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1373 Documents
Year of Publication: 2017close
WHC/17/41.COM/7A.Add2 Addendum 2 State of conservation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7A.Add2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7A.Add Addendum État de conservation des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7A.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7A.Add Addendum State of conservation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7A.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7A État de conservation des biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7A State of conservation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add2 Addendum 2 État de conservation de biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add2 Addendum 2 State of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add État de conservation de biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add Addendum State of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7B.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
State Party: Albania, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Morocco, North Macedonia, Poland, Russian Federation, Thailand, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Yemen
Site: Ancient City of Nessebar, Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis, Białowieża Forest, Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue, City of Quito, Cultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands, Dja Faunal Reserve, Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex, Great Barrier Reef, Historic Areas of Istanbul, Historic Centre of Vienna, Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong, Ksar of Ait-Ben-Haddou, Kyiv: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur, Morne Trois Pitons National Park, Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region, Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor, Socotra Archipelago, Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites, The Great Wall, Tipasa, Um er-Rasas (Kastrom Mefa'a), Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape, Venice and its Lagoon, Western Caucasus, Wood Buffalo National Park
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7B État de conservation de biens inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/7B State of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/7B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.7 Rev.3 Liste des rapports sur l’état de conservation proposés pour discussion
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.7 Rev.3
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.7 Rev.3 List of state of conservation reports proposed for discussion
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.7 Rev.3
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8A Listes indicatives des États parties soumises au 15 avril 2017, conformément aux Orientations
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8A Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties as of 15 April 2017, in conformity with the Operational Guidelines
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8B Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8B Nominations to the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add.2.Rev Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add.2.Rev
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add.2.Rev Nominations to the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add.2.Rev
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add Addendum Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add Addendum Nominations to the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8B.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8C Mise à jour de la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8C
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8C Update of the List of World Heritage in Danger
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8C
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8D Clarifications des limites et des superficies des biens par les États parties
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8D
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8D Clarifications of property boundaries and areas by States Parties
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8D
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8E Adoption des Déclarations rétrospectives de valeur universelle exceptionnelle
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8E
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/8E Adoption of retrospective Statements of Outstanding Universal Value
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/8E
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1 Évaluations des propositions d’inscription des biens culturels et mixtes (ICOMOS)
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: ICOMOS
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1 ICOMOS Evaluations of Nominations of Cultural and Mixed Properties
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: ICOMOS
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add.2 Addendum 2 Evaluations de l’ICOMOS des propositions d’inscription de biens culturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add.2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add.2 Addendum 2 ICOMOS Evaluations of nominations of cultural and mixed properties to the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add.2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add Addendum Évaluations des propositions d’inscription des biens culturels et mixte
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: ICOMOS
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add Addendum Evaluations of Nominations of Cultural and Mixed Propertie
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B1.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: ICOMOS
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2 Évaluations de l’UICN des propositions d’inscription de biens naturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2 IUCN Evaluations of nominations of natural and mixed properties to the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: IUCN
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2.Add Addendum Evaluations de l’UICN des propositions d’inscription de biens naturels et mixtes sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2.Add Addendum IUCN Evaluations of nominations of natural and mixed properties to the World Heritage List
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B2.Add
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: IUCN
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B3 Liste des propositions d’inscription reçues au 1er février 2017 pour examen par le Comité du patrimoine mondial à sa 42e session (2018)
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B3
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B3 List of nominations received by 1 February 2017 and for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 42nd session (2018)
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B3
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B4 Notifications d’erreurs factuelles
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B4
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B4 Factual errors letters
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.8B4
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/9A Rapport d'avancement sur la réflexion concernant les Processus en amont
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/9A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/9A Progress Report on the reflection concerning the Upstream Processes
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/9A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/9B Rapport d'avancement sur la réflexion sur les processus de propositions d'inscription de biens mixtes
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/9B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/9B Progress report on the reflection on processes for mixed nominations
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/9B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/10A Rapport relatif à la réflexion sur les Rapports périodiques (2015-2017) et lancement du Troisième cycle
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/10A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/10A Report on the Periodic Reporting Reflection (2015-2017) and launch of the third Cycle
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/10A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/10B Suivi du deuxième cycle de l'exercice de soumission des rapports périodiques pour toutes les régions
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/10B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/10B Follow-up to the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise for all regions
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/10B
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/11 Révision des Orientations
