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World Heritage Convention

56 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1986close
Year end: 1986close
By Year
14. As in previous years, IUCN reported on the conservation of natural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger. An information document (CC-86/CONF.003/INF.4) prepared by IUCN presented up-to-date information on some 16 natural properties. 15. The Committee was glad to learn of improvements or of a stabilisation in the previously deteriorating situation of certain properties, notably Djoudj National Park (Senegal), Ngorongoro Conservation area (Tanzania) and Garamba National Park (Zaire) (all inscribed on the List of World Heritage in ...
18. The Committee, when learning of the dramatic increase in poaching reported by IUCN for Mana Pools, Sapi and Chewore Reserves in Zimbabwe and for Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania, recognised that this particular problem should also be approached globally, by stemming the illicit trade in wildlife and especially of elephant tusks and rhinoceros horn. In this regard, the Committee requested that its Chairman contact the Secretariat of the Convention on the Interna­tional Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), which has been ratified by many States Parties to the ...
16. As concerns the Galapagos Archipelago (Ecuador) the Committee noted with satisfaction the recent addition of the surrounding marine area to the national park and requested the Secre­tariat to contact the Equatorian authorities encouraging the possible inclusion of this area in the site inscribed on the World Heritage List.
17. The Committee was greatly concerned with the continuation of the serious threats to Tai National Park (Côte d'Ivoire) and requested the Secretariat to redouble efforts with the national authorities to inscribe this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger and, at the same time, to develop a project, in cooperation with IUCN, to improve the protection of this Park.
20. The Director of the Division of Cultural Heritage introduced the document on the monitoring of cultural properties prepared by the Secretariat at the Bureau's request (document CC-86/CONF.­003/6). She pointed out that this document recalled the background of this question and the discus­sions which the Bureau and the Committee had already had on the subject since 1982; it described in particular the system of data collection on natural properties used at present by IUCN, the system of monitoring the state of conservation of cultural properties which ICOMOS had submitted to the ...
31. Mr. Ian Christie Clark (Canada), one of the four Rapporteurs entrusted by the Special Committee of the Executive Board with an in-depth study on International Campaigns for the Preservation and Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Mankind informed the Committee of the findings of that study (document 23 C/INF.25). The study described the success of the earlier campaigns but pointed out that only very limited degrees of success had been achieved in respect of the other campaigns due in part to the rapid growth in their number. The speaker indicated that whereas it would be logical ...
34. The Committee noted that, at a meeting of the Bureau during its session, consideration had been given to the procedure for the approval of large-scale technical cooperation requests. (...) In order to streamline the decision-making process, the Committee approved the Bureau's recommendations on the following points: The ceiling for small-scale technical cooperation requests which can be approved by the Chairman at any time of the year should remain at $20.000 per project. The Chairman could not approve requests submitted by his own country. The Bureau should be authorized by ...
33. The Secretariat presented document CC-86/CONF.003/4 which set out four large-scale requests for technical co-operation which had all been examined by the Bureau at its 10th session. The Committee approved the four requests, as follows: - Bulgaria - Provision of a tacheometer with accessories and two additional items for the photometer already supplied, for the surveying of World Heritage sites - $34,000 - Turkey: for the safeguarding of Istanbul - $47,000    - training in wood and stone conservation - $12,000    - creation of a laboratory for wood ...
36. In accordance with the revised procedure, the Committee also approved the following four requests which had been kept in obeyance either due to lack of funds under the 1986 budget or to receipt after the deadline: Algeria: $1,700 Equipment for conservation measures in Tassili N'Ajjer National Park Seychelles: $7,200 Consultant services to advise on the eradication of feral goats in Aldabra Atoll and equipment Peru - $35,400 Financial support for the implementation of the management plan for Huascaran National Park - $30,100 Support for associated training activities ...
37. Given the serious situation of the Selous Game Reserve (United Republic of Tanzania), as reported under the section of this report on the conservation status of natural World Heritage properties, the Committee requested the Secretariat to inform the Tanzanian authorities of its willingness to allocated financial support under the 1987 budget to a project aimed at improving the protection of this site.
39. The Committee noted that the Executive Board of Unesco, at its 126th session in September 1986, had taken up the question of the withdrawal of the declaration on voluntary contributions. The Executive Board had been of the opinion, however, that it was not the type of contribution which was important but rather the fact that all States Parties should pay in full the one per cent of their contribution to the regular budget of Unesco. The Committee noted with satisfaction the text of decision 5.4.3 adopted by the Executive Board, and especially paragraphs 11 and 12 which read as ...
41. In considering the budget for 1987, the Committee noted that the sum of approximately $ 2.7 million was available as cash in hand. This sum was considerably higher than in previous years due, in addition to the efforts noted above, to the fact that one State Party had resumed its signifi­cant voluntary contributions to the Fund. In addition there had been some savings on the 1986 budget, in particular because the Secretariat had been insufficiently staffed to develop internatio­nal assistance projects. In this connection, the Committee requested that in future working ...
43. The Committee's attention was drawn to document CC-86/CONF.003/7 presenting up-to-­date information on different activities undertaken by different States Parties, private organi­sations and the Secretariat. 44. In particular, the Committee took note o f the study presented in the annex o f this document, prepared at the request of the Bureau at its 10th session, presenting a promotion plan indicating how States Parties themselves could promote the Convention, as well as the means for cooperation between States Parties and the Secretariat. 45. The Committee agreed with the ...
49. The Committee noted the report on the discussion of this item at the Bureau meeting, at which no consensus had been reached, with some members holding that there should be no limit placed on the number of terms of office of members of the Committee, while others were of the opinion that there were good grounds to change the present system (document CC-86/CONF.003/9). 50. One member suggested that the Committee consider recommending to all States Parties at the next General Assembly that the Assembly adopt a procedure whereby, prior to the election of States to the Committee, the ...
55. The Committee decided to hold its 11th session at Unesco Headquarters in Paris from 7 to 11 December 1987.
56. The Committee authorized the Bureau to draw up and submit on its behalf a report on its activities to the 24th session of the General Conference.