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Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch

Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch

The extension of the natural World Heritage property of Jungfrau - Aletsch - Bietschhorn (first inscribed in 2001), expands the site to the east and west, bringing its surface area up to 82,400 ha., up from 53,900. The site provides an outstanding example of the formation of the High Alps, including the most glaciated part of the mountain range and the largest glacier in Eurasia. It features a wide diversity of ecosystems, including successional stages due particularly to the retreat of glaciers resulting from climate change. The site is of outstanding universal value both for its beauty and for the wealth of information it contains about the formation of mountains and glaciers, as well as ongoing climate change. It is also invaluable in terms of the ecological and biological processes it illustrates, notably through plan succession. Its impressive landscape has played an important role in European art, literature, mountaineering and alpine tourism.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Alpes suisses Jungfrau-Aletsch

L'extension agrandit vers l'est et l'ouest le site du patrimoine mondial de Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, portant sa superficie à 82 400 ha au lieu de 53 900 ha. Jungfrau- Aletsch-Bietschhorn a été inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en 2001. Le site est un exemple remarquable de la formation des Hautes Alpes, incluant la partie la plus glacée des Alpes d'Europe et le plus grand glacier d'Eurasie. Il comprend une large diversité d'écosystèmes, notamment des exemples de succession végétale, liée en particulier à la retraite des glaciers consécutive au changement climatique. Le site a une valeur universelle exceptionnelle tant par sa beauté que par la richesse des informations qu'il apporte sur la formation des montagnes et des glaciers, ainsi que sur les changements climatiques actuels. Il est aussi précieux de par les processus écologiques et biologiques qu'il illustre, notamment la succession végétale. En Europe, ce paysage impressionnant a joué un rôle important dans l'art, la littérature, l'alpinisme et le tourisme alpin.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

يونغفراو وأليتش وبيتشهورن

إنها المنطقة الأكثر تجلداً في جبال الألب وهي تتضمن أكبر مجلد في اوروبا وسلسلة من النماذج التقليدية للظواهر الجليدية كالوديان على شكل U والمدرّجات والقمم المخروطية الشكل والجرافات. كما انها تشكّل جردة جيولوجية فريدة لحركة الرفع والضغط التي أدت الى تكوّن الألب العليا. وتتوافر أصناف الحيوانات والنباتات الألبية في أشكال متعددة من المواطن الألبية وتحت الألب، بينما يشكّل الاستيطان النباتي في أثر المجالد المتناقصة نموذجاً فريداً من السلسلة النباتية. وقد أدى المنظر المهيب الذي يشكله الحاجز الشمالي لجبال الألب العليا والمتمحور حول إيغر ومونتش ويونغ فراو دوراً هاماً في الأدب والفن الأوروبيين.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


自然世界遗产少女峰–阿雷奇冰河–毕奇霍恩峰(最早于2001年被列入)从东部扩展到西部,面积从53 900公顷扩展到82 400公顷。该遗址为阿尔卑斯高山——包括山脉最受冰河作用的部分和欧亚大陆山脉最大的冰川——的形成提供了一个杰出的实例。它以生态系统多样性为特点,包括特别受气候变化冰川融化而形成的演替阶段。该遗址因景色秀美、而且包含山脉和冰川形成以及正在发生的气候变化方面的丰富知识而具有突出的全球价值。在它尤其通过植物演替所阐释的生态和生物过程方面,该遗址的价值无法衡量。其令人难忘的景观在欧洲艺术、文化、登山和阿尔卑斯山旅游中起着重要作用。

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Юнгфрау-Алеч-Бичхорн (Бернские Альпы)

Бернские Альпы – это самый обширный ледниковый район Альп. Именно здесь находится наиболее крупный горный ледник Европы – Алечский (протяженностью 23 км), а также ряд других характерных для нивально-гляциальной зоны форм рельефа, таких как U-образные горные долины, цирки, острые пирамидальные пики, морены. Здесь можно ясно проследить весь ход горообразования (процессы поднятий, складкообразования и т.д.), в результате чего сформировались эти высокогорные массивы. Разнообразие альпийской и субальпийской флоры и фауны весьма велико, причем особый интерес представляют растительные сообщества, формирующиеся на покинутых отступающим ледником участках. Наиболее примечательные вершины этой части Альп (например, Юнгфрау, Эйгер, Мёнх) отражены в произведениях литературы и искусства Европы.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Alpes suizos Jungfrau-Aletsch

