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Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves

Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves

The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, in the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo, consist of eight separate protected areas containing 112,000 ha of Atlantic forest and associated shrub (restingas). The rainforests of Brazil’s Atlantic coast are the world’s richest in terms of biodiversity. The site contains a distinct range of species with a high level of endemism and reveals a pattern of evolution that is not only of great scientific interest but is also of importance for conservation.

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Côte de la découverte – Réserves de la forêt atlantique

La Côte de la découverte du Brésil, située dans les États de Bahía et d’Espirito Santo, se compose de huit aires protégées qui contiennent 112 000 ha de forêt atlantique et arbustes associés (restingas). La forêt atlantique est la forêt ombrophile la plus riche du monde du point de vue de la biodiversité. La Côte de la découverte abrite un large éventail d’espèces ayant un haut niveau d’endémisme. Elle révèle un schéma d’évolution de très grand intérêt pour la science et la conservation.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

ساحل الإكتشاف-محميات الغابة الأطلسية

يتألف ساحل الإكتشاف في البرازيل، وبالتحديد في ولايتي باهيا وإسبيريتو سانتو، من ثماني مناطق محمية تشمل 112000 هكتار من الغابات الأطلسية ومجموعة من الشجيرات ذات الصلة (المعروفة بالبرتغالية تحت اسم ريستينغاس). وتعتبر الغابة الأطلسية من أكثر غابات العالم غنىً ووفرة على مستوى التنوع البيولوجي. ويأوي ساحل الإكتشاف مجموعة واسعة من الأجناس الإستيطانية كما يعكس نموذجاً تطورياً مهماً للغاية بالنسبة إلى العلوم والمحافظة على البيئة.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


大西洋沿岸热带雨林保护区位于巴伊亚州(Bahia)和圣埃斯皮图里州(Espírito Santo),由八个独立的保护区组成,拥有112 000公顷的大西洋森林和灌木。巴西大西洋沿岸的热带雨林是世界上生物多样性最丰富的地区。这个地区内生长有许多极具当地特色的动植物物种,反映了物种的进化过程,不仅仅具有很高的科学价值,同是也有很高的保护意义。

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Лесные резерваты восточного атлантического побережья («Берег открытия»)

Восемь охраняемых природных территорий (в т.ч. три национальных парка) общей площадью 112 тыс. га располагаются в штатах Баия и Эспириту-Санту и включают приатлантические влажные леса и кустарниковые заросли («рестинга»). По степени биоразнообразия этот район принадлежит к числу богатейших на планете. В резерватах обитает целый ряд видов-эндемиков, что позволяет проследить путь эволюции живых организмов, а это, в свою очередь, имеет огромное значение как с научной, так и с природоохранной точки зрения.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Costa del Descubrimiento - Reservas de bosque atlí¡ntico

Las reservas de la Costa del Descubrimiento estí¡n situadas entre los Estados de Bahí­a y Espirito Santo. Son ocho zonas protegidas, separadas entre sí­, que suman 112.000 hectí¡reas de bosque atlí¡ntico y arbustos asociados (”restingas“). Los bosques húmedos de la costa atlí¡ntica de Brasil poseen la biodiversidad mí¡s rica del planeta. El sitio alberga una amplia gama de especies endémicas e ilustra un modelo de evolución de gran interés para la ciencia y la conservación del medio ambiente.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Discovery Coast van de Atlantische Woud reservaten
De Discovery Coast in de staten Bahia en Espírito Santo bestaan uit acht afzonderlijke beschermde gebieden van meer dan 112.000 hectare aan Atlantisch Woud en bijbehorende bossen (restingas). De regenwouden van de Atlantische kust van Brazilië kennen de rijkste biodiversiteit ter wereld. Het merendeel van dit gebied bestaat uit een kalkstenen plateau met tafelvormige heuvels (sierras), dat een lijn van witte of roodkleurige kliffen bij zee vormt. Er leeft een specifiek aantal inheemse diersoorten in dit gebied, met een evolutiepatroon dat van groot belang is voor de wetenschap, en voor de bescherming van de soorten.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief description