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/11
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/11 Revision of the Operational Guidelines
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/11
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/12A Suivi des recommandations des évaluations et audits sur les méthodes de travail : résultats du groupe de travail ad hoc
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/12A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/12A Follow-up to Recommendations of Evaluations and Audits on Working Methods: outcomes of the ad-hoc working group
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/12A
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/13 Examen des demandes d'assistance internationale
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/13
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/13 Examination of International Assistance requests
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/13
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/14 Rapport sur l'exécution du budget pour l'exercice biennal 2016-2017 et préparation du budget pour l'exercice biennal 2018-2019
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/14
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/14 Report on the execution of the budget for the biennium 2016-2017 and preparation of the budget for the biennium 2018-2019
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/14
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.II Étude comparative des formes et modèles utilisés pour les services consultatifs par des instruments et programmes internationaux
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.II
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.II Comparative Mapping Study of Forms and Models for use of Advisory Services by International Instruments and Programmes
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.II
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.I Résultats de l’enquête en ligne sur une redevance annuelle à titre volontaire des biens inscrits au patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.I
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.I Outcomes of the online consultation survey on a voluntary annual fee by the World Heritage properties
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.14.I
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/18 Décisions adoptées lors de la 41e session du Comité du patrimoine mondial (Cracovie, 2017)
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/18
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/18 Decisions adopted during the 41st session of the World Heritage Committee (Krakow, 2017)
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/18
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.18 Summary Records
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.18
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/41.COM/INF.18 Résumé des interventions
Code: WHC/17/41.COM/INF.18
Year: 2017
Session: 41COM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.1B Liste des Présidents, Vice-présidents et Rapporteurs de l’Assemblée générale depuis 1991
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.1B
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.1B List of Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of the General Assembly since 1991
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.1B
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2A Ordre du jour provisoire de la 21e session de l’Assemblée générale
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2A
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2A Orden del día provisional de la 21ª reunión de la Asamblea General
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2A
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2A Provisional Agenda of the 21st session of the General Assembly
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2A
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2A جدول الأعمال المؤقت للدورة الحادية والعشرون للجمعية العامة
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2A
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2B Calendrier provisoire de la 21e session de l'Assemblée générale
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2B
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2B Calendario provisional de la 21ª reunión de la Asamblea General
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2B
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2B Provisional Timetable of the 21st session of the General Assembly
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2B
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/2B جدول الأعمال المؤقت للدورة الحادية والعشرون للجمعية العامة
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/2B
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.2A.Rev Liste provisoire des documents de la 21e session de l’Assemblée Générale
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.2A.Rev
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.2A.Rev Provisional list of documents for the 21st session of the General Assembly
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.2A.Rev
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
39 C/REP/19 Rapport du Comité intergouvernemental de la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel sur ses activités
Code: 39 C/REP/19
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
39 C/REP/19 Report of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on its activities
Code: 39 C/REP/19
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/5 Élections au Comité du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/5
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/5 Elecciones del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/5
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/5 Elections to the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/5
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/5 من جدول الأعمال المؤقت: انتخابات لجنة التراث العالمي
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/5
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.5A Liste provisoire des candidatures pour les élections au Comité du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.5A
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.5A Provisional List of candidatures for the elections to the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.5A
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/6 Examen de l'état des comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial, y compris du statut des contributions des États parties
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/6
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/6 Examen del estado de cuentas del Fondo del Patrimonio Mundial, comprendida la situación de las contribuciones de los Estados Partes
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/6
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/6 Examination of the statement of accounts of the World Heritage Fund, including the status of the States Parties’ contributions
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/6
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/6 فحص البيانات المالية لصندوق التراث العالمي، بما في ذلك حالة مساهمات الدول الأطراف
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/6
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.6.Rev Comptes du Fonds du patrimoine mondial pour l’exercice financier 2014-2015 et pour la période allant du 1er janvier 2016 au 30 juin 2017
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.6.Rev
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.6.Rev Accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period 2014-2015 and the period 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2017
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.6.Rev
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/7 Fixation du montant des contributions au Fonds du patrimoine mondial selon les dispositions de l’article 16 de la Convention du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/7
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/7 Determination of the amount of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/7
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.7 État des contributions obligatoires et volontaires pour le Fonds du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.7
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.7 Statement of Compulsory and Voluntary Contributions for the World Heritage Fund
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.7
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/9 Avenir de la Convention du patrimoine mondial : Résultats et état d’avancement dans la mise en œuvre du Plan d’action stratégique 2012-2022
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/9
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/9 El futuro de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial: resultados y avances en la ejecución del Plan de acción estratégico 2012-2022.
