3-month trip to India's 28 World Heritage sites
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, two young Indian men, Aniketh MJ and Sulesh Kumar, are planning to visit India’s 28 World Heritage sites over a span of 3 months starting March 5th, 2012, travelling mainly by bus and train.
With this trip they would like to create a bond between the current generation of Indians and the wonderful places that are very much part of their heritage and culture. Some of the sites are in urgent need of conservation efforts and they would like to communicate this message before they are lost to future generations. They are initiating this trip to better understand their country’s great heritage and inform people of the need to connect with them. They will also conduct a comparative study of all these sites and share the results with those interested.
To follow their trip, see the blog : http://fromtigerstotombs.wordpress.com/; the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/From-Tigers-to-Tombs/348826605157594 and the Twitter account: @FrmTigers2Tombs.
The World Heritage Centre wishes to congratulate them for their initiative and wishes them an enjoyable and fruitful trip.