Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Telangana
Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Telangana
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Temple de Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa), Telangana
Rudreshwara, communément appelé temple Ramappa, est situé dans le village de Palampet, à environ 200 km au nord-est d’Hyderabad, dans l’État du Telangana. Il s’agit du principal temple de Shiva à l’intérieur d’un grand ensemble fortifié construit durant la période kakatiya (1123-1323) sous la direction des chefs Rudradeva et Recharla Rudra. La construction de ce temple en grès a commencé en 1213 et aurait duré pendant une quarantaine d’années. L’édifice comprend des poutres décorées, des piliers de granit et de dolérite sculptés et est doté d’un Vimana pyramidal original (tour surmontant le temple) construit en briques poreuses légères, aussi appelées « briques flottantes », qui réduisent le poids des structures du toit. Les sculptures du temple, de grande qualité artistique, illustrent les coutumes de danses régionales et la culture des Kakatiya. Situé au pied d’une zone forestière et au milieu de terrains agricoles, à proximité des rives du lac Ramappa Cheruvu, un réservoir d’eau construit sous la dynastie des Kakatiya, ce lieu fut choisi selon l’idéologie et les pratiques prescrites dans les textes dharmiques selon lesquelles les temples doivent être construits afin de s’intégrer pleinement dans un cadre naturel incluant des collines, des forêts, des sources, des ruisseaux, des lacs, des bassins versants et des terres agricoles.
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معبد ككاتيا
يقع معبد رودريشوارا المعروف شعبياً باسم "رامابا"، في قرية بالمبيت في شمال شرق حيدر آباد على بعد نحو 200 كم منها، في ولاية تيلانجانا. وهو المعبد الرئيسي للإله شيفا ضمن مجمَّع مسوَّر بني خلال حكم سلالة ككاتيا (1123-1323 ميلادي) في عهد الحاكمين "رودرا ديفا" و"روكارلا رودرا". وقد بدأ العمل على بناء المعبد بالأحجار الرملية في عام 1213 ميلادي، ويُعتقد أنُّه دام لمدة 40 عاماً تقريباً. ويحتوي المبنى على عوارض ودعامات مزينة بالغرانيت والدياباز المنقوش، فضلاً عن برج مميز ذي شكل هرمي، يسمى "فيمانا" وهو برج مدرَّج بطريقة أفقية، ومبني من لبنات نفُّاذة خفيفة الوزن تُسمى "اللبنات الطافية"، ودورها التخفيف من وزن بنية السقف. وتصوِّر منحوتات المعبد ذات الجودة الفنية العالية، تقاليد الرقص في المنطقة والثقافة الككاتيانية. ويقع المعبد على سفح الجبل في الغابة ووسط حقول زراعية، قرب ضفاف "رامابا شيروفو"، وهي بحيرة اصطناعية بنتها سلالة ككاتيا، وكان اختيار موقع المعبد منسجماً مع الأفكار والممارسات الواردة في النصوص الدهارمية التي تقول ببناء المعابد بطريقة تصبح فيها جزءاً لا يتجزأ من أحد المواقع الطبيعية، بما فيها التلال والغابات والينابيع والجداول والبحيرات ومستجمعات المياه والأراضي الزراعية.
