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N°: 907

Revision of urban planning regulations of the Complex of Hué

Viet Nam
State Party
35,000 USD
Approved amount
6 Dec 1997
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 35,000 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
Previous Id: 1998-035
World Bank: LIC
N°: 907
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 35,000 USD
Decision Date: 6 Dec 1997

Committee Decisions

Code: 21COM X.1-2

X.1 The Committee examined International Assistance requests submitted by States Parties and advisory bodies presented in Working Document WHC-97/CONF.208/12Rev. In accordance with paragraphs 91-117 of the Operational Guidelines, the Committee took decisions concerning International Assistance requests for natural and cultural heritage above US$ 30,000.

X.2 The Committee's decisions and comments concerning International Assistance requests for natural and cultural heritage have been summarized in the following tables.


1. Training


Meeting of Regional Training Centres and Selected Academic/ Training Institutions for Curricula and Training Materials Development, Wildlife Institute of India



The Committee requested the State Party to consider bearing the costs of the participation of Indian natural World Heritage site managers and specialists.

Sub-total: Training



2. Technical Co-operation


Strengthening Protection of the Kaziranga National Park



The Committee approved an amount of US$ 50,000. for this project for 1998 to enable the construction of 10 guard camps (US$ 25,000.) 5 highland wildlife shelters (US$ 21,000.) and audio-visual equipment for the Park interpretation Centre at Kohara (US$ 4,000.). With reference to Article 22(d) of the Conven- tion, the Delegate of Thailand disassociated himself from this decision.


Purchase of equipment for W National Park



After discussion of an intervention by the Delegate of Thailand, whether Article 22(d) of the Convention would exclude the construction of houses and guard posts, the Committee requested the World Heritage Centre, UNESCO equipment unit and the State Party to purchase the equipment through competitive bidding and in the most cost effective manner. The Committee decided that the funds should not be used for construction purposes and maintenance of vehicles and requested the State Party to co-operate with the Centre and to submit to the 22nd session of the Bureau, a progress report on project implementation.

Sub-total: Technical Co-operation



3. Emergency Assistance

Democratic Republic of Congo

Purchase of Vehicles for four World Heritage Sites



The Committee approved, as a first step, US$ 45,000. for 2 vehicles for any 2 of the 4 sites under consideration and requested the State Party to co-operate with the World Heritage Centre to submit a progress report on project implementation to the Bureau's 22nd session. In addition, the Committee requested the World Heritage Centre to co-operate with conservation NGO's to ensure the safe delivery and proper use and maintenance of the vehicles.


Contribution towards the Implementation of an Emergency Rehabilitation Plan for Manas Wildlife Sanctuary



The Committee approved a sum of of US$ 90,000. to cover the cost of 2 wooden fibre boats (US$ 5,000.), purchase of 400 patrolling gear (US$ 15,000.) and construction of buildings within the site (US$ 70,000.) With reference to Article 22(d) of the Convention, the Delegate of Thailand disassociated himself from this decision.

Sub-total: Emergency




Total: Natural Heritage





1. Training


Training course for the Examination and Conservation of Architectural Surfaces



A Delegate questioned whether or not requests from developed countries should be submitted, considering the limited resources of the World Heritage Fund. He furthermore, requested that participants for this course should include those from the developing countries. ICCROM clarified that this training activity would mostly address participants from Central and Eastern Europe, where conservation of architectural surfaces is particularly necessary, but where the countries faced difficulties in addressing this issue.


Inter-regional Postgraduate Course in the Conservation of Monuments and the rehabilitation of Historic Cities (CECRE)





Ashanti Traditional Buildings



The Committee requested the State Party to

clarify the target audience of this training activity

while developing its programme.


Development of a training strategy and procedural framework



The Committee approved a sum of US$ 40,000

to finance the expert meeting to refine the Overall Strategy and for the survey of Latin America Development Strategy.

Sub-total: Training



2. Technical Co-operation


Special course on the World Heritage Convention for Latin America and the Caribbean





Revision of urban planning regulations of the Complex of Hué





Preparation of a conservation plan for Khami Ruins National Monuments




Sub-total: Technical Co-operation



3. Emergency Assistance





The Committee allocated an amount of US$ 100,000. as emergency assistance, of which US$ 47,000. is for the implementation of immediate actions, as requested. The remaining funds are to be allocated, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Committee, for the development and implementation of the programme of corrective measures.

Sub-total: Emergency




Total: Cultural Heritage




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Code: 21EXTBUR V3



Cameroon (Sub regional workshop on strengthening biodiversity conservation at the Dja Faunal Reserve) - US$ 29,900

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 29,900.

The Bureau requested the State Party to cooperate with IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to:
(i) revise the workshop programme to include themes and issues identified in the state of conservation report on Dja;
(ii) indicate the amount of national contribution provided by the State Party;
(iii) schedule the workshop at a time to allow for better planning; and
(iv) invite the participation of bilateral donors who are financing commercial and sustainable forestry projects in the forests surrounding the site.

Philippines (Training of a core-group of personnel on human scientific dimensions of managing Tubataha Reef as a natural World Heritage site) - US$ 30,000

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000.

