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Number of World Heritage properties in each State Party

* State Party having transboundary and/or serial transnational properties

ISO States Parties Region Properties inscribed
af Afghanistan Asia and the Pacific 2
al Albania* Europe and North America 4
dz Algeria Arab States 7
ad Andorra Europe and North America 1
ao Angola Africa 1
ag Antigua and Barbuda Latin America and the Caribbean 1
ar Argentina* Latin America and the Caribbean 12
am Armenia Europe and North America 3
au Australia Asia and the Pacific 20
at Austria* Europe and North America 12
az Azerbaijan* Europe and North America 5
bs Bahamas Latin America and the Caribbean 0
bh Bahrain Arab States 3
bd Bangladesh Asia and the Pacific 3
bb Barbados Latin America and the Caribbean 1
by Belarus* Europe and North America 4
be Belgium* Europe and North America 16
bz Belize Latin America and the Caribbean 1
bj Benin* Africa 3
bt Bhutan Asia and the Pacific 0
bo Bolivia (Plurinational State of)* Latin America and the Caribbean 7
ba Bosnia and Herzegovina* Europe and North America 5
bw Botswana Africa 2
br Brazil* Latin America and the Caribbean 24
bn Brunei Darussalam Asia and the Pacific 0
bg Bulgaria* Europe and North America 10
bf Burkina Faso* Africa 4
bi Burundi Africa 0
cv Cabo Verde Africa 1
kh Cambodia Asia and the Pacific 4
cm Cameroon* Africa 2
ca Canada* Europe and North America 22
cf Central African Republic* Africa 2
td Chad Africa 2
cl Chile* Latin America and the Caribbean 7
cn China* Asia and the Pacific 59
co Colombia* Latin America and the Caribbean 9
km Comoros Africa 0
cg Congo* Africa 2
ck Cook Islands Asia and the Pacific 0
cr Costa Rica* Latin America and the Caribbean 4
ci Côte d'Ivoire* Africa 5
hr Croatia* Europe and North America 10
cu Cuba Latin America and the Caribbean 9
cy Cyprus Europe and North America 3
cz Czechia* Europe and North America 17
kp Democratic People's Republic of Korea Asia and the Pacific 2
cd Democratic Republic of the Congo Africa 5
dk Denmark* Europe and North America 11
dj Djibouti Africa 0
dm Dominica Latin America and the Caribbean 1
do Dominican Republic Latin America and the Caribbean 1
ec Ecuador* Latin America and the Caribbean 5
eg Egypt Arab States 7
sv El Salvador Latin America and the Caribbean 1
gq Equatorial Guinea Africa 0
er Eritrea Africa 1
ee Estonia* Europe and North America 2
sz Eswatini Africa 0
et Ethiopia Africa 12
fj Fiji Asia and the Pacific 1
fi Finland* Europe and North America 7
fr France* Europe and North America 53
ga Gabon Africa 2
gm Gambia* Africa 2
ge Georgia Europe and North America 4
de Germany* Europe and North America 54
gh Ghana Africa 2
gr Greece Europe and North America 19
gd Grenada Latin America and the Caribbean 0
gt Guatemala Latin America and the Caribbean 4
gn Guinea* Africa 1
gw Guinea-Bissau Africa 0
gy Guyana Latin America and the Caribbean 0
ht Haiti Latin America and the Caribbean 1
va Holy See* Europe and North America 2
hn Honduras Latin America and the Caribbean 2
hu Hungary* Europe and North America 8
is Iceland Europe and North America 3
in India* Asia and the Pacific 43
id Indonesia Asia and the Pacific 10
ir Iran (Islamic Republic of)* Asia and the Pacific 28
iq Iraq Arab States 6
ie Ireland Europe and North America 2
il Israel Europe and North America 9
it Italy* Europe and North America 60
jm Jamaica Latin America and the Caribbean 1
jp Japan* Asia and the Pacific 26
jo Jordan Arab States 7
kz Kazakhstan* Asia and the Pacific 6
ke Kenya Africa 8
ki Kiribati Asia and the Pacific 1
kw Kuwait Arab States 0
kg Kyrgyzstan* Asia and the Pacific 3
la Lao People's Democratic Republic Asia and the Pacific 3
