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Monte San Giorgio

Monte San Giorgio

The pyramid-shaped, wooded mountain of Monte San Giorgio beside Lake Lugano is regarded as the best fossil record of marine life from the Triassic Period (245–230 million years ago). The sequence records life in a tropical lagoon environment, sheltered and partially separated from the open sea by an offshore reef. Diverse marine life flourished within this lagoon, including reptiles, fish, bivalves, ammonites, echinoderms and crustaceans. Because the lagoon was near land, the remains also include land-based fossils of reptiles, insects and plants, resulting in an extremely rich source of fossils.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Monte San Giorgio

La montagne boisée, de forme pyramidale, du Monte San Giorgio, près du lac de Lugano, est considérée comme le meilleur témoin de la vie marine du Trias (il y a 245 à 230 millions d’années). La séquence témoigne de la vie dans un lagon tropical abrité et en partie séparé de la haute mer par un récif. Des formes de vie marine diverses ont prospéré dans ce lagon, notamment des reptiles, des poissons, des bivalves, des ammonites, des échinodermes et des crustacés. Comme le lagon était proche de la terre, on trouve aussi quelques fossiles terrestres de reptiles, d’insectes et de plantes, notamment. Il en résulte une ressource fossilifère très riche.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

مونته سان جيورجيو

إن مونته سان جيورجيو هو جبل مُشجّر ذو شكل هرمي (1096 متراً)، يقع جنوب بحيرة لوغانا في مقاطعة تيسين (سويسرا). ويمثل هذا الموقع خير دليل على الحياة البحرية في الحِقبة الثلاثية (منذ 245ـ 230 مليون سنة). وقد أُدرج هذا الموقع في قائمة التراث العالمي في عام 2003. وتجري عمليات توسيع الموقع في الممتلك القائم، من جهة الحدود الإيطالية. أما مبررات عمليات التوسيع هذه فإنها تعود إلى الأهمية الاستثنائية للمناجم الأحفورية وتنوعها في الحِقبة الثلاثية.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Гора Сан Джиорджио

это покрытая лесом возвышенность пирамидальной формы высотой в 1096 м над уровнем моря, расположенная к югу от озера Лугано, кантон Тичино (Швейцария). Объект считается лучшим хранилищем окаменелостей морских обитателей триасового периода (245-230 млн. лет назад). Он был занесен в Список всемирного наследия в 2003 году. Расширение является продолжением этого объекта на итальянской территории. Ценность этого расширения определяется исключительной важностью и разнообразием морских триасовых окаменелых отпечатков.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Monte San Giorgio

Situada en el cantón suizo de Tesino, al sur del lago de Lugano, esta montaña boscosa de 1.096 metros de altura y forma piramidal se considera uno de los mejores exponentes de lo que fue la vida marina en el Periodo Triásico (245-230 millones de años atrás). El sitio se inscribió en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en 2003 y su extensión actual abarca la zona italiana contigua, situada al otro lado de la frontera. La ampliación del sitio se debe a la cantidad y variedad excepcionales de los yacimientos fosilíferos del Periodo Triásico que se hallan en esa zona.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Monte San Giorgio
De piramidevormige, beboste berg Monte San Giorgio ligt naast het meer van Lugano. De locatie wordt beschouwd als de plek waar de best bewaarde fossielen van het zeeleven uit de Trias Periode (245-230 miljoen jaar geleden) te vinden zijn. De fossielenreeks weerspiegeld het leven in een tropische lagune; beschut en gedeeltelijk gescheiden van de open zee door een rif. Divers zeeleven floreerde in deze lagune, waaronder reptielen, vissen, tweekleppigen, ammonieten, stekelhuidigen en kreeftachtigen. Monte San Giorgio is een bijzondere rijke vindplaats van fossielen. Omdat de lagune zich vlakbij land bevond, zijn er ook fossielen gevonden van reptielen, insecten en planten.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

The pyramid-shaped, wooded mountain of Monte San Giorgio beside Lake Lugano is regarded as the best fossil record of marine life from the Triassic Period (245 – 230 million years ago). The sequence records life in a tropical lagoon environment, sheltered and partially separated from the open sea by an offshore reef. Diverse marine life flourished within this lagoon, including reptiles, fish, bivalves, ammonites, echinoderms and crustaceans. Because the lagoon was near to land, the fossil remains also include some land-based fossils including reptiles, insects and plants. The result is a fossil resource of great richness.

Criterion (viii): Monte San Giorgio is the single best known record of marine life in the Triassic period, and records important remains of life on land as well. The property has produced diverse and numerous fossils, many of which show exceptional completeness and detailed preservation. The long history of study of the property and the disciplined management of the resource have created a well documented and catalogued body of specimens of exceptional quality, and are the basis for a rich associated geological literature. As a result, Monte San Giorgio provides the principal point of reference, relevant to future discoveries of marine Triassic remains throughout the world.


The property encompasses the complete Middle Triassic outcrop of Monte San Giorgio including all of the main fossil bearing areas. The Italian portion of the property included is an extension in 2010 of the originally inscribed area in Switzerland, which was added to the World Heritage List in 2003. The resulting extended property fully meets the integrity requirements for a fossil site. The main attributes of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property are the accessible fossiliferous rock exposures, with intact strata which occur in many parts of the property.

Protection and management requirements

The property benefits from legal protection in both Italy and Switzerland that provides an effective basis for the protection of its geological resources. Site protection also focuses on landscape protection and has resulted in appropriate legislative controls and existing management procedures that are effectively enforced at the local level and which are underwritten by National, Regional and Provincial government support.

Strong transboundary collaboration between the States Parties of Italy and Switzerland is in place, including mechanisms that are agreed by all of the local municipalities in both countries, through common signed accords and declarations. A joint management plan is also in place for the property, and the States Parties and local authorities are committed to providing adequate ongoing staffing and management resources to the property. Maintenance of the effectiveness of the transboundary cooperation and the related management plan is a key ongoing requirement for the protection of the property. Staff with a specific responsibility for site management are in place in both countries, and collaborate effectively to ensure a fully coordinated management of the property, including in relation to its presentation.

The main management requirement in relation to the values of Monte San Giorgio is the in situ protection of fossil bearing areas. Although these areas are generally difficult to access, it is important to ensure their accessibility for managed legal scientific excavation. Continued scientific excavation is a key requirement to maintaining the values of this property as a world reference area for paleontological research.

Maintenance of the relationships between the property and leading research institutes is also essential to both its scientific value and its presentation. Because the in situ fossil resources both require excavation and preparation to be of scientific value, and are not publicly accessible or visible, the completeness, presentation and safety of the fossil collections held in a limited number of universities and museums is key to the protection of the values of the property. These collections are maintained through strict adherence to appropriate legislative controls on excavation within the property. The housing of resultant fossil finds, and the standards of curation, specimen preparation and research, and museum display are of the highest quality in the main research collections related to the property. This presentation of the fossil finds from the property in major international museums also needs to be complemented by the appropriate provision of visitor centres and services within or near to the property, and a programme to establish and maintain these services is in place. An active ongoing programme of communication and interpretation for visitors to the property is required to ensure the fullest appreciation of the Outstanding Universal Value of Monte San Giorgio.
