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N°: 1271

ICCROM request to recover a part of costs associated with provision of its services to the World Heritage

State Party
85,000 USD
Approved amount
3 Dec 1999
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 85,000 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
Previous Id: 2000-385
World Bank:
N°: 1271
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 85,000 USD
Decision Date: 3 Dec 1999

Committee Decisions

Code: 23COM XIV.1-12

XIV.1 The Chairperson presented the following documents concerning the agenda item 14:

  • WHC-99/CONF.209/18, which presents the World Heritage Fund, the income and forecasts, the work plan and the proposed budget. This document also presents the justification of the annual requirements of the advisory bodies as well as the accounts of the World Heritage Fund as at 31 December 1998, the detailed financial statement as at 31 December 1998 and the accounts and income of the World Heritage Fund as at 30 September 1999.
  • WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.18, which presents the activity reports of ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM undertaken since the twenty-second session of the World Heritage Committee.

The Chairperson then reminded the Committee of the decisions that should be taken during this session:

  • Firstly, to take note of the approved accounts of the World Heritage Fund as at 31 December 1998 and of provisional accounts for 1999 as at 31 October 1999.
  • Adopt the budgetary ceiling for 2000, allocate budgetary amounts to the different chapters in accordance with the approved ceiling and the decisions of the Committee during its discussions on other items of the agenda,
  • Examine and approve the provisional budget for 2001, • Finally, decide upon the situation of the World Heritage Fund and compulsory and voluntary contributions, notably the minimum ceiling and the implementation of resources to improve the availability of financial resources for inscribed sites, and to formalise co-operation with international and regional finance development institutions.

XIV.2 The Deputy Director of the Centre then presented in the following order:

  • The available resources for the implementation of the Convention (States Parties' contributions, Regular Programme Budget, extrabudgetary funds, staff costs of the World Heritage Centre), as well as the state of approved accounts of the World Heritage Fund as of 31 October 1999,
  • The situation of the World Heritage Centre as at 31 October 1999,
  • The budget proposal for 2000 and provisional budget for 2001.

XIV.3 After several questions concerning the Reserve Fund and its provision, the total budget for the World Heritage Fund including funds allocated to promotional activities was approved. This amounted to five million one hundred and fifty six thousand United States dollars (US$ 5,156,000). The provisional budget for the year 2001 was fixed at four million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand United States dollars (US$ 4,863,000 ). The approved Emergency Reserve Fund for 2000 is six hundred thousand United States dollars (US$ 600,000).

XIV.4 The resource situation of the World Heritage Centre was also discussed by the Committee.

As at 31 October 1999, the number of established posts at the Centre was twenty-two, of which eleven are professional posts. Three associate expert posts at the Centre financed by Austria, Germany and Japan. Another associate expert post (Italy) joined the Centre on 8 November 1999.

Income other than the World Heritage Fund available to the World Heritage Centre for 2000 can be estimated as follows:

  • US$ 2,463,300 from the Regular Programme of UNESCO of which US$ 1, 928, 850 for staff costs,
  • US$ 3,847,350 extrabudgetary funds from Finland, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the United Nations Foundation, as well as other States Parties and finance and development institutions.

The Committee accepted that these funds could be utilised by the Centre in accordance with the objectives specified by the donors until such time as simplified procedures for the approval of these funds be established by the Committee.

XIV.5 The Committee noted that, in spite of a substantial increase in the annual budget of the Fund, the average available amount per site has not varied since 1989 and is approximately US$ 5,000. This clearly demonstrates the lack of resources available from the World Heritage Fund in the face of increasing needs. Following the proposal made by the Secretariat, the Committee requested the Centre to prepare a proposal for the formalisation of co-operation with international funding institutes for development to be studied by the Task Force chaired by Canada before its submission to the twenty-fourth session of the Bureau.

XIV.6 An in-depth discussion on the different components of the budget followed this presentation. The Committee's attention particularly drawn to the amounts proposed for 2000 as follows:

  • the development of a Management Information System (US$ 125,000 from Chapter I),
  • Coordination with other Conventions and Programmes (US$ 45,000 under Chapter I),
  • The amounts proposed for the Advisory Bodies under Chapter II (US$ 435,000 for ICOMOS, $US 325,000 for IUCN) and in Chapter III for ICCROM ($US 127,325),
  • Support to the Arab States for the submission of periodic reports in 2000 ($US 140,000) under Chapter IV.