lv Latvia* Europe and North America 3
lb Lebanon Arab States 6
ls Lesotho* Africa 1
lr Liberia Africa 0
ly Libya Arab States 5
lt Lithuania* Europe and North America 5
lu Luxembourg Europe and North America 1
mg Madagascar Africa 3
mw Malawi Africa 2
my Malaysia Asia and the Pacific 5
mv Maldives Asia and the Pacific 0
ml Mali Africa 4
mt Malta Europe and North America 3
mh Marshall Islands Asia and the Pacific 1
mr Mauritania Arab States 2
mu Mauritius Africa 2
mx Mexico Latin America and the Caribbean 35
fm Micronesia (Federated States of) Asia and the Pacific 1
mc Monaco Europe and North America 0
mn Mongolia* Asia and the Pacific 6
me Montenegro* Europe and North America 4
ma Morocco Arab States 9
mz Mozambique Africa 1
mm Myanmar Asia and the Pacific 2
na Namibia Africa 2
nr Nauru Asia and the Pacific 0
np Nepal Asia and the Pacific 4
nl Netherlands (Kingdom of the)* Europe and North America 13
nz New Zealand Asia and the Pacific 3
ni Nicaragua Latin America and the Caribbean 2
ne Niger* Africa 3
ng Nigeria Africa 2
nu Niue Asia and the Pacific 0
mk North Macedonia* Europe and North America 2
no Norway* Europe and North America 8
om Oman Arab States 5
pk Pakistan Asia and the Pacific 6
pw Palau Asia and the Pacific 1
pa Panama* Latin America and the Caribbean 5
pg Papua New Guinea Asia and the Pacific 1
py Paraguay Latin America and the Caribbean 1
pe Peru* Latin America and the Caribbean 13
ph Philippines Asia and the Pacific 6
pl Poland* Europe and North America 17
pt Portugal* Europe and North America 17
qa Qatar Arab States 1
kr Republic of Korea Asia and the Pacific 16
md Republic of Moldova* Europe and North America 1
ro Romania* Europe and North America 11
ru Russian Federation* Europe and North America 32
rw Rwanda Africa 2
kn Saint Kitts and Nevis Latin America and the Caribbean 1
lc Saint Lucia Latin America and the Caribbean 1
vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Latin America and the Caribbean 0
ws Samoa Asia and the Pacific 0
sm San Marino Europe and North America 1
st Sao Tome and Principe Africa 0
sa Saudi Arabia Arab States 8
sn Senegal* Africa 7
rs Serbia* Europe and North America 5
sc Seychelles Africa 2
sl Sierra Leone Africa 0
sg Singapore Asia and the Pacific 1
sk Slovakia* Europe and North America 8
si Slovenia* Europe and North America 5
sb Solomon Islands Asia and the Pacific 1
so Somalia Africa 0
za South Africa* Africa 12
ss South Sudan Africa 0
es Spain* Europe and North America 50
lk Sri Lanka Asia and the Pacific 8
ps State of Palestine Arab States 5
sd Sudan Arab States 3
sr Suriname Latin America and the Caribbean 3
se Sweden* Europe and North America 15
ch Switzerland* Europe and North America 13
sy Syrian Arab Republic Arab States 6
tj Tajikistan* Asia and the Pacific 4
th Thailand Asia and the Pacific 8
tl Timor-Leste Asia and the Pacific 0
tg Togo* Africa 1
to Tonga Asia and the Pacific 0
tt Trinidad and Tobago Latin America and the Caribbean 0
tn Tunisia Arab States 9
tr Türkiye Europe and North America 21
tm Turkmenistan* Asia and the Pacific 5
tv Tuvalu Asia and the Pacific 0
ug Uganda Africa 3
ua Ukraine* Europe and North America 8
ae United Arab Emirates Arab States 1
gb United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland* Europe and North America 35
tz United Republic of Tanzania Africa 7
us United States of America* Europe and North America 26
uy Uruguay Latin America and the Caribbean 3
uz Uzbekistan* Asia and the Pacific 7
vu Vanuatu Asia and the Pacific 1
ve Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Latin America and the Caribbean 3
vn Viet Nam Asia and the Pacific 8
ye Yemen Arab States 5
zm Zambia* Africa 1
zw Zimbabwe* Africa 5