source: UNESCO/CPE
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卢德什瓦拉,俗称拉玛帕神庙,位于特伦甘纳邦海得拉巴市东北约200公里处的帕拉姆佩特村。它是一个由围墙围绕的建筑群中的主要湿婆神庙,建于卡卡提亚王朝(公元1123-1323年)鲁德拉德瓦(Rudradeva)和鲁德拉(Recharla Rudra)统治时期。这座砂岩神庙始建于公元1213年,据信施工持续了约40年。其特点是由花岗岩和大理岩雕刻而成的梁柱,和一个独特的、金字塔形状的屋顶塔(水平阶梯塔)。塔由被称为“浮砖”的轻质多孔砖搭建而成,从而减轻了屋顶结构的重量。拉玛帕神庙的雕塑具有很高艺术水准,形象地展示了当地的舞蹈习俗及卡卡提亚文化。神庙位于林木茂盛的山丘和农田之中,靠近拉玛帕湖(卡卡提亚时期建造的水库), 建筑环境的选择遵循达摩经文中的思想和实践,即神庙的建造应成为包括山丘、森林、泉水、溪流、湖泊、集水区和农田在内的自然环境的组成部分。
source: UNESCO/CPE
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Храм Какатия - Рудрешвара (Рамаппа), штат Телангана
Рудрешвара, широко известный как храм Рамаппа, расположен в деревне Палампет примерно в 200 км к северо-востоку от Хайдарабада в штате Телангана. Он является главным храмом Шивы в обнесенном стенами комплексе, построенном в период Какатия (1123–1323 гг.) при правителях Рудрадеве и Речарле Рудре. Строительство храма из песчаника началось в 1213 году и, как полагают, продолжалось около 40 лет. Здание имеет декорированные балки и колонны из резного гранита и долерита с характерной пирамидальной «виманой» (горизонтально ступенчатая башня), выполненной из легкого пористого кирпича, так называемого «плавающего кирпича», что снизило вес конструкций крыши. Скульптуры храма высокого художественного качества иллюстрируют местные танцевальные обычаи и культуру Какатия. Объект расположен в предгорьях лесистого района и среди сельскохозяйственных угодий, вблизи берегов Рамаппа Черуву, водохранилища эпохи Какатия. Выбор местности для постройки этого объекта следовал идеологии и практике, санкционированным в дхармических текстах, а имеено, что храмы должны быть построены таким образом, чтобы стать неотъемлемой частью окружающей природы, включая холмы, леса, родники, ручьи, озера, водосборные бассейны и сельскохозяйственные угодья.
source: UNESCO/CPE
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Templo Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa), estado de Telangana
El Templo de Rudreshwara, más conocido por el nombre de Templo de Ramappa, se halla en la localidad de Palampet, situada a unos 200 km al nordeste de Hyderabad, capital del estado de Telangana. Se trata del templo más importante dedicado a Shiva, construido en un complejo amurallado en tiempos de la dinastía de los Kakatiyas (1123–1323 d.C.) durante el reinado de los soberanos Rudradeva y Recharla Rudra. Su construcción comenzó el año 1213 y se supone que duró unos 40 años. Edificado con piedra arenisca principalmente, el templo cuenta también con vigas y pilastras talladas en granito y dolerita. Su singular “vimana” –torre de forma piramidal escalonada horizontalmente– se construyó con ladrillos porosos, o “flotantes”, para reducir el peso de las techumbres. Las esculturas del templo, que son de una gran calidad artística, representan escenas de danzas regionales y elementos de la cultura de la época. El templo está situado en la falda de unas colinas boscosas y en medio de campos cultivados, cerca de las orillas del embalse de Ramappa Cheruvu construido por los Kakatiyas. Su emplazamiento se escogió de conformidad con las ideas y conductas religiosas expresadas en los textos dhármicos, que preceptúan que los templos se deben construir de manera que sus edificios formen parte integrante del medio ambiente circundante, ya sean colinas, bosques, manantiales, arroyos, lagos, zonas de recogida de aguas o tierras de cultivo.
