Training Proqramme in the conservation of Architecture, Painting, Wood, Stone and Antique Objects for the Preservation of the Hue World Heritage Site (1995, dates not specified), Vietnam
Committee Decisions
XII.6 The Committee noted that the Bureau at its eighteenth session in December 1994, examined eleven requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which five were submitted by ICCROM and six by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. The Bureau reported to the Committee that in view of budgetary constraints it gave priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. Funding of courses held in situ which take into account local training needs were given priority consideration over "regular contribution to annual courses" organised at the headquarters of training institutes.
XII.7 The Committee took note of the following decisions of the Bureau for training requests under the amount of US$30,000:
Requests approved by the Bureau:
- Sub-Regional Conservation Workshop on Western European Medieval Wall Paintings, 1 July - 10 September 1995, Sighisoara, Romania - US$28,000.
- Scientific Principles of Conservation Regional Course for Latin America, June-July 1995, Belo Horizonte, Brazil - US$30,000.
- Training of Technical Personnel, Cap Vert - US$25,000.
- Training for the Region of Latin America in Conservation of the Adobe World Heritage, October 1995, Chan Chan, Peru - US$20,000.
Requests not approved by the Bureau:
- International Architectural Conservation Course ARC 95 (18 January - 26 May 1995, Rome, Italy)- US$25,000: was not approved by the Bureau in view of other priorities and due to the availability of other funding sources for this regular course.
- Regional Training Courses in Architectural and Urban Heritage Conservation, 5 September 1994 to 30 June 1995, Bratislava, Slovak Republic - US$19,030:
This request was not approved at this time due to budgetary constraints and other requests of higher priorities.
Requests approved by the Committee:
The Committee endorsed the recommendation by the Bureau to approve the following requests:
- ICCROM/CRATerre (International Centre for Earthen Constructions): Training for a professional team; and craftsmen-technician team for the restoration and maintenance of the Palace of Abomey, Benin - US$ 33,000 approved out of the initial request of US$44,000.
- Regional Training Course of Maghreb Architects for the Conservation and Protection of Cultural Monuments and Sites (1995 and 1996, Tunisia) - US$50,000
- Regional Meeting of Directors of Cultural Offices in Latin America and the Caribbean (April 1995, Cartagena, Colombia)
The Committee approved the requested amount of US$45,000 to be funded under the budgetary provisions of technical co-operation or other budget lines.
Requests not approved by the Committee:
On the recommendations of the Bureau, the following requests were not approved by the Committee for reasons indicated below:
- International Course on the Technology of Stone Conservation, ICCROM, 30 March - 14 June 1995, Venice, Italy.
Despite recognition of the importance of this course and the support given to it in previous years, this US$51, 000 request from ICCROM was not approved in view of the fact that other funding sources were available for the organization of this regular course. - Training Programme in the Conservation of Architecture, Painting, Wood, Stone and Antique Objects for the Preservation of the Hue World Heritage Site (1995, dates not specified), Vietnam.
The Committee endorsed the recommendation of the Bureau not to approve this request for US$40,790 in view of the approval under Technical Cooperation of US$ 108,000 for the purchase of conservation laboratory equipment and related training in Hue which was deemed to be of higher priority.
The Bureau at its 18th session in December 1994 examined 11 requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which 5 were submitted by ICCROM and 6 by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. In view of budgetary constraints under the indicative allocation for training, the Bureau decided to give priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. The emphasis would be on courses held in situ which take into account local training needs rather than "regular contributions to annual courses" organised at the headquarters of training institutes. This criteria was therefore used to evaluate all training requests.
Requests approved by the Bureau
1. Sub-Regional Conservation Workshop on Western European Medieval Wall Paintings, 1 July-10 September 1995, Sighisoara, Romania - US$28,000
2. Scientific Principles of Conservation Regional Course for Latin America, June-July 1995, Belo Horizonte, Brazil - US$30,000
3. Training of Technical Personnel, Cap Vert - US$25,000
4. Training for the Region of Latin America in Conservation of the Adobe World Heritage, October 1995, Chan Chan, Peru - US$20,000
Requests not approved by the Bureau
1. International Course on the Technology of Stone Conservation, ICCROM, 30 March-14 June 1995, Venice, Italy
Despite recognition of the importance of this course and the support given to it in previous years, the Bureau did not approve this US$51,000 request from ICCROM due to other funding priorities and in view of the fact that other funding sources were available for the organization of this regular course.
2. International Architectural Conservation Course ARC 95, ICCROM, 18 January-26 May 1995, Rome, Itlay
In view of the availability of other funding sources for this regular course, the Bureau did not approve this request for US$25,000.
3. Training Programme in the Conservation of Architecture, Painting, Wood, Stone and Antique Objects for the Preservation of the Hue World Heritage Site (1995, dates not specified), Vietnam
This request for US$40,790 was not approved in view of the approval under Technical Cooperation of US$108,000 for the purchase of conservation laboratory equipment and related training in Hue which was deemed to be of higher priority.
4. Regional Training Courses in Architectural and Urban Heritage Conservation, 05 September 1994 to 30 June 1995, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
This request for US$19,030 was not approved at this time due to budgetary constraints and other requests of higher priority.
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