Transboundary and serial transnational properties

* Serial Transnational property
ISO States Parties Region Total countries Total properties Property names inscribed
al, at, ba, be, bg, ch, cz, de, es, fr, hr, it, mk, pl, ro, si, sk, ua Albania / Austria / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Czechia / France / Germany / Italy / North Macedonia / Poland / Romania / Slovakia / Slovenia / Spain / Switzerland / Ukraine Europe and North America 18 1 Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe*
al, mk Albania / North Macedonia Europe and North America 2 1 Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region*
ar, be, ch, de, fr, in, jp Argentina / Belgium / France / Germany / India / Japan / Switzerland Asia and the Pacific / Europe and North America / Latin America and the Caribbean 7 1 The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement*
ar, bo, cl, co, ec, pe Argentina / Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / Chile / Colombia / Ecuador / Peru Latin America and the Caribbean 6 1 Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System*
ar, br Argentina / Brazil Latin America and the Caribbean 2 1 Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Señora de Loreto and Santa Maria Mayor (Argentina), Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil)*
at, be, cz, de, fr, gb, it Austria / Belgium / Czechia / France / Germany / Italy / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Europe and North America 7 1 The Great Spa Towns of Europe*
at, ch, de, fr, it, si Austria / France / Germany / Italy / Slovenia / Switzerland Europe and North America 6 1 Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps*
at, de, sk Austria / Germany / Slovakia Europe and North America 3 1 Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Western Segment)*
at, hu Austria / Hungary Europe and North America 2 1 Fertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape
az, ir Azerbaijan / Iran (Islamic Republic of) Asia and the Pacific / Europe and North America 2 1 Hyrcanian Forests*
by, ee, fi, lt, lv, md, no, ru, se, ua Belarus / Estonia / Finland / Latvia / Lithuania / Norway / Republic of Moldova / Russian Federation / Sweden / Ukraine Europe and North America 10 1 Struve Geodetic Arc*
by, pl Belarus / Poland Europe and North America 2 1 Białowieża Forest*
be, fr Belgium / France Europe and North America 2 2 Belfries of Belgium and France*
Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front)*
be, nl Belgium / Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Europe and North America 2 1 Colonies of Benevolence*
bf, bj, ne Benin / Burkina Faso / Niger Africa 3 1 W-Arly-Pendjari Complex
bj, tg Benin / Togo Africa 2 1 Koutammakou, the Land of the Batammariba
ba, hr, me, rs Bosnia and Herzegovina / Croatia / Montenegro / Serbia Europe and North America 4 1 Stećci Medieval Tombstone Graveyards*
cf, cg, cm Cameroon / Central African Republic / Congo Africa 3 1 Sangha Trinational*
ca, us Canada / United States of America Europe and North America 2 2 Kluane / Wrangell-St. Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
cn, kg, kz China / Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan Asia and the Pacific 3 1 Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor*
cr, pa Costa Rica / Panama Latin America and the Caribbean 2 1 Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park
ci, gn Côte d'Ivoire / Guinea Africa 2 1 Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve
hr, it, me Croatia / Italy / Montenegro Europe and North America 3 1 Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar*
cz, de Czechia / Germany Europe and North America 2 1 Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region*
de, dk, nl Denmark / Germany / Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Europe and North America 3 1 Wadden Sea*
de, dk, gb, us Denmark / Germany / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / United States of America Europe and North America 4 1 Moravian Church Settlements*
fi, se Finland / Sweden Europe and North America 2 1 High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago*
es, fr France / Spain Europe and North America 2 1 Pyrénées - Mont Perdu
gm, sn Gambia / Senegal Africa 2 1 Stone Circles of Senegambia*
de, nl Germany / Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Europe and North America 2 1 Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Lower German Limes*
de, pl Germany / Poland Europe and North America 2 1 Muskauer Park / Park Mużakowski
de, gb Germany / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Europe and North America 2 1 Frontiers of the Roman Empire*
it, va Holy See / Italy Europe and North America 2 1 Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura*
hu, sk Hungary / Slovakia Europe and North America 2 1 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst*
ch, it Italy / Switzerland Europe and North America 2 2 Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes
Monte San Giorgio
kg, kz, uz Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Uzbekistan Asia and the Pacific 3 1 Western Tien-Shan*
kz, tm, uz Kazakhstan / Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan Asia and the Pacific 3 1 Cold Winter Deserts of Turan*
ls, za Lesotho / South Africa Africa 2 1 Maloti-Drakensberg Park
lt, ru Lithuania / Russian Federation Europe and North America 2 1 Curonian Spit
mn, ru Mongolia / Russian Federation Asia and the Pacific / Europe and North America 2 2 Uvs Nuur Basin*
Landscapes of Dauria*
pl, ua Poland / Ukraine Europe and North America 2 1 Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine*
es, pt Portugal / Spain Europe and North America 2 1 Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde*
es, si Slovenia / Spain Europe and North America 2 1 Heritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija*
tj, tm, uz Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan Asia and the Pacific 3 1 Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor*
zm, zw Zambia / Zimbabwe Africa 2 1 Mosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls

