"Preparing the future of heritage sites - Building a project and management plan"
A second intensive training programme for francophone managers of cultural sites will be jointly organized at the Abbaye de Cluny in Burgundy (France) by the Centre-Arts et Métiers - ParisTech de Cluny with the European Archeological Centre of Bibracte, in partnership with the IUP Denis Diderot, the National Monuments Centre and the Network of Grand Sites in France. Participants also include the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Governing Body of Suomenlinna (World Heritage site); financial support is also provided by the Burgundy Regional Council.
The goal of this training programme is to help managers to better grasp their responsibilities and to create a sustainable, strategic vision for their professional duties. The objective is also to create an international network of francophone professionals in order to capitalize on the experience of each in order to complete group study projects through interactive workshops.
Candidates will be considered in the order in which their files are received. Each file must be completed with a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and a justification of fluency in French.
The file must be received by 29 August 2008, by:
E-mail: formation.patrimoinemondial@cluny.ensam.fr
Fax: +33 (0) 3 85 59 53 81
Or by post to the attention of Emilie Nardon, Formation ENSAM/UNESCO 2009, at the following address:
Centre - Arts et Métiers- ParisTech de Cluny
Bureau des mastères
Rue Porte de Paris
F71250 CLUNY