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Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long - Hanoi

Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long - Hanoi

The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was built in the 11th century by the Ly Viet Dynasty, marking the independence of the Dai Viet. It was constructed on the remains of a Chinese fortress dating from the 7th century, on drained land reclaimed from the Red River Delta in Hanoi. It was the centre of regional political power for almost 13 centuries without interruption. The Imperial Citadel buildings and the remains in the 18 Hoang Dieu Archaeological Site reflect a unique South-East Asian culture specific to the lower Red River Valley, at the crossroads between influences coming from China in the north and the ancient Kingdom of Champa in the south.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Secteur central de la cité impériale de Thang Long-Hanoï

La cité impériale de Thang Long, édifiée au XIe siècle par la dynastie Viêt des Ly, concrétise l'indépendance du Dai Viêt. Elle a été construite sur les vestiges d'une citadelle chinoise remontant au 7e siècle, dans les terrains drainés du delta du fleuve Rouge à Hanoï. Elle fut le lieu du pouvoir politique régional de manière continue pendant près de treize siècles. Les édifices de la cité impériale et les vestiges de la zone archéologique 18 Hoang Diêu expriment une culture originale du Sud-Est asiatique propre à la basse vallée du fleuve Rouge, à l'intersection des influences venues de la Chine, au nord, et de l'ancien royaume du Champa au sud.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

مدينة ثانغ لونغ الإمبراطورية في هانوي

بنت سلالة لي فيت مدينة ثانغ لونغ الإمبراطورية في القرن الحادي عشر، مما طبع بداية استقلال فيتنام الكبرى أو داي فيت. وتم تشييد هذه المدينة على أنقاض قلعة صينية تعود إلى القرن السابع في أراضٍ تابعة لدلتا النهر الأحمر في هانوي تم صرف مياهها لأغراض البناء. وكانت هذه المدينة مركز السلطة السياسية الإقليمية لحوالى 13 قرناً، من دون انقطاع. وتعكس مباني المدينة الإمبراطورية والأنقاض الموجودة في الموقع الأثري بشارع هوانغ ديو رقم 18 ثقافة فريدة في جنوب شرق آسيا يتفرد بها الجزء السفلي لوادي النهر الأحمر الذي كان بمثابة ملتقى للاتجاهات الآتية من الصين شمالاً، ومملكة شامبا القديمة جنوباً.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Императорская цитадель Тханг Лонг, Ханой

Императорская цитадель Тханг Лонг стала 900-м объектом культуры, занесенным в Список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Крепость была построена в 11-м веке, в эпоху династии Ли Вьет как символ независимости королевства Даи Вьет. Она была построена на развалинах китайской крепости седьмого века, на осушенных землях, отвоеванных в дельте Красной реки у Ханоя. На протяжении почти 13 веков это был бессменный центр региональной политической власти. Сооружения Императорской цитадели и развалины, сохранившиеся на территории археологического памятника 18 Хоанг Дьё, отражают уникальную культуру Юго-Восточной Азии, характерную для нижней части долины Красной реки, где слились культурное влияние Китая, распространявшегося с севера, и древнего королевства Чампа – с юга.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Ciudad imperial de Thang Long-Hanoi

La ciudadela imperial de Thang Long-Hanoi (Viet Nam) se convirtió en el sitio número 900 inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Fue edificada en el siglo XI por la dinastía Viêt de los Ly para concretizar la independencia del Dai Viêt. Fue construida en los vestigios de una fortaleza china del siglo VII en terrenos drenados del delta del Río Rojo, en Hanoi. Durante casi trece siglos fue sede del poder político regional. Los edificios de la ciudad iperial y los vestigios de la zona arqueológica 18 Hoang Diêu son la expresión de una cultura original del sureste asiático, propia del bajo valle del Río Rojo, en la intersección de influencias venidas de China, en el norte, y del antiguo valle de Champa, en el sur.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Centrale gedeelte van de keizerlijke citadel van Thang Long - Hanoi