States Parties with no properties inscribed on the World Heritage List (28)

ISO States Parties Regions Properties inscribed
bs Bahamas Latin America and the Caribbean 0
bt Bhutan Asia and the Pacific 0
bn Brunei Darussalam Asia and the Pacific 0
bi Burundi Africa 0
km Comoros Africa 0
ck Cook Islands Asia and the Pacific 0
dj Djibouti Africa 0
gq Equatorial Guinea Africa 0
sz Eswatini Africa 0
gd Grenada Latin America and the Caribbean 0
gw Guinea-Bissau Africa 0
gy Guyana Latin America and the Caribbean 0
kw Kuwait Arab States 0
lr Liberia Africa 0
mv Maldives Asia and the Pacific 0
mc Monaco Europe and North America 0
nr Nauru Asia and the Pacific 0
nu Niue Asia and the Pacific 0
vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Latin America and the Caribbean 0
ws Samoa Asia and the Pacific 0
st Sao Tome and Principe Africa 0
sl Sierra Leone Africa 0
so Somalia Africa 0
ss South Sudan Africa 0
tl Timor-Leste Asia and the Pacific 0
to Tonga Asia and the Pacific 0
tt Trinidad and Tobago Latin America and the Caribbean 0
tv Tuvalu Asia and the Pacific 0

Total number of States Parties that have ratified the World Heritage Convention, by Year

Year Total of States Parties Total of States Parties to ratify the World Heritage Convention each Year
1973 1 1
1974 10 9
1975 20 10
1976 26 6
1977 34 8
1978 42 8
1979 48 6
1980 55 7
1981 60 5
1982 69 9
1983 77 8
1984 82 5
1985 87 5
1986 90 3
1987 98 8
1988 105 7
1989 108 3
1990 113 5
1991 121 8
1992 130 9
1993 136 6
1994 139 3
1995 145 6
1996 146 1
1997 151 5
1998 155 4
1999 157 2
2000 161 4
2001 167 6
2002 175 8
2003 177 2
2004 178 1
2005 181 3
2006 184 3
2007 185 1
2008 185 0
2009 186 1
2010 187 1
2011 189 2
2012 190 1
2013 190 0
2014 191 1
2015 191 0
2016 193 2
2017 193 0
2018 193 0
2019 193 0
2020 194 1
2021 194 0
2022 194 0
2023 195 1
2024 196 1

States Parties and mandates to the Committee

ISO States Parties Accession to the Convention Type of instrument Electoral group Mandates to the World Heritage Committee Total of years Total of Mandates
af Afghanistan 20/03/1979 R 4 0
al Albania 10/07/1989 R 2 0
dz Algeria 24/06/1974 R 5b 1978 - 1980; 1983 - 1989; 2011 - 2015; 12 3
ad Andorra 03/01/1997 Ac 1 0
ao Angola 07/11/1991 R 5a 2015 - 2019; 4 1
ag Antigua and Barbuda 01/11/1983 Ac 3 0
ar Argentina 23/08/1978 Ac 3 1978 - 1985; 2001 - 2005; 2021 - 2025; 15 3
am Armenia 05/09/1993 S 2 0
au Australia 22/08/1974 R 4 1976 - 1983; 1983 - 1989; 1995 - 2001; 2007 - 2011; 2017 - 2021; 27 5
at Austria 18/12/1992 R 1 0
az Azerbaijan 16/12/1993 R 2 2015 - 2019; 4 1
bs Bahamas 15/05/2014 R 3 0
bh Bahrain 28/05/1991 R 5b 2007 - 2011; 2017 - 2021; 8 2
bd Bangladesh 03/08/1983 Ac 4 0
bb Barbados 09/04/2002 Ac 3 2007 - 2011; 4 1
by Belarus 12/10/1988 R 2 0
be Belgium 24/07/1996 R 1 1999 - 2003; 2021 - 2025; 8 2
bz Belize 06/11/1990 R 3 0
bj Benin 14/06/1982 R 5a 1995 - 2001; 2003 - 2007; 10 2
bt Bhutan 22/10/2001 R 4 0
bo Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 04/10/1976 R 3 0
ba Bosnia and Herzegovina 12/07/1993 S 2 2017 - 2021; 4 1
bw Botswana 23/11/1998 Ac 5a 0
br Brazil 01/09/1977 Ac 3 1980 - 1987; 1987 - 1993; 1993 - 1999; 2007 - 2011; 2017 - 2021; 27 5
bn Brunei Darussalam 12/08/2011 R 4 0
bg Bulgaria 07/03/1974 Ac 2 1978 - 1983; 1985 - 1991; 2021 - 2025; 15 3
bf Burkina Faso 02/04/1987 R 5a 2015 - 2019; 4 1
bi Burundi 19/05/1982 R 5a 0
cv Cabo Verde 2 28/04/1988 Ac 5a 0
kh Cambodia 28/11/1991 Ac 4 2009 - 2013; 4 1
cm Cameroon 07/12/1982 R 5a 0
ca Canada 23/07/1976 Ac 1 1976 - 1978; 1985 - 1991; 1995 - 2001; 2005 - 2009; 18 4
cf Central African Republic 22/12/1980 R 5a 0
td Chad 23/06/1999 R 5a 0
cl Chile 20/02/1980 R 3 2003 - 2007; 4 1
cn China 12/12/1985 R 4 1991 - 1997; 1999 - 2005; 2007 - 2011; 2017 - 2021; 20 4
co Colombia 24/05/1983 Ac 3 1989 - 1995; 1999 - 2005; 2011 - 2015; 16 3
km Comoros 27/09/2000 R 5a 0
cg Congo 10/12/1987 R 5a 0
ck Cook Islands 16/01/2009 R 4 0
cr Costa Rica 23/08/1977 R 3 0
ci Côte d'Ivoire 09/01/1981 R 5a 0
hr Croatia 06/07/1992 S 2 2013 - 2017; 4 1
cu Cuba 24/03/1981 R 3 1987 - 1993; 1995 - 2001; 2005 - 2009; 2015 - 2019; 20 4
cy Cyprus 14/08/1975 Ac 1 1980 - 1987; 1991 - 1997; 13 2
cz Czechia 3 26/03/1993 S 2 0
kp Democratic People's Republic of Korea 21/07/1998 Ac 4 0
cd Democratic Republic of the Congo 23/09/1974 R 5a 1980 - 1987; 7 1
dk Denmark 25/07/1979 R 1 0
dj Djibouti 30/08/2007 R 5a 0
dm Dominica 04/04/1995 R 3 0
do Dominican Republic 12/02/1985 R 3 0
ec Ecuador 16/06/1975 Ac 3 1976 - 1980; 1995 - 2001; 10 2
eg Egypt 07/02/1974 R 5b 1976 - 1983; 1991 - 1997; 1999 - 2005; 2007 - 2011; 2019 - 2023; 27 5
sv El Salvador 08/10/1991 Ac 3 0
gq Equatorial Guinea 10/03/2010 R 5a 0
er Eritrea 24/10/2001 Ac 5a 0
ee Estonia 27/10/1995 R 2 2009 - 2013; 4 1
sz Eswatini 4 30/11/2005 R 5a 0
et Ethiopia 06/07/1977 R 5a 2009 - 2013; 2019 - 2023; 8 2
fj Fiji 21/11/1990 R 4 0
fi Finland 04/03/1987 R 1 1997 - 2003; 2013 - 2017; 10 2
fr France 27/06/1975 Ac 1 1976 - 1978; 1978 - 1985; 1987 - 1993; 1993 - 1999; 2009 - 2013; 25 5
ga Gabon 30/12/1986 R 5a 0
gm Gambia 01/07/1987 R 5a 0
ge Georgia 04/11/1992 S 2 0
de Germany 5 23/08/1976 R 1 1976 - 1978; 1980 - 1987; 1991 - 1997; 2011 - 2015; 19 4
gh Ghana 04/07/1975 R 5a 1976 - 1980; 4 1
gr Greece 17/07/1981 R 1 1985 - 1991; 1997 - 2003; 2021 - 2025; 16 3
gd Grenada 13/08/1998 Ac 3 0
gt Guatemala 16/01/1979 R 3 2017 - 2021; 4 1
gn Guinea 18/03/1979 R 5a 1980 - 1987; 7 1
gw Guinea-Bissau 28/01/2006 R 5a 0
gy Guyana 20/06/1977 Ac 3 0
ht Haiti 18/01/1980 R 3 0
va Holy See 07/10/1982 A 0
hn Honduras 08/06/1979 R 3 0
hu Hungary 15/07/1985 Ac 2 1997 - 2003; 2017 - 2021; 10 2
is Iceland 19/12/1995 R 1 0
in India 14/11/1977 R 4 1985 - 1991; 2001 - 2007; 2011 - 2015; 2021 - 2025; 20 4
id Indonesia 06/07/1989 Ac 4 1989 - 1995; 2015 - 2019; 10 2
ir Iran (Islamic Republic of) 26/02/1975 Ac 4 1976 - 1980; 4 1
iq Iraq 05/03/1974 Ac 5b 1976 - 1983; 2009 - 2013; 11 2
ie Ireland 16/09/1991 R 1 0
il Israel 06/10/1999 Ac 1 2005 - 2009; 4 1
it Italy 23/06/1978 R 1 1978 - 1985; 1987 - 1993; 1993 - 1999; 1999 - 2001; 2021 - 2025; 25 5
jm Jamaica 14/06/1983 Ac 3 2013 - 2017; 2023 - 2027; 8 2
jp Japan 30/06/1992 Ac 4 1993 - 1999; 2003 - 2007; 2011 - 2015; 2021 - 2025; 18 4
jo Jordan 05/05/1975 R 5b 1980 - 1987; 2007 - 2011; 11 2
kz Kazakhstan 29/04/1994 Ac 4 2013 - 2017; 2023 - 2027; 8 2
ke Kenya 05/06/1991 Ac 5a 2005 - 2009; 2023 - 2027; 8 2
ki Kiribati 12/05/2000 Ac 4 0
kw Kuwait 06/06/2002 R 5b 2003 - 2007; 2015 - 2019; 8 2
kg Kyrgyzstan 03/07/1995 Ac 4 2017 - 2021; 4 1
la Lao People's Democratic Republic 20/03/1987 R 4 0
lv Latvia 10/01/1995 Ac 2 0
lb Lebanon 03/02/1983 R 5b 1983 - 1989; 1993 - 1999; 2001 - 2005; 2013 - 2017; 2023 - 2027; 24 5
ls Lesotho 25/11/2003 Ac 5a 0
lr Liberia 28/03/2002 Ac 5a 0
ly Libya 6 13/10/1978 R 5b 1980 - 1987; 7 1
lt Lithuania 31/03/1992 Ac 2 2003 - 2007; 4 1
lu Luxembourg 28/09/1983 R 1 0
mg Madagascar 19/07/1983 R 5a 2005 - 2009; 4 1
mw Malawi 05/01/1982 R 5a 1983 - 1989; 6 1
my Malaysia 07/12/1988 R 4 2011 - 2015; 4 1
mv Maldives 22/05/1986 Ac 4 0
ml Mali 05/04/1977 Ac 5a 2009 - 2013; 2019 - 2023; 8 2
mt Malta 14/11/1978 Ac 1 1995 - 2001; 6 1
mh Marshall Islands 24/04/2002 Ac 4 0
mr Mauritania 02/03/1981 R 5b 0
mu Mauritius 19/09/1995 R 5a 2005 - 2009; 4 1
mx Mexico 23/02/1984 Ac 3 1985 - 1991; 1991 - 1997; 1997 - 2003; 2009 - 2013; 2021 - 2025; 26 5
fm Micronesia (Federated States of) 22/07/2002 Ac 4 0
mc Monaco 07/11/1978 R 1 0
mn Mongolia 02/02/1990 Ac 4 0
me Montenegro 03/06/2006 S 2 0
ma Morocco 28/10/1975 R 5b 1995 - 2001; 2005 - 2009; 10 2
mz Mozambique 27/11/1982 R 5a 0
mm Myanmar 29/04/1994 Ac 4 0
na Namibia 06/04/2000 Ac 5a 0
nr Nauru 22/07/2024 R 4 0
np Nepal 20/06/1978 Ac 4 1978 - 1983; 5 1
nl Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 7 26/08/1992 Ac 1 2003 - 2007; 4 1
nz New Zealand 22/11/1984 R 4 2003 - 2007; 4 1
ni Nicaragua 17/12/1979 Ac 3 0
ne Niger 23/12/1974 Ac 5a 1993 - 1999; 6 1
ng Nigeria 23/10/1974 R 5a 1976 - 1980; 2001 - 2005; 2007 - 2011; 2019 - 2023; 16 4
nu Niue 23/01/2001 Ac 4 0
mk North Macedonia 8 30/04/1997 S 2 0
no Norway 12/05/1977 R 1 1983 - 1989; 2003 - 2007; 2017 - 2021; 14 3
om Oman 06/10/1981 Ac 5b 1989 - 1995; 2001 - 2005; 2019 - 2023; 14 3
pk Pakistan 23/07/1976 R 4 1978 - 1985; 1987 - 1993; 13 2
