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World Heritage Convention

380 Decisions
10 Resolutions
Year start: 2023close
Year end: 2023close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/2, Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/3 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/3.Add, Recalling that the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, initially scheduled from 19 to 30 June 2022, was postponed by the Bureau on 21 April 2022, Also recalling that Rule 2.1 of its Rules of Procedure was suspended at its 17th extraordinary session (Decision 17 EXT.COM 3), Decides to hold its extended 45th session in presentia from 10 to 25 September 2023 in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under the Presidency of Her Highness Princess Haifa Al Mogrin (Saudi Arabia), ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.    Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/4 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.4, Part I - Guiding Principles 2.    Recalling Decisions 42 COM 8B.24 and 44 COM 8 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018) and the extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, 3.    Considering the fruitful debates held during the meetings of the Open-ended Working Group established at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021) to broaden the scope of the reflection on sites of memory associated with recent conflicts, 4.    Also recalling that the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli, Lebanon, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli has been erected in Tripoli, the second largest city in Lebanon and the capital of the Northern Governorate, and was designed by Oscar Niemeyer between 1962-1967 and built until 1975. The ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa, Ukraine, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The historic centre of Odesa is part of a port city located on the Ukrainian shores of the Black Sea. It stands on a shallow indentation of the seacoast about thirty kilometres north of the Dniester River estuary. The city was ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Landmarks of the Ancient Kingdom of Saba in Marib Governorate, Yemen, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (iii) and (iv); Taking note that the authenticity, integrity, protection and management of the property or its potential vulnerabilities could not have been fully evaluated at this stage due to the lack of a technical evaluation mission to the site, Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal ...
Decision: 19 EXT.COM 2  The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/19EXT.COM/2, Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
Decision: 19 EXT.COM 3  The World Heritage Committee, Recalling its Decision 45 COM 17, adopted at its extended 45th session (Riyadh, 2023), Decides that its 46th session will take place in India tentatively in July 2024, in accordance with Rule 4.1 of the Rules of Procedure[1]; Elects in accordance with Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedure, its Bureau with the following composition: Chairperson: E. Mr Vishal V. Sharma (India), Vice-Chairpersons: Bulgaria, Greece, Kenya, Qatar, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Rapporteur: Mr Martin Ouaklani (Belgium), whose mandates will ...
The General Assembly, Elects E. Ms Paula ALVES DE SOUZA (Brazil), as Chairperson of the 24th session of the General Assembly; Elects Ms Uyanga SUKHBAATAR (Mongolia), as Rapporteur of the 24th session of the General Assembly; Elects Iraq, Norway, Poland and Rwanda as Vice-Chairpersons of the 24th session of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC/23/24.GA/2A, Adopts the Agenda included in the above.
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC/23/24.GA/2B, Adopts the timetable of the 24th session included in the above-mentioned Document.
The General Assembly, Takes note of the report of the Rapporteur of the 23rd session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2021).
The General Assembly, Takes note of the report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee on the activities of the World Heritage Committee.
The General Assembly, Elects the following 9 States Parties: Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Republic of Korea, Senegal, Türkiye, Ukraine and Viet Nam, as members of the World Heritage Committee.
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/6 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.6, Having also examined the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2021, Approves the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2021; Takes note of the financial report relating to the World Heritage Fund for the period 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023.
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/7 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.7, Recalling Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention, Decides to set the uniform percentage for the calculation of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties at 1% of each State’s contribution to the regular budget of UNESCO for an indeterminate period of time, with the understanding that this percentage can be revised in the future; Emphasizing the urgency of securing adequate financial resources to achieve the objectives of the World Heritage ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/8 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.8, Recalling Resolution 23 GA 11, adopted at its 23rd session (UNESCO, 2021), Also recalling Decisions 40 COM 7, 41 COM 7, 42 COM 7, 43 COM 7.2, 44 COM 7C and 45 COM 7.1, adopted respectively at the 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019), extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) and extended 45th (Riyadh, 2023) sessions of the World Heritage Committee, Thanking H.E. Ms Yvette Sylla (Madagascar) as elected Chairperson of the Open-ended Working Group ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/9 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9.Add, Recalling 41C/Resolution 74, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference at its 41st session in 2021, Commends the efforts of the UNESCO Culture Sector and the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs to establish the Model Rules of Procedure, and thanks the Secretariat of the 1972 Convention for having explored possible ways to harmonize the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly on that basis; Adopts the amendments to the Rules of Procedure as foreseen in ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/2.Rev, Taking into consideration Rule 8 (Observers) of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee, Authorizes the participation in the extended 45th session, as observers, of the representatives of the international governmental organizations (IGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), permanent observer missions to UNESCO and non profit-making institutions in the fields covered by the Convention, listed in Part I of the present ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/3A, Adopts the Agenda contained in the above-mentioned document.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/3B, Adopts the timetable contained in the above-mentioned document.
The World Heritage Committee, Takes note of the report of the Rapporteur of the extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee (Fuzhou/online, 2021).
