Through scholarship grants and the Marc de Montalembert Prize, the Fondation Marc de Montalembert contributes to developing better knowledge of the cultures of the Mediterranean world as well as their dissemination, particularly among the young people of that region.
To encourage young people in acquiring a better knowledge of the cultures of their region, one or two grants – scholarships for projects – are awarded each year for the realization of a cultural undertaking or one having to do with the development of a craft. Since 1994 the Foundation has provided financial support to 27 projects undertaken by young grant winners from 8 Mediterranean countries. Projects have been realized in the following fields : creative writing, architecture, archeology, anthropology and sociology, music, history of art, craftsmanship, engraving, painting, photography.
Those interested should request an application form through completing an online questionnaire to be submitted within the deadline of November 15th of the current year. The submission must include a presentation letter in PDF format.
Only candidates considered valid by the pre-selection committee of the Marc de Montalembert Foundation will receive on December 1 the application form and all necessary instructions. This module will be compiled and sent to the Foundation, along with the required documents, no later than 31 December.
The announcement of the award of the grant will be in late March and the presentation in late April.
The winner must present the final result of his project within the next year. The Foundation, having assessed the quality of work, may consider aid to its publication and dissemination.
Are taken into account only individual and personal projects with a cultural nature. Projects must be original and produce a concrete outcome in a form that it may spread. No collective projects are admitted, nor those projects related to a course of study or a university research.