The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, located between the southern coast of the state of Bahia and northern coast of the state of Espírito Santo, consist of eight separate protected areas containing representative remnants of the Atlantic Forest  (dense rainforest) and a type of  coastal shrubland vegatation ("restingas") associated with the Atlantic Forest. Three national parks (Descobrimento, Monte Pascoal and Pau Brasil), two federal biological reserves (Sooretama and Una) and three special reserves (Veracruz, Pau Brasil/Ceplac and Linhares) extend over a total area of almost 112,000 hectares. This property contains great biological wealth and illustrates the evolution of the few remaining areas of Atlantic Forest in north-eastern Brazil. With a high rate of endemism and an evolutionary stage of great interest to science and conservation, its biodiversity reflects longstanding ties with the major forest ecosystems of the continent, now interrupted.

Criterion (ix): It is acknowledged that the ongoing processes in the evolution of this exceptionally diverse region are the result of the mix of regional endemic species of the Atlantic Forest with elements of the Amazon ecosystem, particularly observed among the species of plants and birds. In the past, corridors existed between these two major ecosystems.  They were subsequently interrupted, which probably contributed to the great wealth of flora found there with many endemic and rare species, sometimes limited to fragments. The eight protected areas that make up the site preserve barely modified ancient environments and original natural ecological processes -- a forest archipelago that reveals an evolutionary structure of great interest to science and conservation.

Criterion (x
): The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves represent one of the richest tropical forest regions in the world in terms of biodiversity. It contains around 20% of the world's flora, including 627 species of endangered plants. In some areas more than 450 species of trees over an area equivalent to a football field have been identified. The fauna of the region is represented by 261 species of mammals including 21 marsupials (of which 15% are endemic and 15% threatened), 620 birds (19% at risk), 280 amphibians and 200 reptiles.  In total 185 species (of which 100 endemic) are threatened with extinction, including 73 species of mammals of which 21 are primates. Among the 118 species of endangered birds, 49 are endemic. All 16 species of amphibians that are threatened are endemic. Of the 13 species of reptiles that are threatened, 10 are endemic.


The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves is comprised of eight protected areas that represent the last remnants of the Atlantic Forest preserved in the region. These fragments of reduced size require intensive management. The six protected areas that make up the site are contiguous with two others located within reasonable proximity and connected by habitat corridors and semi-natural buffer zones. The property is surrounded by a buffer zone consisting essentially of private properties dedicated mainly to pastoral activities and forest plantations. The buffer zone is the Mata Atlântica Biosphere Reserve of nearly a million hectares which provides a comprehensive management framework to central areas of the site. The entire protected area is entirely managed for conservation and research, and provides full protection to the forest.

Protection and management requirements

The organization responsible for the management of most of the natural areas that make up the property is the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), an autonomous federal agency under the Ministry of the Environment (three national parks – Descobrimento, Monte Pascoal and Pau Brasil, two federal biological reserves -. Sooretama and Una, and three special reserves (Veracruz, Pau Brasil/Ceplac and Linhares).  Several management authorities are involved in the use of various management and protection instruments within the conservation units that make up the property, including the development and implementation of management plans, training and renewal of the advisory boards; the creation of ecological corridors and the establishment of a mosaic for the integrated management of protected areas. The main challenges for the protection seem to be an obligation to monitor deforestation and burning practices in the buffer zone, to improve cooperation with the Pataxó Indians of the region, to develop a campaign for environmental education, to consider the creation of new protected areas in the region, and to obtain more resources for the implementation of recommendations and management plans.  In this context, the federal government and the States, together with private initiatives, seek to implement the protection of these areas by strengthening the basic infrastructure, and increasing human resources and surveillance activities.