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The Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape is situated in the physiographic region known as the lowveld in an ancient valley that includes the confluence of the Shashe and Limpopo Rivers. These rivers drain an extensive area and form the international border between South Africa in the south, Botswana in the North West and Zimbabwe in the north east.  The area described below ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.91076 Date 05/2010
Toutswemogala Hill lies 6.5 km West of the North-South Highway in the Central District of Botswana. It is situated about 50 km north of the village of palapye. Toutswemogala is an elongated flat-topped hill rising about 50 meters above the surrounding flat mopane veld. It is an Iron Age settlement, which has been occupied on two different occasions. The radio-carbon ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.684743 Date 07/1999
Rock art, whether painted or engraved, serves as windows into the past, offering us insights into the lives of people who lived within specific landscapes. Research over many decades has taught us that these paintings and engravings were not simply for decorative purposes. Rather, these images were representations of spiritually important experiences (Lewis-Williams 1981; ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.4842176 Date 01/2024
Rock art, whether painted or engraved, serves as windows into the past, offering us insights into the lives of people who lived within specific landscapes. Research over many decades has taught us that these paintings and engravings were not simply for decorative purposes. Rather, these images were representations of spiritually important experiences (Lewis-Williams 1981; ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.4842176 Date 01/2024
Rock art, whether painted or engraved, serves as windows into the past, offering us insights into the lives of people who lived within specific landscapes. Research over many decades has taught us that these paintings and engravings were not simply for decorative purposes. Rather, these images were representations of spiritually important experiences (Lewis-Williams 1981; ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.4842176 Date 02/2024
The Original Fourah Bay College building is located in the east end of Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. Fourah Bay College opened in 1827 as the first institution of higher learning in modern sub-Saharan Africa after the collapse of the one at Timbuktu. Until the Second War Fourah Bay College offered the only alternative to Europe and America for British colony West ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.42966 Date 01/2012
The Naletale Cluster of Dzimbabwes is located in the south-central parts of Zimbabwe approximately 90 kilometers south of the City of Gweru. This cluster consists of multiple drystone walled sites which functioned as settlement centres between the 16th and 18th centuries. Research has shown that the Naletale Cluster of Dzimbabwes was part of a network of similar sites ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.1630764 Date 11/2018
Nigeria's largest and most diverse National Park is set amidst spectacular scenery with Nigeriats highest peaks, Chappal Wadi (the "Mountain of Death") at 2,400 metres and Chappal Hendu ("Mountain of Wind") at 2,030 metres. The vegetation consists of an intricate patchwork of guinea savannah, gallery forest, montane forest and montane grassland. Traditional lore serves to ...
Tentative Lists Score 6.1438828 Date 01/1995
Recent excavations of Dmanisi have revealed an extraordinary record of the earliest hominid dispersal beyond Africa (1,75 million years ago). Several hominid individuals along with abundant well-preserved remains of fossil animals and stone artefacts have been found. The Dmanisi specimens are the most primitive and small-brained humans found outside of Africa to be ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.8307076 Date 10/2007
Along the mystic Vumba Mountain Range in Central Mozambique, a sacred Hill denominated Chinhamapere stands as one of the prominent features of the landscape. The site comprises the best-known hunter-gatherer rock art paintings (comprising several human figures, some holding bows and arrows and others in trance) tucked into a sacred forest and a set of living Shona rituals ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.7936516 Date 08/2008
Azraq is located in the eastern desert within Zarqa governorate. It has an area of 701;m2. Azraq Wetland Reserve was established in 1978. with an area of 12kmz. Azraq has a unique wetland located in the heart of the arid Jordanian desert. It contains several pools, a seasonally flooded marshland, and a large mudflat. A wide variety of birds visit the reserve each year, ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.66382 Date 11/2007
Mount Elgon is an extinct volcano. It is one of East Africa’s oldest physical features, first erupting around 24 million years ago. It was once Africa’s highest mountain, far exceeding Kilimanjaro’s current 5,895 metres. Millennia of erosion have reduced its height to 4,321 metres, relegating it to the 4th highest peak in East Africa and 8th in Africa. Mount Elgon is home ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.633241 Date 01/2024
The Quirimbas Archipelago, a cultural and natural heritage in northern Mozambique, consists of 31 islands stretching south from Cape Delgado for approximately 200 miles. These islands, running along the coast, are partly linked to the coast by sand bars, coral reefs, mangroves and water rich in marine life. Of special interest are the Islands of Ibo, and to a less extent, ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.6262307 Date 08/2008
The Chirundu Fossil Forest National Monument site contains fossilised or petrified tree trunks of the Karoo age. It is situated in customary land of Chief Sikoongo of the Gwembe District in the Southern Province of Zambia and is 21 kilometres from the Chirundu border which forms a boundary with Zimbabwe. The site has superb fossilised tree trunks measuring up to 1.2m in ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.6262307 Date 10/2009
The Sān are considered to be the first inhabitants of southern Africa comprising present-day Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. The prehistoric Sān population was comprised exclusively of hunter-gatherers before the immigration of many different Bantu peoples several thousands of years ago that introduced domesticated animals and ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.597788 Date 03/2016
The site: Maputo National Park (MNP) is located on the south-eastern coast of Maputo Province in the Matutuíne District of southern Mozambique. The MNP was established on 31 December 2021, consolidating the existing Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve and the Maputo Special Reserve. The MNP is being put forward for inclusion on the Tentative List as an extension to the ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.314108 Date 03/2022
Serial nomination including: Blombos (BBC), Border Cave (BC), Diepkloof (DKF), Klasies River (KR), Pinnacle Point (PP), Sibudu Cave (SC) and comparable sites relating to the emergence of modern humans.Homo sapiens, ancestors of all modern people, emerged about 200 000 years ago. Debates around the origin of these anatomically modern humans and the modernity of their ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.219018 Date 04/2015
Tendaguru Palaeontological Site (TPS) is a world-famous palaeontological property situated almost 60 kilometres from the Indian Ocean over a hill elevated at about 310 metres above sea level in Lindi District, Lindi Region. In 1908, a mining engineer from Germany, Bernard Wilhelm Sattler, serendipitously discovered the Tendaguru dinosaur locality while exploring ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.2092066 Date 04/2022
Until, not even 150 years ago, millions of Africans had to bear a cruel fate. They were captured by slave hunters, chained together and forced to walk some times hundred of kilometers to be sold for example to planters who used them as cheap labour in their fields. Central and East Africa was one of the main areas where the slave hunters and traders, most of them Arabs ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.1532974 Date 02/2006
On 20 September 2016, the Government of Liberia passed a Bill officially designating 88,000 hectares of Liberia's rainforest as the Gola Forest National Park. It also passed the National Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas Management Act. This is the result of over six years of work of the conservation partnership between the government of Liberia, the Society for ...
Tentative Lists Score 5.1018343 Date 01/2023