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N°: 2569

Restoration of the medersa “Rachid” at Bukhara World Heritage site and creation of an international training center for the conservation of architectural heritage

State Party
21,960 USD
Approved amount
29 Jun 2002
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 53,960 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
World Bank: LIC
N°: 2569
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 21,960 USD
Decision Date: 29 Jun 2002

Committee Decisions

Code: 26COM 25.2.9

The World Heritage Committee approves the following international assistance requests.

Restoration of the medersa "Rachid" at Bukhara and creation of an international training centre for the conservation of architectural heritage

US$21,960 for funding in 2003.  

The Committee requests the State Party to provide clarifications concerning the programmes for the theoretical courses and practical work.

Read more about the decision