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/9
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/9 Future of the World Heritage Convention: Outcomes and Progress in the Implementation of the Strategic Action Plan 2012-2022
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/9
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/9 مستقبل اتفاقية التراث العالمي: النتائج والتقدم المحرز في تنفيذ خطة العمل الاستراتيجية 2012 - 2022
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/9
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/10 Patrimonio mundial y desarrollo sostenible
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/10
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Español es
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/10 التراث العالمي والتنمية المستدامة
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/10
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: العربية ar
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/10 Patrimoine mondial et développement durable
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/10
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/10 World Heritage and Sustainable Development
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/10
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/11 Résolutions adoptées par l’Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial lors de sa 21e session (UNESCO, 2017)
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/11
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/11 Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention at its 21st session (UNESCO, 2017)
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/11
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.11 Summary Records
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.11
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/21.GA/INF.11 Résumé des travaux
Code: WHC/17/21.GA/INF.11
Year: 2017
Session: 21GA
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/2 Ordre du jour provisoire de la 12e session extraordinaire du Comité du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/2
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/2 Provisional Agenda of the 12th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/2
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/3 Élection du Bureau du Comité du patrimoine mondial
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/3
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/3 Election of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/3
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/4 Examen de demandes d’assistance internationale
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/4
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/4 Examination of International Assistance requests
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/4
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/5 Rapport des décisions adoptées par le Comité du patrimoine mondial lors de sa 12e session extraordinaire (UNESCO, 2017)
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/5
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Language: Français fr
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/5 Report of the Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 12th Extraordinary session (UNESCO, 2017)
Code: WHC/17/12.EXTCOM/5
Year: 2017
Session: 12EXTCOM
Keywords: Decision
Language: English en
Copyright: UNESCO
Author: World Heritage Centre
Category: Statutory documents
Management Plan 2017-2021 - the Stone Circles of Senegambia
Year: 2017
State Party: Gambia, Senegal
Site: Stone Circles of Senegambia
Language: English en
Author: National Centre for Arts and Culture, The Gambia National Museum (Gambia) ; Direction du Patrimoine Culturel (Sénégal)
Category: Management Plans
Plan de Gestion 2017-2021 des Mégalithes de la Sénégambie
Year: 2017
State Party: Gambia, Senegal
Site: Stone Circles of Senegambia
Language: Français fr
Author: Centre National pour l’Art et la Culture (NCAC) de la Gambie ; Direction du Patrimoine Culturel (DPC) du Sénégal
Category: Management Plans
Southern Öland-Administration and Development Plan 2017-2023
Year: 2017
Keywords: Plan de gestion Management Plan
State Party: Sweden
Site: Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland
Language: English en
Author: Sweden
Category: Management Plans
Management Plan - Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc (2017)
Year: 2017
Keywords: Plan de gestion Management Plan
State Party: Czechia
Site: Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc
Language: English en
Category: Management Plans
Old and New Towns of Edinburgh-Management Plan 2017-2022
Year: 2017
Keywords: Plan de gestion Management Plan
State Party: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Site: Old and New Towns of Edinburgh
Language: English en
Author: United Kingdom (Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site Oversight Group and Steering Group)
Category: Management Plans
Management Plan 2017-2026 for Blenheim Palace (revision of the 2006 version)
Year: 2017
Keywords: Plan de gestion Management Plan
State Party: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Site: Blenheim Palace
Language: English en
Author: Historic Landscape Management Ltd (United Kingdom)
Category: Management Plans
Management Plan Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland (2017-2023)
Year: 2017
Keywords: Plan de gestion Management Plan
State Party: Sweden
Language: English en
Category: Management Plans
Management Plan Independence Hall (2017)
Year: 2017
Keywords: Plan de gestion Management Plan
State Party: United States of America
Language: English en
Category: Management Plans
Plan de gestion - Les gravures rupestres de Tanum
Year: 2017
State Party: Sweden
Site: Rock Carvings in Tanum
Language: Français fr
Author: Préfecture de Västra Götaland - Commune de Tanum - Région de Västra Götaland
Category: Management Plans
Management Plan - The Rock Carvings in Tanum
Year: 2017
State Party: Sweden
Site: Rock Carvings in Tanum
Language: English en
Author: County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland - Region Västra Götaland – Tanum Municipality
Category: Management Plans
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 43COM
State Party: South Africa
Site: Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa
Language: English en
Author: South Africa
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Mauritius
Site: Le Morne Cultural Landscape
Language: English en
Author: Mauritius
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Mozambique
Site: Island of Mozambique
Language: English en
Author: Mozambique
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Viet Nam
Site: Trang An Landscape Complex
Language: English en
Author: Viet Nam
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: United Republic of Tanzania
Site: Stone Town of Zanzibar
Language: English en
Author: United Republic of Tanzania
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: United Republic of Tanzania
Site: Serengeti National Park
Language: English en
Author: United Republic of Tanzania
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: United Republic of Tanzania
Site: Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Ruins of Songo Mnara
Language: English en
Author: United Republic of Tanzania
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Site: Gough and Inaccessible Islands
Language: English en
Author: United Kingdom
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Uganda
Site: Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Language: English en
Author: Uganda
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Türkiye
Site: Archaeological Site of Ani
Language: English en
Author: Turkey
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Suriname
Site: Historic Inner City of Paramaribo
Language: English en
Author: Suriname
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Sudan
Site: Sanganeb Marine National Park and Dungonab Bay – Mukkawar Island Marine National Park
