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Year Category Title
1989 Decision 13COM XV.44-46
Nominations to the World Heritage List and to the List of World Heritage in Danger: Overview
1995 Decision 19COM VIIIC.1
Inscription: Schokland and its surroundings (Netherlands)
1996 Decision 20COM VIIIC
Inscription: The Defence Line of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
1997 Decision 21COM VIIIC
Inscription: The Mill Network at Kinderdijk-Elshout (Netherlands)
1997 Decision 21COM VIIIC
Inscription: The Historic Area of Willemstad, Inner City and Harbour (Netherlands)
1998 Decision 22COM VIIIB.1
Inscription: Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal (D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station) (The Netherlands)
1999 Decision 23COM VIIIC.1
Droogmakerij de Beemster (Beemster Polder) (Netherlands)
2000 Decision 24COM XC.1
Rietveld Schröderhuis (Rietveld Schröder House) (Netherlands)
2003 Decision 14GA 9
Elections to the World Heritage Committee
2005 Periodic Reporting Periodic Reporting Cycle 1, Section I (Summary)
2009 Decision 33COM 8B.4
Natural properties - New Nominations - The Wadden Sea (Germany, Netherlands)
2010 Decision 34COM 8B.30
Cultural Properties - Seventeenth-century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht (Netherlands)
2010 Decision 34COM 8D
Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties in response to the Retrospective Inventory
2011 Decision 35COM 7B.100
Seventeenth-century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht (Netherlands) (C 1349)
2011 Decision 35COM 8B.3
Changes to Names of Properties Inscribed on the World Heritage List - Historic Area of Willemstad, Inner City and Harbour, Curaçao
2011 Decision 35COM 8B.47
Natural Properties - Examination of minor boundary modifications - The Wadden Sea (Germany / Netherlands)
2013 Decision 37COM 8E
Adoption of retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value
2013 Decision 37COM 8B.36
Teylers, Haarlem (Netherlands)
2013 Periodic Reporting Periodic Reporting Cycle 2, Section I
2014 Decision 38COM 8B.13
Wadden Sea (Denmark/Germany/ Netherlands)
2014 Decision 38COM 8B.35
Van Nellefabriek (Netherlands)
2015 Decision 39COM 7B.81
Van Nellefabriek (Netherlands) (C 1441)
2015 Decision 39COM 8D
Clarifications of Property Boundaries and Areas by States Parties in response to the Retrospective Inventory
2017 Decision 41COM 8B.46
Defence Line of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
2018 Decision 42COM 5A
Report of the World Heritage Centre on its activities and the implementation of the World Heritage Committee’s decisions
2018 Decision 42COM 7
State of Conservation of World Heritage Properties
2018 Decision 42COM 8B.25
Colonies of Benevolence (Belgium, Netherlands)
2018 Decision 42COM 8D
Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties
2021 Decision 44COM 8B.23
Dutch Water Defence Lines (Netherlands)
2021 Decision 44COM 8B.25
Colonies of Benevolence (Belgium, Netherlands)
2021 Decision 44COM 8B.40
Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Lower German Limes, (Germany, the Netherlands)
2023 Decision 45COM 7B.192
Dutch Water Defence Lines (Netherlands) (C 759bis)
2023 Decision 45COM 7B.23
Wadden Sea (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands) (N 1314ter)
2023 Decision 45COM 8B.76
Statements of Outstanding Universal Value of properties inscribed at previous sessions and not adopted by the World Heritage Committee
2023 Decision 45COM 8B.69
Minor boundary modifications - Colonies of Benevolence, Belgium and Netherlands
2023 Decision 45COM 8B.44
Eisinga Planetarium in Franeker (Netherlands)
2024 Periodic Reporting Periodic Reporting Cycle 3, Section I
2024 Decision 46COM 7B.51
Wadden Sea (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands) (N 1314ter)