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States Parties: Côte d'Ivoire
Year of approval: All
The World Heritage Centre is in the process of review old entries. Some numbers given below could be wrong.

Requests Approved: Côte d'Ivoire

ID Type of Assistance Year Amount
(in US$)
Project Title World Heritage Property
3491 Natural / Conservation 2024 29,390 Renforcement des patrouilles de surveillance et de suivi écologique par la mise en place de la surveillance aérienne et le suivi du Micropotamogale de Lamotte (Micropotamogale lamottei) à la Réserve Naturelle Intégrale du Mont Nimba Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve  
3339 Cultural / Conservation 2023 85,058 Conservation et gestion des mosquées de style soudanais du nord ivoirien Sudanese style mosques in northern Côte d’Ivoire  
3405 Natural / Conservation 2023 29,653 Appui au renforcement du suivi écologique des éléphants au Parc national de la Comoé (Côte d’Ivoire) par des colliers émetteurs satellitaires Comoé National Park  
3176 Natural / Conservation 2020 24,425 Appui au renforcement de la surveillance et à la lutte contre l’orpaillage clandestin au Parc national de la Comoé (Côte d’Ivoire) Comoé National Park  
3080 Natural / Conservation 2019 28,061 Elaboration de cartes à haute résolution à partir des images SPOT des limites actualisées de la Réserve intégrale du Mont Nimba Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve  
3003 Natural / Conservation 2018 19,565 Renforcement de la surveillance contre l’orpaillage et le braconnage à l’intérieur du Parc National de Taï Taï National Park  
2684 Cultural / Conservation 2015 5,000 Atelier d’information et de sensibilisation sur le plan de conservation et de gestion de la ville historique de Grand-Bassam (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Historic Town of Grand-Bassam  
2671 Natural / Conservation 2014 20,366 Protection de la biodiversité de la Réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve  
2539 Natural / Conservation 2013 29,981 Restauration naturelle des sites d’orpaillage dans le Secteur de Soubré par une surveillance accrue et une sensibilisation des populations riveraines du Parc national de Taï, Patrimoine mondial, Réserve de Biosphère Taï National Park  
2005 Natural / Conservation 2010 30,000 Atelier international bipartite sur la gestion durable des massifs de l’espace transfrontalier du Nimba Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve  
1810 Natural / Conservation 2006 30,000 Formations pratiques à l’agroforesterie et activités agricoles génératrices de revenus en milieu rural ivoirien dans le parc national de Taï Taï National Park  
1756 2005 17,156 Preparation of the Tentative list of cultural and natural sites of Côte d'Ivoire, suitable for inclusion to World Heritage List  
1467 Natural / Conservation 2001 30,514 Financement de l'Atelier National de Formation ''Contribution de la Recherche à l'Aménagement et à la Gestion Durable du Parc National de Taï" Taï National Park  
1198 Natural / Conservation 1999 50,000 Strengthening the Protection of the Comoe National Park Comoé National Park  
697 Natural / Conservation 1994 19,000 Support to participants from Francophone Africa in the Training Course on Protected Areas organized by ENGREF, France, in Côte d'Ivoire  
2319 Natural / Conservation 1993 30,000 ENGREF training course in Tai National Park  
597 Natural / Conservation 1993 30,000 Financial contribution for consultancies and other services necessary for setting up a management regime in the Guinean part of Mount Nimba World Heritage Site in Danger Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve  
596 Natural / Conservation 1993 30,000 Purchase of an all-terrain vehicle for Comoe National Park Comoé National Park  
531 Natural / Conservation 1991 19,000 Sub-regional training seminar on productivity of savannah (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 25-29 May 1991)  
474 Natural / preparatory 1990 7,500 Preparing a technical co-operation project for strengthening the conservation of Tai National Park Taï National Park  
2197 Natural / Conservation 1990 20,000 Financial contribution towards the organization of a training seminar on natural resources conservation and management, Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, 13-20 May 1990  
405 Cultural / Preparatory 1989 9,700 ICOMOS mission to prepare cultural nominations to the World Heritage List  
330 Natural / Conservation 1988 17,000 Purchase of a vehicle for Comoe National Park Comoé National Park  
329 Natural / Conservation 1988 3,000 Supplement to a study grant (approved in 1987) for a specialist at Montpellier College  
331 Natural / Conservation 1987 30,000 Study tour in Côte d'Ivoire for French-speaking African students at the Montpellier training course on forest and fauna protection  
269 Natural / Conservation 1987 12,000 2-year training for one specialist from Tai National Park at Montpellier, France Taï National Park  
270 Cultural / Preparatory 1987 6,500 Consultancy to assist the authorities in the preparation of cultural nominations  
127 Natural / Conservation 1983 30,000 Contribution to the construction of a wardens' station, purchase of a vehicle and provision for fuel for research activities at Tai National Park Taï National Park  
Total: 29 request(s) 722,854