source: UNESCO/CPE
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काकतीय रुद्रेश्वर (रामप्पा) मंदिर, तेलंगाना
रुद्रेश्वर, जो रामप्पा मंदिर के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है, तेलंगाना राज्य में हैदराबाद से लगभग 200 किमी उत्तर-पूर्व में पालमपेट गांव में स्थित है। यह शासक रुद्रदेव और रेचारला रुद्र के अधीन काकतीय काल (1123-1323 सीई) के दौरान निर्मित किलेनुमा वाले परिसर में मुख्य शिव मंदिर है। बलुआ पत्थर के मंदिर का निर्माण 1213 सीई में शुरू हुआ और यह माना जाता है कि लगभग 40 वर्षों तक निर्माण चलता रहा। इमारत में नक्काशी वाले ग्रेनाइट और डोलराइट के सजाए गए शहतीर और खंभे हैं, जिसमें हल्की झरझरी ईंटों, तथा कथित 'फ्लोटिंग ईंटों' से बने एक विशिष्ट और पिरामिडनुमा विमान (क्षैतिज रूप से सीढ़ीदार टॉवर) हैं, जिससे छत की संरचनाओं का वजन कम हो गया है। मंदिर की उच्च कलात्मक गुणवत्ता की मूर्तियां क्षेत्रीय नृत्य रीति-रिवाजों और काकतीय संस्कृति को दर्शाती हैं। एक वनाच्छादित क्षेत्र की तलहटी और खेतों के बीच, रामप्पा चेरुवु के तट के करीब, एक काकतीय-निर्मित जल भंडार, जो भवन की स्थापना का एक विकल्प है जिसमें धार्मिक ग्रंथों में स्वीकृत इस विचारधारा और कार्यों का पालन किया गया है कि मंदिरों का निर्माण मंदिर को पहाड़ियों, जंगलों, झरनों, नदियों, झीलों, जलग्रहण क्षेत्रों और कृषि भूमि सहित प्राकृतिक स्थलों का अभिन्न अंग बनाने के लिए किया जाना चाहिए।
Source: India
Outstanding Universal Value
Brief synthesis
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, popularly known as Ramappa Temple, is located in the village of Palampet, approximately 200km north-east of Hyderabad, in the State of Telangana. Rudreshwara is the main Shiva temple in a larger walled temple complex, which includes smaller temples and Mandapa structures constructed under the chieftains Rudradeva and Recharla Rudra. The Rudreshwara (Ramappa) temple stands out as a unique testimony to the highest level of creative, artistic and engineering achievements involving various experimentations in expressive art forms of the Kakatiya period (1123-1323 CE).
The temple is built of sandstone with decorated beams and pillars of carved granite and dolerite with a distinctive and pyramidal Vimana made of lightweight porous bricks, also known as “floating bricks”. The sculptures of the Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, especially its bracket figures, are unique artistic works carved out of the hard dolerite stone giving it a metal like finish with intact lustre. These sculptures express movement and dynamism with every sculpture conveying active movement and many figures illustrating regional dance customs of Kakatiyan culture.
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple was created in an harmonious relationship with its natural environment and the surrounding pristine landscape with its Kakatiyan cultural and engineering features. The natural environment, architecture, sculpture, ritual and dance together form five elements, which complement each other in defining the temple’s ritual space. Their mutual interrelations embody the outstanding evidence of Kakatiyan cultural, architectural and artistic creations. The temple is a living memory of the Kakatiyan Culture which brought a golden era to the Telugu speaking region of South India.
Criterion (i): The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple is a masterpiece of the Kakatiyan style of temple architecture, representing the unique combination of ingenuity in stone sculpting and engineering experimentations by way of use of sandbox foundation and floating bricks to make earthquake resistant structures. The sculptures of the Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple manifest Kakatiyans' indigenous geotechnical knowledge in stone chiselling illustrating exceptional artistic skills as well as deep understanding of construction technologies. The Kakatiyans used one of the hardest rocks, from which they sculpted very delicate human and animal representations and gave these a fine lustre finish. The sculptural decor of outstanding beauty and creativity represents the Kakatiyan dance customs, interprets the regional lifestyle and is based on the Puranic texts.
Criterion (iii): The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple is an exceptional testimony of the Kakatiyan Dynasty and illustrates its artistic, architectural and engineering achievements within the wall temple compound and its wider setting. The efforts of Kakatiyan craftsmen to interpret and integrate motifs of regional dance customs and Kakatiyan cultural traditions into sculptural and textual representations in the form of Madanikas, Gaja-Vyalas, motifs on Kakshasana and other carvings stand out as an exceptional evidence of popular cultural forms.
