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Questions and Answers

PACT offers different possibilities for partnerships, notably the adoption or sponsorship of a World Heritage site, support for existing programmes and the development of educational awareness raising as well as support for activities in local and international communities. For more information on current projects and areas of cooperation or how to become a partner in the conservation of world heritage, please contact:

World Heritage Partnerships for Conservation Initiative (PACT)
World Heritage Centre
UNESCO, Paris, France

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The List

KML layer including key information on the natural and mixed World Heritage sites that were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 7 August 2012.

In the interest of world heritage conservation, the World Heritage Centre and its partners have developed a series of programmes and are actively involved in the implementation of projects, workshops, seminars and training courses. Click here to find out more about some of the ongoing projects.

The World Heritage Centre is constantly concluding partnerships with new partners in order to ensure the preservation of natural and cultural diversity in the long term. These partners include States Parties, Advisory Bodies, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations, the private sector and the media. Click here to see the list of our partners and their actions to support projects.
