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Training: Heritage impact assessments at World Heritage Properties

Monday 31 Oct 2016
Wednesday 09 Nov 2016

The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) in collaboration with ICCROM are proposing a training course for African States Parties.

Africa, as a developing region, must increasingly address the issue of ensuring that development is carried out in a way that minimizes negative impacts and promotes positive effects for heritage and associated communities. Heritage Impact assessments are a key tool to assist this process.

The 10-day training will include lectures, case studies, practical hands‐on exercises, site visits, group work and classroom discussions.

Type of Event: 

Category 7-Seminar and Workshop

Edmond Moukala
Regions 1

Monday, 31 October 2016
Wednesday, 9 November 2016

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Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania