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Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University

Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University
The property is comprised of two component parts: one in the historical centre of Kazan and the other in a forested suburban area west of the city. The Kazan City Astronomical Observatory, built in 1837, is located on the University campus and the building is characterized by a semi-circular façade and three towers with domes built to house astronomical instruments. The suburban Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory includes structures for sky observations and residential buildings, all located within a park. The observatories have been preserved complete with astronomical instruments and today perform mainly educational functions.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Observatoires astronomiques de l’université fédérale de Kazan

Ce bien comprend deux éléments constitutifs : l’un est situé dans le centre historique de Kazan et l’autre dans une zone boisée, en banlieue, à l’ouest de la ville. L’observatoire astronomique de la ville de Kazan, bâti en 1837, a été installé au sein du campus universitaire, et le bâtiment se caractérise par une façade semi-circulaire et trois tours coiffées de dômes pour abriter les instruments astronomiques. L’observatoire astronomique Engelhardt, situé en banlieue, est composé de plusieurs structures vouées à l’observation du ciel et de bâtiments résidentiels, tous situés à l’intérieur d’un parc. Les observatoires, qui ont été préservés dans un état complet avec leurs instruments astronomiques, remplissent aujourd’hui principalement des fonctions éducatives.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

المرصدان الفلكيان لجامعة قازان الاتحادية
يتألف هذا العنصر من جزأين: يقع أحدهما في المركز التاريخي لمدينة قازان ويقع الآخر في ضاحية حرجية في غرب المدينة. وقد بني المرصد الفلكي لمدينة قازان في عام 1837 في حرم الجامعة، ويتسم المبنى بواجهته النصف دائرية وأبراجه الثلاثة المقببة التي شُيّدت لحفظ أدوات فلكية. ويحتوي مرصد إنجلهاردت الفلكي الذي يقع في الضاحية على بنى لمراقبة السماء ومبان سكنية تقع جميعها داخل حديقة. وحوفظ على هذين المرصدين بالكامل مع الأدوات الفلكية ويستخدمان اليوم بصورة رئيسية للأغراض التعليمية.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Астрономические обсерватории Казанского Федерального университета
Объект состоит из двух частей: одна находится в историческом центре Казани, другая — в лесистой пригородной зоне к западу от города. Казанская городская астрономическая обсерватория, построенная в 1837 году, расположена в университетском городке, ее особенностью является полукруглый фасад и три башни с куполами, построенные для размещения астрономических приборов. Пригородная астрономическая обсерватория им. Энгельгардта включает в себя сооружения для наблюдений за небом и жилые дома, расположенные на территории парка. Обсерватории сохранились в полном объеме вместе с астрономическими приборами и в настоящее время выполняют в основном образовательные функции.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Observatorios astronómicos de la Universidad Federal de Kazán
El sitio consta de dos partes: una en el centro histórico de Kazán y otra en una zona suburbana boscosa situada al oeste de la ciudad. El Observatorio Astronómico de la ciudad de Kazán, construido en 1837, se encuentra en el campus de la Universidad y el edificio se caracteriza por una fachada semicircular y tres torres con cúpulas que fueron construidas para albergar instrumentos astronómicos. El Observatorio Astronómico suburbano Engelhardt incluye estructuras para la observación del cielo y edificios residenciales, todo ello situado dentro de un parque. Los observatorios se han conservado en su totalidad, incluyendo los instrumentos astronómicos, y en la actualidad desempeñan principalmente funciones educativas.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University is a serial property comprised of two component parts located in the historical centre of Kazan and in a forested countryside area twenty-four kilometres west of the city.

The Kazan City Astronomical Observatory component part, built in 1837, is situated within the Kazan Federal University campus. The building, classical in its architecture, was purposely constructed to enable observations of the sky. It is characterised by a semi-circular façade and three towers with domes built to house astronomical instruments. The suburban Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory component part, where observation activities were transferred from the city, was completed in 1901. It is composed of several structures dedicated to sky observations as well as residential buildings, all located within a park.

The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University, architecturally coherent ensembles represent heritage associated with astronomy and observations of the sky, during a period of emergence and development of optical telescopes in the 19th and early 20th century. A collection of historic semi-movable instruments, which contains the world's only and still functioning heliometer telescope, is an exceptional evidence of the evolution of optical astronomy.

Initially international in its concept, ideas and human resources, the Observatories are a phenomenon that boosted scientific research and enhanced Eurasia's contribution to the development of astronomy and related science in the world. The property continues to be an important research and educational centre.

Criterion (ii): The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University represent an important interchange of human values over a span of time and on a global scale in evolution of optical astronomy and its gradual transition from positional astronomy to astrophysics. The development – from the 19th century individual scientific interests to large scale multitasks research activities in the field – makes the Observatories an outstanding example of such an architectural and technological ensemble.

Criterion (iv): The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University are outstanding early examples of classical architectural and technological ensembles, which are a testimony of almost two centuries of history of sky observations and development of optical astronomy. Natural conditions and accessible technologies were skilfully used to create a suitable environment dedicated to scientific research. These ensembles of buildings and structures – that were purposely constructed to host astronomical semi-movable instruments and to allow sky observations – are exceptionally coherent and well-preserved examples of the type.


The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University is an integral ensemble showcasing the development of astronomical science in the east of Russia.  The Observatories retain all attributes that document the development and function of the property as a site of sky observation and astronomical research, from the very beginning reflecting a certain stage in the development of astronomy of the period of optical visual observations and their modern development within the framework of astrophysics onwards. The city observatory is part of the university’s historic complex which constitute its functional and compositional context. The suburban observatory’s boundaries follow historic limits of the site. 

In general, all the structures are very well preserved, and the property continues to be an active educational and research centre. The recent building of the planetarium to some extent has an impact on the Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory’s landscape composition, which nevertheless made it possible to create conditions for the sustainable development of this territory and the popularization of astronomical science. In addition, several buildings within the property have suffered from neglect and their restoration is to be undertaken. Nevertheless, they do not detract from the overall appreciation of the property. The buffer zones of the property’s component parts contribute to maintenance of the visual and functional integrity of the property.


The attributes of the Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University’ s Outstanding Universal Value attest of a high degree of authenticity, regarding their form and design, building materials and substances, use and function, location and setting. Kazan City Astronomical Observatory and Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory are preserved in their original state. The buildings have been kept together with most of their original finishes and key astronomical instruments. They have not been subjected to extensive reconstruction and modernisation except for the side tower with a dome of the city observatory. Authentic mechanical techniques are still preserved in many of the buildings. Many of the original instruments have been preserved complete and are used in situ, together with related scientific archival documents and publications that add to the property’s authenticity. The locations and the settings of the component parts have undergone some changes due to development pressure but still retain their character. Both component parts continue to be used for sky observations, research, and education.

Protection and management requirements

The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University are legally protected in accordance with federal and regional legislation. The city Observatory is legally protected by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic No. 1327 dated August 30, 1960 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 318 dated June 4, 2001. The city Observatory is located within the territory of Kazan Federal University (KFU), the cultural heritage site of federal significance, and within the protective zone of Kazan Kremlin ensemble, which covers the main part of the city historical centre, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 845 of July 28, 2020 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan of August 20, 2020 No. 715. At its individual level, the observatory building is also designated as a monument of urban planning and architecture of federal significance. It is included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Sites (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and introduced into the national cadastral system of heritage properties.

The suburban Observatory is a monument of regional significance in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan (No. 318, 2001) with the subject of protection approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan (No. 835, 2011). The boundaries of the cultural heritage property “the Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory Complex” are determined by the Decree of the Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites (No. 360-P, 2022). They match the cadastral land provided in perpetuity to the KFU and are introduced into the national cadastral system of heritage properties. The protection zones of Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory, land use regulations and requirements for urban planning rules are established by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 24.11.2022 No. 1258.

The works on the preservation of the cultural heritage property are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (No. 190-FZ, 2004). Conduction of works on the legally protected properties are supervised by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan. Conservation, repair, restoration and adaptation for modern use, from the project plan to its realisation, require perdition of the Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites, and may be implemented only by entities licensed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

In the case of the historical astronomical instruments, some of them were formally transferred to the collection of the KFU museum and are taken under federal protection as a part of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. Semi-movable instruments, like the large nine-inch telescope or twelve-inch Engelhardt refractor, shall be also legally protected.

The Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University are owned by the Russian Federation (the state) with the exception of two privately-owned residential buildings within the boundaries of the suburban component part. The property is managed by the Department of Astrophysics and Space Geodesy of the Institute of Physics and the Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory of KFU. The University, responsible for the protection and conservation of the sites, operates on the basis of regular plans and the federal budget.

The management plan for the Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University is conceived to run from 2023 to 2043, with 2023-2027 set as the priority period. It is approved by the Decree of the KFU Rector and the Supervisory Board of the KFU and adopted for implementation. The application of the management plan, as well as the Master Plan for the Conservation and Use of the Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory, provided with appropriate funding, and scientific and organisational measures, will ensure preservation of the property and its Outstanding Universal Value. In order to prevent changes undermining value of the property, when planning any new development within the boundaries of the property component parts or their buffer zones and wider settings, a thorough analysis and impact assessment on the attributes of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property need to be carried out as part of the established legal framework and implementation of the Management Plan.
