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The Ribeira Sacra, Lugo and Orense

Date of Submission: 16/07/1996
Criteria: (ii)(iii)(iv)(v)
Category: Cultural
Submitted by:
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Region de la Galice - Direction de la Culture et de la Jeunesse
State, Province or Region:
Provinces de Lugo et Orense
Coordinates: N42 19 40 W7 47 48
Ref.: 1228

The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to facilitate harmonization of Tentative Lists at regional and thematic levels.

The sole responsibility for the content of each Tentative List lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Tentative Lists does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the World Heritage Centre or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.

Property names are listed in the language in which they have been submitted by the State Party


La Ribeira Sacra est traversée par le cours moyen des fleuves Mino et Sil, à leur passage par les provinces de Lugo et d'Orense. Cette zone, très bien délimitée géographiquement, est réputée pour la richesse monumentale de toute la Ribeira: d'importants vestiges arquéologiques et architecturaux, parmi lesquels il convient de souligner un chapelet de monastères tels que San Esteban de Atan, Santa Cristina de Ribas de Sil, San Esteban de Chouzan et, le plus emblematique, San Esteban de Ribas de Sil.
