The World Heritage Committee[18],
1. Takes note of the findings and recommendations of the ICOMOS monitoring mission to the World Heritage property of Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha;
2. Expresses its appreciation to the Chinese authorities for facilitating the ICOMOS mission and for providing further information regarding the tourism development projects in the buffer zone of the property;
3. Requests the State Party to:
(a) strengthen the management mechanisms and the effective implementation of existing legal provisions for the protection of the property, including the enhancement of co-operation with local stakeholders in its management and conservation,
(b) provide the World Heritage Centre with a progress report by 1 February 2004;
4. Requests the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies (ICOMOS and IUCN) to review the information provided by the State Party and co-operate with the authorities to find ways and means to enhance the state of conservation of the property.
[18] Decision adopted without discussion.