Con la ampliación hacia el este y el oeste del sitio Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, ya inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial desde 2001, su superficie ha pasado de 53.900 a 82.400 hectáreas. Este sitio, que constituye un ejemplo excepcional de la formación de los Altos Alpes, comprende la mayor parte de la superficie helada de la cordillera alpina y el mayor glaciar de Eurasia. Posee una amplia variedad de ecosistemas, en particular ejemplos de sucesión vegetal debida al retroceso de los glaciares provocado por el cambio climático. El excepcional valor universal del sitio no sólo estriba en su belleza, sino también en la abundante información que proporciona sobre el cambio climático y la formación de las montañas y los glaciares. También es inestimable porque ilustra, a través de la sucesión vegetal, toda una serie de procesos ecológicos y biológicos. Su impresionante paisaje ha desempeñado un importante papel en el arte, la literatura, el montañismo y el turismo alpino del continente europeo.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

スイス・アルプス ユングフラウ‐アレッチュ

source: NFUAJ

Zwitserse Alpen Jungfrau-Aletsch
Het gebied Jungfrau-Aletsch is 53.900 hectare groot en toont de vorming van de Hoge Alpen, waaronder het deel met de meeste gletsjers en de grootste gletsjer in Eurazië. Het Alpengebied beschikt over een grote diversiteit aan ecosystemen, met inbegrip van successiestadia (voornamelijk door de terugtrekking van gletsjers als gevolg van de klimaatverandering). De plek is van universele waarde, vanwege zowel haar schoonheid als de schat aan informatie over de vorming van bergen en gletsjers. Maar ook vanwege klimaatveranderingen en ecologische en biologische processen. Het indrukwekkende landschap speelt een belangrijke rol in de Europese kunst, literatuur, het bergbeklimmen en alpine toerisme.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

The Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn region is the most glaciated part of the European Alps, containing Europe's largest glacier and a range of classic glacial features, and provides an outstanding record of the geological processes that formed the High Alps. A diverse flora and fauna is represented in a range of habitats, and plant colonization in the wake of retreating glaciers provides an outstanding example of plant succession.

Criterion (vii): The impressive landscape within the property has played an important role in European art, literature, mountaineering and alpine tourism. The area is globally recognised as one of the most spectacular mountain regions to visit and its aesthetics have attracted an international following. The impressive north wall of the High Alps, centred on the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau peaks, is a superlative scenic feature, complemented on the southern side of the Alpine divide by spectacular peaks and a valley system which supports the two longest glaciers in western Eurasia.

Criterion (viii): The property provides an outstanding example of the formation of the High Alps resulting from uplift and compression which began 20-40 million years ago. Within an altitude range from 809 m to 4,274 m, the region displays 400 million-year-old crystalline rocks thrust over younger carbonate rocks due to the northward drift of the African tectonic plate. Added to the dramatic record of the processes of mountain building is a great abundance and diversity of geomorphological features such as U-shaped glacial valleys, cirques, horn peaks, valley glaciers and moraines. This most glaciated part of the Alps contains the Aletsch glacier, the largest and longest in Europe, which is of significant scientific interest in the context of glacial history and ongoing processes, particularly related to climate change.

Criterion (ix): Within its altitudinal range and its dry southern/wet northern exposures, the property provides a wide range of alpine and sub-alpine habitats. On the two main substrates of crystalline and carbonate rocks, a variety of ecosystems have evolved without significant human intervention. Superb examples of plant succession exist, including the distinctive upper and lower tree-line of the Aletsch forest. The global phenomenon of climatic change is particularly well-illustrated in the region, as reflected in the varying rates of retreat of the different glaciers, providing new substrates for plant colonization.

The property is well managed, with a management strategy and plan in place which have been developed through an exemplary participatory process. Almost all of the property is under some form of legal protection. Key management issues include the potential impact from climate change, the management of tourism, and the need to ensure effective coordination of management responsibility between federal, cantonal and communal levels of government.
