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N°: 3493

Capacity building in Environmental, Social and Visual impact Assessment for projects in vicinity of natural heritage sites in the United Republic of Tanzania

United Republic of Tanzania
State Party
51,050 USD
Approved amount
29 Jul 2024
Decision Date
For Implementation
Process Step
Amount Requested: 51,050 USD
Type of Assistance: Natural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
World Bank: LIC
LDC: Yes
N°: 3493
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 51,050 USD
Decision Date: 29 Jul 2024

Committee Decisions

Code: 46COM 12

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/24/46.COM/12,
  2. Decides to approve the following International Assistance requests:
    1. “Consultancy services for the Revision of the Local Economic Development Plan of Le Morne Cultural Landscape World Heritage Property” (Mauritius) for an amount of US$ 39,850 under the Conservation and Management-Culture budget; the finalized list of attributes will be one of the deliverables of the project and will be submitted to ICOMOS for review;
    2. “Follow up to Reactive Monitoring Mission to Luang Prabang” (Lao PDR) for an amount of US$ 74,620 under the Conservation and Management-Culture budget;
    3. “Improving conservation knowledge in Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System” (Colombia) for an amount of US$ 70,000 under the Conservation and Management-Culture budget;
    4. “Capacity building in Environmental, Social and Visual impact Assessment for projects in vicinity of natural heritage sites in the United Republic of Tanzania” (United Republic of Tanzania) for an amount of US$ 51,050 under the Conservation and Management-Nature budget;
  3. Decides to increase the ceilings under International Assistance as follows:
    1. US$ 40,000 for Preparatory Assistance;
    2. US$ 40,000 for decision by the Chairperson;
    3. US$ 10,000 for decision by the Director of the World Heritage Centre;
  4. Requests the Secretariat to reflect these modifications in the relevant paragraphs of the Operational Guidelines;
  5. Encourages States Parties considering preparation of International Assistance requests to contact the World Heritage Centre for advice either on the topic and/or on the technicalities of their International Assistance requests well ahead the annual deadline of 31 October.

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