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World Heritage Convention

205 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 2002close
Year end: 2002close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expresses its satisfaction with this excellent Periodic Report for Africa 2001 noting that it gives direction for future World Heritage activities in Africa;2. Noting that the Action Plan is already being implemented, requests that the activities specified therein should be restructured in line with the new Strategic Objectives and Article 5 of the World Heritage Convention;3. Encourages Afro-Arab bi-regional co-operation and networking, based on the similarities of problems and suggested solutions revealed by this Periodic Report and the one for Arab ...
The World Heritage Committee,Invites the Director-General to present in written form information and draft decisions on the state of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger.
The World Heritage Committee, Invites the Director-General to seek further coordination, and possibly the establishment of a permanent mechanism of consultation, with the World Bank on projects related to World Heritage properties.
The World Heritage Committee, Invites the Director-General to present a report and statistics on the state of conservation reports of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger at its extraordinary session in March 2003.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Invites the State Party to shortly finalize the management plan and confirm its adoption by the Government and to submit a calendar of activities for preparing a proposal for a transborder World Heritage area in the Danube Delta in cooperation with other concerned States Parties;2. Urges the State Party to take necessary action to purchase the portable electric generator to ensure the rapid closing of the sluice gates as and when needed and to minimize the risks of contamination from any future toxic spills;3. Recommends that the site be removed from the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Regrets the widespread damage caused by the volcanic eruption in January 2002 and requests the Director-General to transmit its sympathies and solidarity to the people of Goma through appropriate UN and other channels; 2. Requests the Director-General to consult with the UN authorities and other appropriate partners to put in place natural-disaster-prevention and risk-assessment systems to protect lives and minimize damage to property in the event of future eruptions; 3. Notes the efforts of the UNESCO/DRC/United Nations Foundation (UNF) Project to support ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its pleasure to welcome Liberia as a State Party to the Convention;2. Congratulates the exemplary collaboration between the three States Parties, UN and conservation NGOs for establishing a sound framework for transborder collaboration for the conservation of the Mt Nimba ecosystem;3. Invites the three Parties to review the draft tri-national framework agreement and finalise it as soon as possible, and that Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire resolve their differences in the boundary of the Dere-Tiapleu Forest in an amicable and effective manner;4. Decides ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Notes with concern the continuing threats posed by insurgency and its impacts on the state of conservation of the site, particularly in its Eastern and the Western Ranges but also acknowledges several favourable conservation trends including: finalization of the management plan that is awaiting State Government approval, progressive reconstruction of camps and guard posts and increasing staff ability to carry out on-site management actions;2. Invites the Government of India and the State Government of Assam to investigate the possibilities of including the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Invites the State Party to submit a detailed report on the vehicle, purchased using the resources of the World Heritage Fund, which has been reported stolen, and as part of the same report address the staffing, infrastructure development, management and security issues impacting the integrity of the site;  2. Calls for an up-to-date assessment on the state of implementation of the rehabilitation plan for the site approved by the Bureau in 1999 and a review of the sustainability of donor and government financing for the conservation of the Natural Reserves; ...
The World Heritage Committee: 1. Notes that a workshop to define the indicators, benchmarks and other components of a scientific monitoring programme to guide the Committee's future assessments of the performance of the rehabilitation programme for the Ichkeul Lake National Park, will be organized in September 2002 using funds provided under an emergency grant of US$50,000 from the World Heritage Fund in May 2002;2. Invites the State Party to submit a detailed report on the results of the emergency assistance project, including a description of the monitoring programme, its financing and ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes with satisfaction that concerns raised by IUCN regarding the recent issue of mining permits relate to limestone quarries outside the World Heritage area and commends the State Party's decision to allocate US$4.1 million on wastewater management improvements within the Everglades region;2. Invites the State Party to co-operate with IUCN and the Centre to prepare a report for submission to its 27th session in June/July 2003, containing the steps it intends to take to develop action plans and define parameters and conditions to monitor progress in the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes that the State Party has prepared the draft Supplementary Environmental Impact Study and has received 350,000 comments which are currently being evaluated; 2. Urges the State Party to continue to report on Yellowstone's snowmobile phase-out and other efforts to ensure that winter travel facilities respect the protection of the Park, its visitors, and its wildlife; 3. Invites the State Party to co-operate with IUCN and the Centre to prepare a report for submission to its 27th session in June/July 2003, containing steps it intends to take to develop ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Takes note of the report provided by the State Party and welcomes the progress made to enhance the protection, preservation and presentation of the World Heritage site; 2. Reiterates the recommendations made by the Bureau at its 25th session, notably regarding the enlargement of the Butrint National Park Board to include, at the national and regional level, all relevant authorities to ensure a strong and effective co-ordination of the management of the World Heritage site; 3. Urges the State Party to take all appropriate measures, at the national level, ...
Sites: Butrint
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes with appreciation the recent return of the two Angkor sculptures from the Academy of Fine Arts of Honolulu to the National Museum of Phnom Penh; 2. Notes that support has been provided to the International Co-ordination Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of Angkor (ICC) by new partners (Switzerland and India) and expresses appreciation for the support of the Municipality of Paris to strengthen the Documentation Centre; 3. Urges the State Party to make available to its 27th session in June/July 2003, within the framework of the Periodic ...
Sites: Angkor
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its appreciation to the Government of India and the State Government of Karnataka for establishing a "Hampi World Heritage Area Management Authority" to ensure effective co-ordination of conservation and development activities within the Hampi World Heritage areas;2. Encourages the State Party and the authorities concerned to continue their efforts in the formulation of a comprehensive management plan and to this end requests the World Heritage Centre to continue co-operating with the concerned authorities;  3. Invites the State Party ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the Omani authorities for the substantial achievements in the advancement of conservation works at the Fort, and for engaging in the preparation of the Management Plan;2. Recommends that the State Party ensure as a matter of urgency the necessary technical supervision of the conservation works being implemented at the site, and that a comprehensive survey and analysis of cultural and natural values of the Bahla Oasis and its surroundings be included in the scope of work of the consultant firm;3. Expresses its concern with regard to the proposed ...
Sites: Bahla Fort
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Reiterates its request made to the State Party at its 24th session to take corrective measures to remove the threats to the property and to clarify ownership, land-use and the legal status of the land within 60 meters of the partially demolished hydraulic works, particularly in view of the Punjab Special Premises Ordinance applicable to the site; 2. Takes note with appreciation of the positive actions taken and being planned by the State Party and the Centre for the rehabilitation of the Shalamar Gardens and in elaborating a comprehensive management plan ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Takes note of the important work initiated by the local authorities and congratulates the State Party for its declared willingness to correct the present situation;2. Requests the State Party to present a progress report by 1 February 2003 on the work carried out for examination at its 27th session in June/July 2003;3. Decides to maintain, in agreement with the State Party, the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its deep concern over the situation that calls for urgent corrective measures as the fragile natural environment continues to be affected by: uncontrolled construction of shelters on the Rice Terraces; climate-induced erosion of the Rice Terraces; abandonment of the Rice Terraces; unsustainable agricultural practices for the local communities; 2. Expresses its appreciation of the State Party's action to establish a permanent effective body to co-ordinate and lead efforts to rehabilitate the Rice Terraces in accordance with the ...