pw Palau 11/06/2002 Ac 4 0
pa Panama 03/03/1978 R 3 1978 - 1985; 7 1
pg Papua New Guinea 28/07/1997 Ac 4 0
py Paraguay 27/04/1988 R 3 0
pe Peru 24/02/1982 R 3 1989 - 1995; 2005 - 2009; 2013 - 2017; 14 3
ph Philippines 19/09/1985 R 4 1991 - 1997; 2013 - 2017; 10 2
pl Poland 29/06/1976 R 2 1976 - 1978; 2013 - 2017; 6 2
pt Portugal 30/09/1980 R 1 1999 - 2005; 2013 - 2017; 10 2
qa Qatar 12/09/1984 Ac 5b 2011 - 2015; 2021 - 2025; 8 2
kr Republic of Korea 14/09/1988 Ac 4 1997 - 2003; 2005 - 2009; 2013 - 2017; 2023 - 2027; 18 4
md Republic of Moldova 23/09/2002 R 2 0
ro Romania 16/05/1990 Ac 2 0
ru Russian Federation 9 12/10/1988 R 2 2001 - 2005; 2009 - 2013; 2019 - 2023; 12 3
rw Rwanda 28/12/2000 Ac 5a 2021 - 2025; 4 1
kn Saint Kitts and Nevis 10/07/1986 Ac 3 2017 - 2021; 4 1
lc Saint Lucia 14/10/1991 R 3 2001 - 2005; 4 1
vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 03/02/2003 R 3 2021 - 2025; 4 1
ws Samoa 28/08/2001 Ac 4 0
sm San Marino 18/10/1991 R 1 0
st Sao Tome and Principe 25/07/2006 R 5a 0
sa Saudi Arabia 07/08/1978 Ac 5b 2019 - 2023; 4 1
sn Senegal 13/02/1976 R 5a 1976 - 1978; 1978 - 1985; 1989 - 1995; 2011 - 2015; 2023 - 2027; 23 5
rs Serbia 11/09/2001 S 2 2011 - 2015; 4 1
sc Seychelles 09/04/1980 Ac 5a 0
sl Sierra Leone 07/01/2005 R 5a 0
sg Singapore 19/06/2012 R 4 0
sk Slovakia 31/03/1993 S 2 0
si Slovenia 05/11/1992 S 2 0
sb Solomon Islands 10/06/1992 A 4 0
so Somalia 23/07/2020 R 5a 0
za South Africa 10/07/1997 R 5a 1999 - 2005; 2009 - 2013; 2019 - 2023; 14 3
ss South Sudan 09/03/2016 R 5a 0
es Spain 04/05/1982 Ac 1 1991 - 1997; 2005 - 2009; 2017 - 2021; 14 3
lk Sri Lanka 06/06/1980 Ac 4 1983 - 1989; 6 1
ps State of Palestine 08/12/2011 R 5b 0
sd Sudan 06/06/1974 R 5b 1978 - 1980; 2 1
sr Suriname 23/10/1997 Ac 3 0
se Sweden 22/01/1985 R 1 2007 - 2011; 4 1
ch Switzerland 17/09/1975 R 1 1978 - 1985; 2009 - 2013; 11 2
sy Syrian Arab Republic 13/08/1975 Ac 5b 1989 - 1995; 6 1
tj Tajikistan 28/08/1992 S 2 0
th Thailand 17/09/1987 Ac 4 1989 - 1995; 1997 - 2003; 2009 - 2013; 2019 - 2023; 20 4
tl Timor-Leste 31/10/2016 R 4 0
tg Togo 15/04/1998 Ac 5a 0
to Tonga 30/04/2004 Ac 4 0
tt Trinidad and Tobago 16/02/2005 R 3 0
tn Tunisia 10/03/1975 R 5b 1976 - 1983; 1987 - 1993; 2005 - 2009; 2015 - 2019; 21 4
tr Türkiye 10 16/03/1983 R 1 1983 - 1989; 2013 - 2017; 2023 - 2027; 14 3
tm Turkmenistan 30/09/1994 S 4 0
tv Tuvalu 18/05/2023 R 4 0
ug Uganda 20/11/1987 Ac 5a 2017 - 2021; 4 1
ua Ukraine 12/10/1988 R 2 2023 - 2027; 4 1
ae United Arab Emirates 11/05/2001 A 5b 2009 - 2013; 4 1
gb United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 29/05/1984 R 1 2001 - 2005; 4 1
tz United Republic of Tanzania 02/08/1977 R 5a 1985 - 1991; 2015 - 2019; 10 2
us United States of America 07/12/1973 R 1 1976 - 1983; 1987 - 1993; 1993 - 1999; 2005 - 2009; 23 4
uy Uruguay 09/03/1989 Ac 3 0
uz Uzbekistan 13/01/1993 S 2 0
vu Vanuatu 13/06/2002 R 4 0
ve Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 30/10/1990 Ac 3 0
vn Viet Nam 19/10/1987 Ac 4 2013 - 2017; 2023 - 2027; 8 2
ye Yemen 11 07/10/1980 R 5b 1985 - 1991; 6 1
zm Zambia 04/06/1984 R 5a 2021 - 2025; 4 1
zw Zimbabwe 16/08/1982 R 5a 1997 - 2003; 2015 - 2019; 10 2

