The Workshop on management for World Heritage site managers in South-Eastern Europe in the framework of the preparation of the Second Cycle of Periodic Reporting for Europe and North America took place in Sibiu, Romania from 15 to 17 May 2012. It was a follow-up from the previous sub-regional meeting in Prague 26-27 May 2011 where the need to involve site managers was highlighted.
The meeting gathered several representatives of Romanian institutions, some National Focal Points of States Parties in the sub-region, site managers of fifteen World Heritage properties in the sub-region, site managers of two sites currently on the Tentative List, as well as the representatives of ICOMOS International, ICCROM and the World Heritage Centre.
The objectives of the workshop was to train participants on World Heritage processes, including reactive monitoring, Outstanding Universal Value as a basis for management, preparation of retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value and the boundary clarifications/minor boundary modifications procedures. Participants were also informed about the principles and modalities of implementation of the Second Cycle of the Periodic Reporting Exercise in the Europe and North America Region, as well as about the revised Periodic Reporting questionnaires. The workshop was designed to discuss and review the current status of the World Heritage management of the respective properties of the participants and to promote the exchanges of experiences, information and networking among site managers of the region.
periodic reporting