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World Heritage Convention

64 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1985close
Year end: 1985close
Session: 09COM 1985close
By Year
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary 338 India N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee expressed its satisfaction that the Indian and Bhutanese governments had cancelled plans for the construction of a hydro-electric dam on the Manas River which would have had severe impacts on the integrity of this property. The Committee furthermore encouraged the Government of Bhutan to adhere to the World Heritage Conven­tion and to nominate the contiguous Manas Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan which could then form a transfrontier World Heritage ...
Petra 326 Jordan C(i)(iii)(iv) The Committee noted that the boundaries of the site corresponded to those of the Petra National Park.
Sites: Petra
Rock-art sites of Tadrart Acacus 287 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya C(iii) The Committee noted the statement of the representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by which he expressed his agreement with the amendment to the report of the 9th session of the Bureau presented by the representative of Algeria and indicating notably that scientific and technical co-ordination between their two countries for the protection of Tadrart Acacus and Tassili N'Ajjer would be possible.
The Medina of Marrakesh 331 Morocco C(i)(ii)(iv)(v) The Committee recommended that the Moroccan authorities ensure that Marrakesh conserve its exceptional character as a fully preserved historic town. In this connection it would be advisable to avoid any breaching of the ramparts, to protect carefully the medina and especially the facades of its buildings and its gardens, and also to ensure the protection of the surroundings of Marrakesh, in particular the palm grove, the Menara and the gardens of Bab Djedid, by strictly enforcing the management plan adopted in ...
Huascaran National Park 333 Peru N(ii)(iii) The Committee wished to point out to the Peruvian authorities that the inscription concerned only the Huascaran National Park. The Committee, furthermore, encouraged the Peruvian authorities to intensify their efforts in the management of the Park, and particularly to update the management plan.
Iguaçu National Park 355 Brazil The Committee noted that the Bureau had recommended the inscription of this property and had suggested that it could be considered as a single transfrontier property along with the contiguous Iguazu National Park in Argentina, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984. The Secretariat informed the Committee that the Brazilian authorities had requested the Committee to postpone the examination of this nomination. The representative of Brazil explained that the authorities wished to study the points raised by the Bureau in its report. It was ...
Jerash 324 Jordan The Committee decided to defer inscription of the property pending receipt of information on the exact boundaries of the proposed site, a management plan and assurances regarding the restoration policy, which should be compatible with universally accepted standards. The Committee was of the view that an ICOMOS mission should visit Jerash to discuss these matters with the Jordanian authorities and that a nomination duly completed should be submitted at the Bureau's next session.
Coco Island National Park 329 Costa Rica The Committee recognized the interest of this property for its flora, and its importance in the Costa Rican context, but felt that it did not fulfill criteria established by the World Heritage Committee for inclusion in the World Heritage List.