The Bureau recalled that the integrity of this site was threatened by intensive poaching of its elephant and rhino populations during the 1980s. The Bureau was concerned by a proposed plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development to open a route through this reserve to drive cattle from the north to the south of Tanzania. Livestock from northern Tanzania carry several bacterial and viral diseases which are easily transmitted to wildlife. The Bureau noted that IUCN's specialist veterinary group have outlined a number of conservation risks of opening the proposed route, and that the Director-General of IUCN has offered the Tanzanian authorities support to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Bureau recommended that the Chairperson send a letter to the Tanzanian authorities requesting clarification of proposed plans for the cattle route and that caution be exercised before launching the project, particularly without carrying out an EIA.
Decision 15 BUR VI.46
Selous Game Reserve (Tanzania)
Decision Code
15 BUR VI.46
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1991 Selous Game Reserve