Russian Federation (Training workshop for natural heritage site managers from Central and Eastern Europe and Russian Central Asia) - US$ 30,000

The Bureau decided to defer the consideration of this request as the workshop had been delayed until the summer of 1999.
The Bureau requested the State Party to cooperate with the World Heritage Centre to submit a revised proposal for consideration at the Bureau's 22nd ordinary session.

Tanzania (Support for 3 fellowships for African specialists in Protected Area/Wildlife Management to the Mweka College of African Wildlife Management for the Academic Year of 1998/99) - US$ 30,000

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000.

The Bureau urged IUCN and the World Heritage Centre to cooperate with Mweka and other regional training centres to review their curricula and propose measures for enhancing use of information for World Heritage site management.

India (Meeting of regional training centres and university training institutes for curricula and training materials development, Wildlife Institute of India) - US$ 41,000

The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a sum of US$ 30,000.

The Bureau requested the State Party to consider bearing the costs of the participation of Indian natural World Heritage site managers and specialists.


Dominica (Revision of the Management Plan for Morne Trois Pitons National Park) - US$ 13,900

For approval by the Chairperson, subject to the inscription of this site on the World Heritage List by the Committee at its twenty-first session, and payment of dues by the State Party to the World Heritage Fund.
The Bureau encourages the State Party to use national expertise for revising the management plan.

Niger (Purchase of Equipment for W National Park) - US$ 75,000

The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a sum of US$ 50,000 and request the World Heritage Centre, UNESCO's equipment unit and the State Party to purchase the needed equipment through competitive bidding and in the most cost-effective manner.

The Bureau suggested that the Committee decide that the funds should not be used for maintenance of vehicles and request the State Party to co-operate with the World Heritage Centre for submitting a progress report on project implementation, to enable the Bureau, at its 22nd ordinary session, to determine whether additional funds are needed.

India (Strengthening Protection of Kaziranga National Park) - US$ 50,000

The Bureau took note of its recommendation made at its 21st ordinary session to the Committee, that the Committee approve this request.


India (Contribution towards the implementation of an Emergency rehabilitation plan for Manas Wildlife Sanctuary) - US$ 160,000

The Bureau recommended that the Committee approves a supplementary allocation of US$ 90,000 for emergency assistance to cover: purchase of an additional 2 wooden fiber boats (US$ 50,000) and 400 patrolling gears (US$ 15,000), and contribution towards the construction of buildings within the site (US$ 70,000).

Democratic Republic of the Congo (Purchase of vehicles for 4 World Heritage Sites) - US$ 88,400

The Bureau, while fully recognising the need for vehicles for each of the four sites, expressed concerns over the current security situation in the eastern parts of the country and its impact on safe delivery, propser unse and maintenance of the vehicles.

Hence, the Bureau recommended that the Committee, as a first step, approves a sum of US$ 45,000 for 2 vehicles (of the US$ 90,000 requested for 4 vehicles) for any two of the four sites under consideration and request the State Party to cooperate with the World Heritage Centre to submit a progress report on project implementation to the Bureau's 22nd session.

In addition, the Bureau suggested that the Committee request the World Heritage Centre to cooperate with conservation NGOs to ensure the safe delivery and proper use and maintenance of the vehicles.



Laos (Training programme for the Historic Town of Luang Prabang) - US$ 25,000

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 25,000.

Philippines (Training to enhance the management of the Baroque Churches) - US$ 22,000

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 22,000.

Russian Federation (Training workshop for staff and specialists in the fields of designation, protection, management and rehabilitation of Cultural World Heritage Sites in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia) - US$ 29,800

The Bureau did not approve this request. Detailed information on the use of the funds had not been provided by the State Party.

The Bureau decided that it will not consider any International Assistance requests submitted by States Parties without a detailed budget breakdown in the future.

Austria (Training Course for the examination and Conservation of Architectural Surfaces) - US$ 35,000

Transmitted directly to the Committee.

Brazil (Inter-regional postgraduate course on the conservation of Monuments and Rehabilitation of Historic Cities) - US$ 50,000

Transmitted directly to the Committee.

Ghana (Ashanti Traditional Buildings) - US$ 47,000

Transmitted directly to the Committee.

ICCROM (Development of a training strategy and procedural framework) - US$ 50,000

Transmitted directly to the Committee.


China (Research project for the protection of the Terracotta Warriors and Horse Pits of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor) - US$ 30,000

Chinese authorities will provide further information concerning this request. Therefore, the Bureau decided to consider this request at its twenty-second session.

Nepal (Studies on traditional architecture, construction and conservation technique, documenting Bhaktapur Monument zone building) - US$ 28,000

The Bureau approved this request on the condition that the State Party pays its contributions to the World Heritage Fund for 1997.
Furthermore, the Bureau requested the State Party to submit the results of this activity to the Bureau and stressed the importance of documentation for protecting World Heritage sites.

ICCROM (Technical Assistance Programme - TAP) - US$ 25,000

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 25,000.

Vietnam (Revision of urban planning regulations of the Complex of Hué) - US$ 35,000

Transmitted directly to the Committee.

Zimbabwe (Preparation for a conservation plan for Khami Ruins National Monuments) - US$ 76,900

Transmitted directly to the Committee.

Mexico (Special course on the World Heritage Convention for Latin America and the Carribean) - US$ 30,000

The Bureau took note of its recommendation made at its 21st ordinary session to the Committee.

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