region of the island of Cuba, are part of the largest wetland in the Caribbean Islands. The two sites are internationally acknowledged as Reserve of the Biosphere and RAMSAR Sites for their high biodiversity and geo diversity values at global level.
The most relevant characteristics of these sites are:
- They include the largest, most diverse and exuberant mangrove ecosystems, marsh grasslands and lagoons on karst among the coastal islands ecosystems in the world.
- A large plateau of rocks and karst phenomena which sustains the largest and best preserved island wetland in the world.
- Highly unique coral reefs and associated ecosystems of an extreme beauty, considered significant in the region for their conservation conditions.
- Outstanding speleological-lacustrine system in Cuba, in the region and in the world, because of its insular nature, with complex hydrological conditions due to the presence of overlapping aquiferous systems or levels which create marked life zones.
- Is the largest speleological-lacustrine system in the Antilles 70 Km long and formed by an extended flooded cenote system which in turn constitute a unique karst landscape.
- The largest mangrove areas, with all the flower and physiognomies reported in the Caribbean islands.
- Largest natural and semi-natural forests in plains existing in the Caribbean islands.
- Place of outstanding bio-geographical interest for the concurrence of numerous taxa which mark significant bio-geographical relations not only in the Cuban archipelago, but also in the Caribbean region.
- Place of high concentration and diversity of migrant birds, outstanding both regionally and nationally, as the Ciénaga de Zapata is located in the migration route from the Mississippi.
- Presence of plants association and combinations that are unique and have not been much studied.
- Presence of rich and diverse sites, representing local endemism (Santo Tomás) and Cuban pan as well as numerous rare and endangered native species.
- Presence of primitive fern other related species and other charismatic groups, such as orchids, insectivorous plants, Bromeliaceous, palms, cactus as well as parasitic and hemi parasitic plants (Oviedo, 2004; com. pers.).
- Is an important area for the reproduction, spawning and development of species both terrestrial and/or marine highly valuable from the economic and conservation viewpoint.
- Hollows close to underground waters form lakes usually fresh in the surface and saline when deep.
- Significantly deep cenotes (underground water reservoirs), such as the Casimba (spring) XXXV Aniversario, which is 73 metres below sea level near Playa Girón, and the Casimba Ilona, 70 metres deep.
- System of dolinas (cenotes) and numerous casimbas or springs in an outstanding matrix of lapies (“dog tooth rocks”), of the flat karst type covered by woods.
Justification of Outstanding Universal Value
The National Park Ciénaga de Zapata (Category II-UICN) and the Speleological-Lacustrine (Category III- UICN) are, as a whole, the most important coastal wetland on karst among all the islands systems in the world. It is a unique site in the region and in the world because of its integrity and because of the degree of conservation of its natural values. It is a natural reservoir of an extremely high valuable biota, significantly outstanding at the national, regional and world levels. The natural and socio-economic characteristics of the territory turn this region into a priority area, bearing in mind the ecological uniqueness, vulnerability and fragility of its complex ecosystems, its value for science, the conservation of biodiversity and other natural, economic, and historic-cultural resources.
Criterion (viii): The Zapata Speleological-Lacustrine system’s most relevant characteristic is the karst related to large and small karst hollows in the bare rocks, with sharp walls which are permanently flooded. Collapsed karst elongated lacustrine dolinas are predominant, as well as the extended lapies, However, the most spectacular karst expression in the region are the flooded caves (cenotes), which also define the Speleological-Lacustrine system of Cavern System of Zapata.
Criterion (ix): In the site are found the most complex and important forestry ecosystems of wetland, in which semi- deciduous woods and sub-perennifolio (evergreen) woods interrelate with marsh woods and both inner and peripheral temporary lagoons as well as with habitats representing the maximum expression of xero-morphism in the wetland, each formation with its variants and eco-tones. It is, furthermore, one of the largest areas with more diversity of mangrove variants in the Cuban archipelago and in Latin America.
Criterion (x): A wide diversity of ecosystems are found in the site which are proof of the complex systems of bio- diversity ecosystems. Practically all of the 1350 species estimated in the Ciénaga de Zapata, are reported in the site, distributed in 155 botanical families, out of which 164 are endemic of Cuba (5 local and 47 rare or endangered species). The place includes two different phyto-geographic districts: Zapatensis (Western Cuba Peninsula Sector) and Jagua Jaguense (Centre-West Sector, Central Cuba sub-province), which means the area of the system hosts significantly rich flower variety and vegetable formations that include a group of endemic taxon of botanic and interest, and also phyto resources for conservation at world level. The area also hosts the largest diversity of birds in Cuba with a total of 258 species of birds, of which 130 breed in Cuba and 121 are included in the various categories of Nearctic Neo-tropical migratory birds that reach the site through the Atlantic Coast migratory corridor. The site is also outstanding for its largest Cuban wild crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) population with 86 per cent of the world population residing in the Ciénaga de Zapata as well as the habitat of the American crocodile (C. acutus).
Statements of authenticity and/or integrity
The site proposed, the National Park Ciénaga de Zapata-Outstanding Natural Element Speleological- Lacustrine System of the Ciénaga de Zapata, includes authentically natural areas, with a high level of integrity and a high degree of wildness authenticity, (there are places practically unexplored) which confer the site a high value for its conservation. Its limits contain intrinsic values of humid ecosystems, both from the viewpoint of vegetation, the flora and the fauna −terrestrial and marine−, with many species that are unique as endemic or because their distribution is restricted either locally or nationally.
In general, there is no management that could be incompatible with the conservation objectives and the natural character of the site’s ecosystems. The integrity and magnitude of its values turn the site into an important element within the most protected and diverse wetland in Cuba, in the Caribbean region and one of the most important in the world.
The site is currently legally protected by Decree 197/96 of the Plan Turquino Manatí, by virtue of which the Ciénaga de Zapata has been declared Special Sustainable Development Region, and by the Agreement of the Local Provincial Administrative Council dated on 17 February 1997 which declares the designation of Provincial System of Protected Areas.
Comparison with other similar properties
The site, which includes the National Park Ciénaga de Zapata and the Speleological-Lacustrine System, are protected areas, core of the large wetland Ciénaga de Zapata, inscribed in the List of Wetlands of International Significance by the Ramsar Convention and there are no other similar or comparable sites, either in size, complexity or degree of conservation.
Within the karst type wetlands which include underground hydrological coastal marine, designated as outstanding at the international level by the RAMSAR Convention, there is no other like this in the islands of the region. Among the Ramsar sites in islands, only Tonda in Papua New Guinea reaches an area similar to this. Among the World Heritage wetlands sites in islands, this one would be the largest and most important.
In the Caribbean basin there are two wetland sites (Everglades National Park, Florida, EE.UU, and Sian Ka`an, in the Yucatán peninsula, Mexico) are inscribed as World heritage sites, though both are in continental areas. This particular site can be compared and is similar to Sian Ka`an, however, even though the two karst accidents are similar in origin −both the one in the Zapata Peninsula and the one in the Yucatán Peninsula− (because of the existence of similar geological, geomorphological, hydrological and climate conditions) under the influence of glaciations, their respective physical characteristics are different as well as their genesis and current dynamics.