The symbol ** designates those States for whom, in accordance with Article 33, the Convention has not yet entered into force.

  1. This Convention entered into force on 17 December 1975. It subsequently entered into force for each State three months after the date of deposit of that State's instrument, except in cases of declarations of succession (indicated by the letter (S)), where the entry into force occurred on the date on which the State assumed responsibility for conducting its international relations.
  2. 25 Octobre 2013, change of country name
  3. Effective date for the short official name: 17 May 2016; Pronunciation: "CHECK-iya"
  4. Further to the communication dated 30 May 2018 from the permanent mission addressed to the Protocol and Liaison Service, the country name was changed from the former name of the Kingdom of Swaziland (former short form: Swaziland). Effective date: 19 April 2018.
  5. Through the accession of the German Democratic Republic to the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, with effect from 3 October 1990, the two German States have united to form one Sovereign State. The Contracting Parties to the Unification Treaty "have agreed that the treaties and agreements to which the Federal Republic of Germany is a contracting party ... remain in force and that their respective rights and obligations ... be applied" to the whole territory of Germany. The German Democratic Republic acceeded to this Convention on 12 December 1988.

  6. On 16 September 2011, the National Transitional Council requested, via the Protocol and Liaison Service, that the form "Libya", previously not in use at the UN, replace both the earlier official and short forms (respectively, the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (the)).
  7. With an extension to Curaçao.

  8. Further to the communication dated 14 February 2019 from the permanent mission addressed to the Protocol and Liaison Service in line with the Final Agreement for the Settlement of the Differences as Described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the Termination of the Interim Accord of 1995, and the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Parties. Effective date: 14 February 2019.
  9. The instrument of ratification was deposited by the U.S.S.R., on 12 October 1988.

  10. Further to the communication dated 31 May 2022 from the permanent mission addressed to the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, the country name was changed from the former name of the Republic of Turkey (former short form: Turkey), with immediate effect.
  11. The unification of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen into a single Sovereign State, the Republic of Yemen, was proclaimed on 22 May 1990.