XIV.7 Many delegates intervened to propose that the advisory bodies (ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM) be given the amounts that they had asked and that the budgets reserved for them should not be cut any more. The delegates recalled the considerable increase of nominations during the last years and noted that as the advisory bodies were asked to render more services, they should be paid for that too. The Delegate of Canada wished to recall that this integral approval of the budgets submitted by ICOMOS and IUCN should be considered as an exception to the rule. Furthermore, the Delegate requested that in the future the advisory bodies present their annual budgets and plans according to an agreed upon format.

XIV.8 There was a long discussion about the amount needed for development of an Information Management System. Some delegates noted that the proposed sum of US$ 125,000 was not justified. Other delegates and the Observer of the United States of America recalled the specific recommendation made by the External Auditor on the urgent need to improve the Information Management System and supported the proposal of the Secretariat.

XIV.9 The Delegate of Canada expressed her frustration about the way the budget was currently being discussed and approved. The Delegate proposed that a financial sub-committee be created. This body could have a proper and detailed discussion on the different aspects of the budget, including the budget proposal made by the advisory bodies. Many delegates expressed the same concern and supported the idea of creating a financial subcommittee. The Task Force, chaired by Canada, was asked to reflect on this issue.

XIV.10 The Delegate of Hungary proposed that a separate budget line be created for the Eastern and Central European countries as well as for the countries of Central Asia. This would be in line with UNESCO practice where these countries are addressed as a separate electoral group II. The Delegate of Hungary felt obliged to speak on behalf of these forty-eight countries of which twenty-six fulfil the criteria of least developed countries and are facing serious economical problems. He stated that less financial support should be given to wealthy western European and North American countries, in favour of other regional groups.

XIV.11 The Delegation of the Republic of Korea expressed his concern about the insufficient attention paid to the needs of Asian countries that represent roughly two-thirds of the world population and are under-represented on the World Heritage List. He proposed that these countries be given sufficient financial support under the budget Chapter IV.

XIV.12 The discussions and responses to questions raised by Committee members and observers led to the following decisions of the Committee for the Chapters and components of the budget herebelow:

Chapter I - Implementation of the Convention

  • The continuation of the evaluation of International Assistance for an amount of US$ 40,000 of which the use is submitted to the decision of the next Bureau based on the proposal for approval of an impact study to be presented by the Secretariat.
  • An amount of US$ 114,000 was approved for the development of a Management Information System instead of the initial US$ 125,000, the remaining amount be covered by the Regular Budget of the Centre. It was agreed that the proposals should be subject to independent evaluation and the Observer of the United Kingdom offered the services of English Heritage for this purpose.
  • The amount proposed for coordination with other Conventions and Programmes was reduced to US$ 25,000.

The amount approved for Chapter I amounts to US$ 264,000.

Chapter II - Establishment of the World Heritage List

  • A special line is created under the Global Strategy for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with an allocation of US$ 20,000.
  • The sum allocated to ICOMOS for thematic studies amounts to US$ 40,000.
  • The budgets of the advisory bodies (ICOMOS and IUCN) are approved as submitted (US$ 495,000 for ICOMOS and US$ 355,000 for IUCN).
  • The budget line « other institutions and individuals » was reduced to US$ 20,000.

The sum approved for Chapter II amounts to US$ 1,148,000.

Chapter III - Technical Implementation of the Convention

In the discussion of this Chapter, the Director-General of ICCROM made reference to the proposal for a global training strategy (WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.22 - Progress Report on the Development of a Global Training Strategy for Cultural Heritage in the Framework of the World Heritage Convention). He regretted that given time constraints ICCROM was unable to present the report to the Committee. He then presented the details of his proposed plan of co-operation for 2000. In doing so, the Director-General explained that he was not seeking the financial support for the functioning of ICCROM but rather to cover support costs in the form of external consultants.

  • The amount foreseen for ICCROM for training was adjusted in accordance with the decisions of the Committee and amounts to US$ 192,635 including ICCROM management costs and coordination operations for World Heritage as requested by ICCROM. In this respect, the Director of the World Heritage Centre recalled that ICCROM was an intergovernmental organisation receiving contributions from its Member States and that consequently ICCROM should easily be able to cover its management costs within the framework of its budget for co-operation with the Centre.
  • The amount foreseen for on-site promotional activities was reduced by US$ 20,000 in favour of the budgetary line for the development of an Information Mangement System (Chapter I).