De keizerlijke citadel van Thang Long werd gebouwd in de 11e eeuw door de dynastie Ly Viet ter gelegenheid van de onafhankelijkheid van de Dai Viet. De citadel werd gebouwd op de overblijfselen van een uit de 7e eeuw daterend Chinees fort dat zich bevond op drooggelegd land, teruggewonnen van de Rode Rivierdelta van Hanoi. Gedurende bijna 13 eeuwen was hier vrijwel onafgebroken het centrum van de regionale politieke macht gevestigd. De keizerlijke citadelgebouwen weerspiegelen een unieke Zuid-Oost-Aziatische cultuur, kenmerkend voor de lagere Rode Riviervallei; een kruispunt tussen de invloeden uit China in het noorden en het oude koninkrijk van Champa in het zuiden.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief summary

The Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long -- Hanoi, located in the heart of the capital of Viet Nam, is the most important and best-preserved part of the ancient Imperial Citadel of Thang Long.

The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was built in the 11th century by the Vietnamese Ly Dynasty, marking the independence of the Đại Việt.  It was built on the remains of a Chinese fortress dating from the 7th century, on drained land reclaimed from the Red River Delta in Hanoi.  It was the centre of regional political power for almost thirteen centuries without interruption.

The buildings of the Imperial Citadel and the remains in the 18 Hoang Diêu Archaeological Site reflect a unique South-East Asian culture specific to the lower Red River Valley, at the crossroads of influences coming from China in the north and the ancient Kingdom of Champa in the south.

The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is characterized by its longevity and continuity as a seat of power, evidenced by different archaeological levels and monuments.

Criterion (ii):  The Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long - Hanoi bears witness to the meeting of influences coming mainly from China in the north and the Kingdom of Champa in the south.  It expresses a set of intercultural exchanges which shaped a unique culture in the lower Red River Valley.

Criterion (iii):  The Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long bears witness to the long cultural tradition of the Viêt populations established in the Delta and the lower Red River Valley.  It was a continuous seat of power from the 7th century through to the present day.

Criterion (vi): The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long at Hanoi, with its political function and symbolic role, is directly associated with numerous and important cultural and historical events, and leading artistic expressions and moral, philosophical, and religious ideas.  The succession of these events marks the formative and development process of an independent nation over more than a thousand years, including the colonial period and the two contemporary Wars of Independence and reunification of Viet Nam. 


The continuity of its political role is demonstrated by the archaeological elements brought to light and by the later built elements of the Thang Long Citadel.  In spite of absent and not always very visible evidence, the conditions of integrity in terms of the architecture, structure and landscaping of the property are acceptable.  The very promising archaeological vestiges of the 18 Hoang Diêu site must be completed by a study programme on the scale of the property for confirmation of the archaeological integrity.


The degree of authenticity expressed by the architecture of Thang Long corresponds to buildings of the late 19th and the 20th centuries.  Older buildings, dating back to the dynastic periods, notably the Doan Mon Gate and the Hau Lau Palace, have been restored and modified.  However, these changes are related to the political history of the property.  Over the long historical period of the Citadel of Thang Long, the archaeological authenticity of the property is good, even if expressed by only a small excavation area.  The degree of authenticity of the architecture is variable depending on the period examined, being more satisfactory for the contemporary and colonial buildings.

Protection and management requirements

The legal protection of the property is based primarily on two laws:  the Law on Cultural Heritage (2001) which ensures the protection of the various recognized moveable and immoveable components of the property, and the Law on Construction for all work and projects.  In the event of discordance in the application of these two laws, for example for a proposed project in the territory of the property nominated for inscription, the Law on Heritage Management takes precedent. The legal protection in place is appropriate for the property, but it must be completed and a wider buffer zone should be envisaged.  

The management authority is well-defined and already functional:  in 2006, the People's Committee of Hanoi entrusted the Co Loa and Thang Long Vestiges Preservation Centre, also called Thang Long Centre, with the responsibility for the management of the property. The general guidelines of the Management Plan are satisfactory, but this Plan must be enacted, and the archaeological studies component should be strengthened and expanded. Furthermore, the capacity building for the personnel involved in the conservation of the property should be enhanced.
