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Decision 29 COM 8B.6
Nominations of Natural Properties to the World Heritage List (Shiretoko)

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Documents WHC-05/29.COM/8B, WHC-05/29.COM/8B.Add 2 and WHC-05/29.COM/INF.8B.2,

2. Inscribes Shiretoko (Japan) on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria (ii) and (iv):

Criterion (ii): Shiretoko provides an outstanding example of the interaction of marine and terrestrial ecosystems as well as extraordinary ecosystem productivity, largely influenced by the formation of seasonal sea ice at the lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere.

Criterion (iv): Shiretoko has particular importance for a number of marine and terrestrial species. These include a number of endangered and endemic species, such as the Blackiston's Fish owl and the plant species Viola kitamiana. The site is globally important for a number of salmonid species and for a number of marine mammals, including the Steller's sea Lion and a number of cetacean species. The site has significance as a habitat for globally threatened sea birds and is a globally important area for migratory birds.

3. Notes that the State Party of Japan has agreed to extend the marine boundary of the property from 1 km to 3 km off the coastline, and that such extension is "de facto" in place awaiting legal designation by the end of 2005;

4. Requests the State Party to:

a) expedite development of a marine management plan, to be completed by 2008, to clearly identify measures for strengthening marine protection and the possibilities of extending the boundaries of the marine component of the property;

b) send a map and details of the final boundaries of the property, as well as a copy of the law supporting them, to the World Heritage Centre once they have been confirmed in law;

c) develop a salmonid management plan to identify impacts of dams and strategies to address this impact; and

d) address other management issues included in the evaluation report, in particular in relation to tourism management and scientific research;

5. Encourages the State Party to invite a mission to the property in two years from its inscription to assess progress with the implementation of the marine management plan and its effectiveness in protecting the marine resources of the property;

6. Congratulates the State Party for the commendable process of public consultation involved in the preparation of the nomination documents, the preparation of an excellent nomination dossier; and for effectively addressing IUCN's recommendations to enhance the conservation and management of this property.

Decision Code
29 COM 8B.6
Inscriptions on the World Heritage List
Focal Point
States Parties 1
Properties 1
Decisions of the 29th session of the world heritage comittee (Durban, 2005)
Context of Decision
WHC-05/29.COM/8B.Add 2