The other budgetary lines were approved.

The sum approved for Chapter III amounts to US$ 2,630,000.

Chapter IV - Reactive Monitoring and Submission of Periodic Reports

For reactive monitoring, it was decided to add a special budgetary line for state of conservation monitoring activities for Kakadu National Park (Australia) by ICSU for an amount of US$ 61,000. The Delegate of Australia noted that this allocation flowed from the decision of the recent extraordinary session of the Committee and that the State Party was concerned at delays in carrying out this work.

The distribution of allocated funds for support to States Parties for the submission of periodic reports was discussed at length and revised as shown in the budget table.

The sum approved under Chapter IV amounts US$ 622,000.

Chapter V - Documentation, Information and Education

The amount for this Chapter was approved without any modifications.

The following table provides details of the approved budget by Chapter and component.

Approved budget for 2000 and provisional budget for 2001



Chapters and components

Approved budget


Approved Budget


Provisional Budget


Chapter I - Implementation of the Convention

Participation at statutory meetings

70 000

60 000

70 000

Extraordinary session of the WHC

30 000

Working group for WH strategic planning


10 000

10 000

Working group on revision of Operational Guidelines


15 000


Financial, Management Reviews and Consultative Group




Development of an Information Management System

60 000

114 000

100 000

Cartography (NB : financed by EXB)




Evaluation of International Assistance

40 000

40 000


Coordination with other Conventions and Programmes etc...

25 000

25 000

45 000

 Sub-total  Chapter I

225 000

264 000

225 000

Chapter II - Establishment of the World Heritage List

Global Strategy

213 000

278 000

250 000


11 000

40 000

Arab States

38 000

8 000

Asia, including Central Asia*

21 000

50 000


30 000

50 000

Europe & North America

30 000

10 000

Eastern and Central Europe


20 000


Latin America and the Caribbean

45 000

45 000

Thematic studies:




23 000

40 000


15 000

15 000

Advisory services:


407 000

495 000

420 000


325 000

355 000

300 000


30 000

20 000

35 000

Sub-total Advisory Services :

762 000

870 000

755 000

Sub-total Chapter II

975 000

1 148 000

1 005 000

Chapter III - Technical Implementation of the Convention

Preparatory Assistance

300 000

325 000

350 000

Technical Co-operation                Including IUCN/WHC Africa 2002 Nature

1 245 000

1 245 000  60 000

1 250 000


981 000

980 000

985 000

Including ICCROM

241 000

192 635


Including IUCN

30 000

30 000


Including training activities for the preparation of monitoring reports

50 000



Africa 2009


80 000


Support to on-site promotional activities

100 000

80 000

100 000

 Sub-total Chapter III

2 626 000

2 630 000

2 685 000

Chapters and components

Approved budget


Approved Budget


Provisional Budget


Chapter IV - Monitoring the state of conservation of sites




Reactive Monitoring

195 000

262 500

200 000

Including ICOMOS

60 000

60 000


Including IUCN

45 000

56 500


Including ICSU (monitoring of Kakadu National Park)


61 000


Support to States Parties for the submission of Periodic Reports:




Methodology development

15 000

22 500

20 000

Support to States Parties of a Region selected by the Committee (Article 29)




Technical Coordination for Submission

35 000

35 000


60 000

77 000

130 000

Arab States

45 000

100 000

40 000

Asia and Pacific

60 000

55 000

90 000

Europe and North America

10 000

15 000

20 000

Eastern and Central Europe

 30 000

20 000

20 000

Latin America and the Caribbean

50 000

35 000

40 000

Sub-total support for periodic reporting

255 000

337 000

375 000

 Sub-total Chapter IV

465 000

622 000

595 000

Chapter V - Documentation, Information and Education





35 000

38 000

40 000

Information material

155 000

140 000

150 000

Production and distribution of an explanatory note on the Implementation of Article 29 of the Convention

20 000



Internet and WHIN

75 000

70 000

75 000

Media and Publishers

10 000

8 000

8 000


90 000

80 000

80 000

 Sub-total Chapter V

385 000

336 000

353 000


4 676 000

5 000 000

4 863 000




Emergency Reserve Fund

600 000

600 000

600 000




Promotional Activities and services for these activities

150 000

156 000

150 000





5 426 000

5 756 000

5 613 000

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