Language: English en
Author: Sudan
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Sri Lanka
Site: Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications
Language: English en
Author: Sri Lanka
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Sri Lanka
Site: Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple
Language: English en
Author: Sri Lanka
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: South Africa
Site: Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape
Language: English en
Author: South Africa
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: South Africa
Site: Cape Floral Region Protected Areas
Language: English en
Author: South Africa
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Saudi Arabia
Site: Historic Jeddah, the Gate to Makkah
Language: English en
Author: Saudi Arabia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Saudi Arabia
Site: Historic Jeddah, the Gate to Makkah
Language: English en
Author: Saudi Arabia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Saint Lucia
Site: Pitons Management Area
Language: English en
Author: Saint Lucia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Russian Federation
Site: Historical Centre of the City of Yaroslavl
Language: English en
Author: Russian Federation
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Russian Federation
Site: Western Caucasus
Language: English en
Author: Russian Federation
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Russian Federation
Site: Virgin Komi Forests
Language: English en
Author: Russian Federation
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Russian Federation
Site: Kizhi Pogost
Language: English en
Author: Russian Federation
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Russian Federation
Site: Volcanoes of Kamchatka
Language: English en
Author: Russian Federation
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party of the Russian Federation / Rapport de l'Etat partie de la Fédération de Russie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Lithuania, Russian Federation
Site: Curonian Spit
Language: English en
Author: Russian Federation
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Poland
Site: Auschwitz Birkenau
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940-1945)
Language: English en
Author: Poland
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Peru
Site: Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa
Language: English en
Author: Peru
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Nigeria
Site: Sukur Cultural Landscape
Language: English en
Author: Nigeria
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Nepal
Site: Sagarmatha National Park
Language: English en
Author: Nepal
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Nepal
Site: Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha
Language: English en
Author: Nepal
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Myanmar
Site: Pyu Ancient Cities
Language: English en
Author: Myanmar
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Mozambique
Site: Island of Mozambique
Language: English en
Author: Mozambique
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Montenegro
Site: Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor
Language: English en
Author: Montenegro
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Mexico
Site: Historic Centre of Puebla
Language: English en
Author: Mexico
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Mauritania
Site: Banc d'Arguin National Park
Language: Français fr
Author: Mauritanie
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Mali
Site: Cliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons)
Language: Français fr
Author: Mali
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party of Lithuania / Rapport de l'Etat partie de la Lituanie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Lithuania, Russian Federation
Site: Curonian Spit
Language: English en
Author: Lithuania
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Jordan
Site: Wadi Rum Protected Area
Language: English en
Author: Jordan
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Revised State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport révisé de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Japan
Site: Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining
Language: English en
Author: Japan
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Site: The Persian Qanat
Language: English en
Author: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Iraq
Site: The Ahwar of Southern Iraq: Refuge of Biodiversity and the Relict Landscape of the Mesopotamian Cities
Language: English en
Author: Iraq
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Indonesia
Site: Sangiran Early Man Site
Language: English en
Author: Indonesia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: India
Site: Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda, Bihar
Language: English en
Author: India
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: India
Site: Keoladeo National Park
Language: English en
Author: India
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: India
Site: Hill Forts of Rajasthan
Language: English en
Author: India
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Haiti
Site: National History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers
Language: Français fr
Author: Haiti
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Germany
Site: Carolingian Westwork and Civitas Corvey
Language: English en
Author: Germany
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: France
Site: Champagne Hillsides, Houses and Cellars
Language: Français fr
Author: France
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: France
Site: The Climats, terroirs of Burgundy
Language: Français fr
Author: France
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Ethiopia
Site: Aksum
Language: English en
Author: Ethiopia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Ethiopia
Site: Aksum
Language: English en
Author: Ethiopia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Ecuador
Site: Galápagos Islands
Language: English en
Author: Ecuador
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Dominican Republic
Site: Colonial City of Santo Domingo
Language: Français fr
Author: Dominican Republic
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Croatia
Site: Old City of Dubrovnik
Language: English en
Author: Croatia
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Costa Rica
Site: Precolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís
Language: English en
Author: Costa Rica
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: China
Site: Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art Cultural Landscape
Language: English en
Author: China
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Résumé du Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: China
Site: Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu
Language: English en
Author: China
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party of China / Rapport de l'Etat partie de la Chine sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
Site: Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor
Language: English en
Author: China
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: China
Site: Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa
Language: English en
Author: China
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: China
Site: The Grand Canal
Language: English en
Author: China
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: China
Site: Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains
Language: English en
Author: China
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties
State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation
Year: 2017
Session: 42COM
State Party: Chad
Site: Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape
Language: Français fr
Author: Tchad
Category: State of Conservation Reports by States Parties