VII.46 Mount Huangshan (People's Republic of China)
The Bureau at its twentieth extraordinary session recalled that an international seminar was held at the site in 1991 by the National Environmental Protection Agency of China and UNEP, which indicated growing negative impacts of unregulated tourism development. It also noted that a training workshop for Chinese protected area managers was organized at Huangshan in October-November 1993. Recommendations of the workshop included the construction of a visitor centre, improving the disposal of the large amount of waste generated by tourists, and introducing ecological safeguards and criteria in identification of sites for constructing visitor facilities. The Bureau was pleased to note that the Chinese authorities had given serious consideration to these recommendations and that the management of waste disposal had improved and the site's natural and aesthetic values were maintained in an exemplary way. Site management authorities were also considering plans for establishing a visitor centre and limiting further construction of visitor facilities within the site.
The Bureau commended the Chinese authorities for the positive steps they had taken in improving tourism management in the site and encouraged them to proceed with additional measures, such as the construction of a visitor centre to manage the large numbers of visitors annually entering the site.