2012-2013 World Heritage Map Available
Friday, 30 November 2012
The latest version of the World Heritage map, produced by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and National Geographic Maps with the generous support of Cambodia, can now be ordered for a modest fee from the World Heritage Centre website. The featured image on the Map presents Angkor in Cambodia, where the next session of the World Heritage Committee will be held (June 2013).
This poster-sized wall map features all 962 World Heritage properties and is illustrated with magnificent photos and explanatory captions. It also presents brief explanations of the World Heritage Convention and its related Marine, Earthen Architecture and other conservation programmes.
- Make a donation and receive a free World Heritage map: whc.unesco.org/en/donation.
- Order your copy now in English, French or Spanish versions whc.unesco.org/en/map.
- Download the World Heritage map 2012-2012 in PDF in English, French or Spanish.
- Download previous World Heritage maps.