By amounts approved

Budget ceilings Number of IA requests
Up to 5,000 USD 2
Between 5,001 USD and 75,000 USD 26
Over 75,000 USD 1
Total 29

By category and Type of Assistance

Category Conservation Preparatory Emergency Number of IA requests
nature 22 2 0 24
culture 2 2 0 4
mixed 0 1 0 1
Total 24 5 0 29

Number of Requests and amount approved by types and budget year

The budget year can be different from the year of approval. Example: a request X is approved in 1997, 50% against 1997 budget and 50% against 1998 budget. This request will then appear twice: once against 1997 budget year, and once against 1998 budget year.

Budget Year Number of Requests Approved against budget year Amount approved Preparatory Conservation Emergency
1984 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1987 2 18,500 USD 6,500 USD (1) 12,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1988 3 50,000 USD 0 USD (0) 50,000 USD (3) 0 USD (0)
1989 1 9,700 USD 9,700 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
1990 2 27,500 USD 7,500 USD (1) 20,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1991 1 19,000 USD 0 USD (0) 19,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1993 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1)
1994 2 60,000 USD 0 USD (0) 60,000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1995 1 19,000 USD 0 USD (0) 19,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2000 1 50,000 USD 0 USD (0) 50,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2002 1 30,514 USD 0 USD (0) 30,514 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2005 1 17,156 USD 17,156 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2006 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2007 1 29,985 USD 29,985 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2010 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2013 1 29,981 USD 0 USD (0) 29,981 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2014 1 20,366 USD 0 USD (0) 20,366 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2015 3 5,000 USD 0 USD (0) 5,000 USD (3) 0 USD (0)
2018 1 19,565 USD 0 USD (0) 19,565 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2019 1 28,061 USD 0 USD (0) 28,061 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2020 1 24,425 USD 0 USD (0) 24,425 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2023 2 114,711 USD 0 USD (0) 114,711 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2024 1 29,390 USD 0 USD (0) 29,390 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
Total 31 722,854 USD 70,841 USD (5) 622,013 USD (25) 30,000 USD (1)

Number of Requests and amount approved by types and year of approval

In this table, each request appears only once

Year of approval Number of Requests Approved Amount approved Preparatory Conservation Emergency
1983 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1987 3 48,500 USD 6,500 USD (1) 42,000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1988 2 20,000 USD 0 USD (0) 20,000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
1989 1 9,700 USD 9,700 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
1990 2 27,500 USD 7,500 USD (1) 20,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1991 1 19,000 USD 0 USD (0) 19,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1993 3 90,000 USD 0 USD (0) 60,000 USD (3) 30,000 USD (0)
1994 1 19,000 USD 0 USD (0) 19,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1999 1 50,000 USD 0 USD (0) 50,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2001 1 30,514 USD 0 USD (0) 30,514 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2005 1 17,156 USD 17,156 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2006 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2007 1 29,985 USD 29,985 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2010 1 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2013 1 29,981 USD 0 USD (0) 29,981 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2014 1 20,366 USD 0 USD (0) 20,366 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2015 1 5,000 USD 0 USD (0) 5,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2018 1 19,565 USD 0 USD (0) 19,565 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2019 1 28,061 USD 0 USD (0) 28,061 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2020 1 24,425 USD 0 USD (0) 24,425 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2023 2 114,711 USD 0 USD (0) 114,711 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2024 1 29,390 USD 0 USD (0) 29,390 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
Total 29 722,854 USD 70,841 USD (5) 622,013 USD (24) 30,000 USD (0)