UNESCO’S online international expert workshop on Culture|2030 Indicators begins
On 2 June 2020, UNESCO successfully launched its first online international Expert Workshop on the Culture|2030 Indicators, with an opening speech by Mr Ernesto Ottone R., UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture and Ms Silvia Montoya, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS).
The Culture|2030 Indicators were developed in collaboration with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) as well as a number of international organizations and experts. As a framework of thematic indicators, the Culture|2030 Indicators is intended to support and complement the global indicators agreed upon within the 2030 Agenda to measure culture’s contribution to the national and local implementation transversally to the different Goals and Targets. The UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators publication was launched during the Forum of Culture Ministers in November 2019 with over 120 ministers of culture.
The workshop is organized from 2 to 11 June 2020, in collaboration with UIS, in four online sessions of two hours each with simultaneous interpretation in English and French. Forty-five participants from all regions of the world are being introduced to the Culture|2030 Indicators methodology and being given guidance on data collection as well as implementation on the national and local levels. Participants also participate in a collaborative effort to construct the 22 thematic indicators online.
Experts who participate in this orientation workshop on the implementation of Culture|2030 Indicators, may go on to become part of the Expert Facility for the Culture|2030 Indicators that UNESCO plans to establish to support Member States in Implementing the Culture|2030 Indicators. The UNESCO Expert Facility for Culture|2030 Indicators will provide technical assistance, mentoring, and capacity building for the implementation of the Culture|2030 Indicators at the national and local levels.
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