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Call for Applications for Mediterranean Cultural Projects 2018

Tuesday, 10 October 2017
access_time 0 min read
www.fondationmdm.com | Image Source: www.fondationmdm.com

The Marc de Montalembert grant - 7000 euros - helps young people from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and below 28 years of age to undertake a project corresponding to a personal vocation and dedicated to the cultures or arts and crafts of the Mediterranean. Since 1994 the Foundation has provided financial support to 27 projects undertaken by young grant winners from 8 Mediterranean countries. Projects have been realized in the following fields : creative writing, architecture, archeology, anthropology and sociology, music, history of art, craftsmanship, engraving, painting, photography.

The Application Form
must be requested by

November 15, 2017

have to be dispatched by

December 31, 2017

Call for Application


Tuesday, 10 October 2017
access_time 0 min read