The UNESCO World Heritage Centre participates in a workshop on sustainable tourism development in Slovakia: enhancing livelihoods for local communities
22nd November – 24th November
Organized by the State Nature Conservancy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Commission for UNESCO and Carpathian Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, this three day workshop focused on the development of sustainable tourism for the UNESCO World Heritage Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe. The workshop was an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the potential for sustainable tourism to support the conservation of the World Heritage property, and was attended by the representatives of self-governments, landowners, owners of cultural monuments, entrepreneurs and NGOs.
The delegates visited the communities in the regions of the Poloniny National Park - Ulič Valley, Vihorlat and Ubla valley in the Eastern Carpathians to meet the local stakeholders and learn about the current opportunities and challenges for sustainable tourism development.
A key output of the workshop is to produce constructive proposals for leveraging the UNESCO brand for sustainable tourism as an alternative source of income for local communities and nature protection.
This workshop is a follow up to the Benefits Beyond Inscription: Leveraging the UNESCO Brand for Sustainable Tourism Development in Central European Regions conference held in May 2017 in Slovakia that explored the opportunity for greater cooperation between Slovak Republic and UNESCO.