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple lies at the centre of a walled temple complex which together with its wider setting retains high visual and functional integrity and demonstrates a significant relationship with both purpose-built and natural elements, which enhance and maintain the atmosphere of the temple ceremonies that continue to be performed in the temple complex to the present day.
Significant architectural and artistic achievements of the temple complex are supported by the natural features, the artificial Kakatiya-built reservoir and irrigation systems, cultivated land, smaller temples within the immediate surrounding landscape, thus communicating Kakatiyan cultural traditions for over 800 years.
The indigenous value held by the innovative construction techniques of building structures using sand-box technology, light weight porous floating bricks and other traditional methods, and the commendable sculptural efforts in chiselling the very hard dolerite rocks to get the everlasting metallic polishes are very well displayed and are intact at Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Palampet.
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple is well protected from natural disasters due to its construction techniques. Emphasis has been given to the thorough protection of the wider visual setting around the temple compound. The Kameshewara temple within the temple complex will be reassembled following anastylosis, to be carried out based on detailed scientific research and programmed conservation approach.
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple maintains authenticity in material, form, design, craftsmanship, setting, function and use, traditional management system and associated intangible cultural heritage in relation to traditional dance, and integration in its wider natural and architectural context. Its material remains continue to represent the testimony of Kakatiyan knowledge in identifying building materials, their strength, and their expected life span. The temple was erected using five types of local material, like sand for foundation, clay for bricks, dolerite and sandstone for sculptures, granite for columns and beams, which are all retained in their original composition. Some missing floating bricks were remanufactured after conducting an extensive study, following the same techniques used by the Kakatiyans in the 13th century.
The temple plan and its spatial organization are intact and untouched, with exception of the Kameshwara Temple which is to be reassembled by anastylosis. The compound’s function and traditional management system remain unchanged: the Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple is a living Brahminical Shiva Temple, following all the authentic Shaiva-Agama rituals and drawing the attention of a large number of people. The surviving rural surrounding illustrates the conscious integration of the Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple in its wider natural context and is of remarkable authenticity in setting, traditional management mechanisms as well as interdependencies of use and function with the wider landscape, for example through irrigation channels and cultivated lands.
Protection and management requirements
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple was identified as a protected monument in 1914 and since then it is maintained and conserved by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). The property is protected at the national level, by the Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (AMASR), amended and validated in 2010; the Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules, 1959; Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules of 2011 and The Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 and Rules, 1973. Decisions pertaining to its conservation, maintenance and management are governed by the National Conservation Policy for Monuments, Archaeological Sites and Remains, 2014. Being designated as an “Ancient Monument” of National Importance, the ancient site is protected by a well-defined buffer of 300 meters comprising Prohibited Area measuring 100 meters in all directions from the limits of the protected monument, and further beyond it, a Regulated Area of 200 meters in all directions, from the limits of the Prohibited Area as well as beyond, as required for the conservation of the authentic landscape setting. All activities in the areas adjacent to the ancient site remain subject to prohibition and regulation in the respect prohibited and regulated areas as per provisions of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules 2011.
Under an already existing committee, the State Government of Telangana establishes the “Palampet Special Area Development Authority” to manage this extended buffer zone and to ensure the protection of all supporting Kakatiya period attributes.
The Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple is managed by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), namely its Hyderabad Circle and under its Warangal sub-Circle, which is responsible for its protection, conservation and management in conjunction and consultation with the local religious and communal authorities. Day-to-day management activities are supported by guides who are permanently posted at the site as staff of the Telangana State Tourism Development Corporation, as well as the local communities living around the temple complex and the priests performing the ceremonies at the temple. An integrated site management plan is in the process of being finalized. Heritage Impact Assessment needs to be ensured for any projects located near the property, especially regarding development projects near the Ramappa Lake. Capacity building for local communities and the temple priest must be undertaken to provide them with the necessary skills to contribute to the management of the property.