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC2345.COM5A, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 5A and 44 COM 5A adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhouonline, 2021) sessions respectively, Takes note with appreciation of the activities undertaken by the World Heritage Centre over the past year in pursuit of the Expected Result to ensure that “Tangible heritage identified, protected, monitored and sustainably managed by Member States, in particular through the effective implementation of the 1972 Convention”; Takes note with concern of the impacts of the COVID-19 ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/5B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 5B, adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Mindful of the efforts undertaken by the Advisory Bodies (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN) to respond to the exceptional situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the efforts of ICOMOS to improve the geographical balance of its evaluation panels; Reiterating the importance of transparency and publishing principles and criteria for selection of experts to missions, evaluations and panels, as well as strengthening ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/5C, Recalling Decision 44 COM 5C adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), in which the World Heritage Centre was requested to present a progress report on Priority Africa in line with the Medium-Term Strategy 2022-2029 and Programme and Budget for 2022-2025, Also recalling Decisions 44 COM 10A, and 44 COM 10B adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with appreciation the continued efforts of the UNESCO Member States and the adoption of the Operational Strategy for ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/5D, Recalling Decision 44 COM 5D adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), as well as Resolution 20 GA 13 adopted by the General Assembly at its 20th session (UNESCO, 2015), Also recalling Decision 35 COM 12E that the World Heritage Committee specifically encourages the effective and equitable involvement and participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in decision-making, monitoring and evaluation of World Heritage properties and the respect of indigenous peoples’ rights in ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/6, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 6 and 44 COM 6, adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Commends the progress made by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies, the States Parties, the category 2 centres under the auspices of UNESCO related to World Heritage, as well as the UNESCO Chairs with the implementation of the World Heritage Capacity-Building Strategy (WHCBS), and notably the efforts to maintain and adapt capacity-building activities during ...
The World Heritage Committee, Climate Action for World Heritage Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 7 and 44 COM 7C adopted at its 40th session (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016) and at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes that the Panel of experts in relation to Decision 44 COM 7C concerning climate change and World Heritage met by end of March 2022 and made recommendations on the amendments proposed by the Members of the World Heritage Committee and provided a report to the Open-ended Working Group of States Parties to the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 7, 41 COM 7, 42 COM 7, 43 COM 7.2, and 44 COM 7.2 adopted at its 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Also recalling that all proposed major interventions in and around World Heritage properties should be subject to rigorous impact assessments, as outlined in Paragraph 118bis of the Operational Guidelines, in line with the Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.55 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the strengthening of indigenous territorial governance, and biodiversity conservation measures to restore the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property and notes with satisfaction the ongoing inter-institutional efforts to address illegal activity in the property, including poaching and illegal settlement; Expresses concern that the expected completion of the land titling process in the cultural zone ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.56 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Reiterates its utmost concern about the critical status of the vaquita, specifically recognized as part of the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and endemic to the Gulf of California, and that illegal fishing of totoaba has continued in the Upper Gulf of California resulting in a threat of imminent extinction of the vaquita species; Takes note of the confirmation that the small and sole remaining population is ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7A.5 and 44 COM 7A.39 adopted respectively at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Recalling in particular its decision in 2019 to grant four years to the State Party to demonstrate whether it is possible to restore the integrity of the property and to collect additional data on the state of fauna to allow an assessment of whether regeneration of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is still achievable, Welcomes the significant progress ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7A.6 and 44 COM 7A.40 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions, Commends the States Parties for their ongoing efforts under difficult circumstances to implement the corrective measures including joint transboundary surveillance patrols, funding to support management operations, anti-poaching activities, restoration of degraded areas, support for local communities, and development of a high-resolution map of the property, and requests the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44COM 7A.41 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the significant progress made by the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) and the partner African Parks in close collaboration with the provincial political-administrative and military authorities and the local communities in the implementation of the corrective measures of the 2016 joint Reactive Monitoring mission and previous decisions of the World Heritage Committee, and encourages ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7A.48, 43 COM 7A.8, 44 COM 7A.43 and 44 COM 7A.46 adopted at its 42nd (Bahrain, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Deplores the continued violence and further loss of life of protected area staff killed in the line of duty, and offers its most sincere condolences to their families and to all the staff of the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN); Welcomes the continued improvement in the security situation and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7A.9 and 44 COM 7A.43 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the efforts undertaken by the State Party to further strengthen the surveillance of the property but reiterates once more its concern regarding the persistent insecurity in the region, which limits surveillance coverage and effective management of the property, also reiterates its request to the State Party to implement all the corrective measures in ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.45 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Deplores the continued armed conflict and resulting further loss of life of protected area staff killed in the line of duty and of local communities, and offers its most sincere condolences to their families and to all the staff of the “Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN)”; Welcomes the progress achieved by the State Party and partners in implementing some of the corrective measures ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.46 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Regrets that the State Party did not submit a report on the implementation of this Decision, as requested by the Committee at its 44th extended session, Notes with utmost concern the reports of alleged human rights abuses towards indigenous peoples and local communities during law enforcement operations and reiterates its requests to the State Party to take urgent measures to further strengthen efforts to address ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 38 COM 7B.90, 39 COM 7B.4, 40 COM 7B.80, 42 COM 7B.92 and 44 COM 7A.47 adopted at its 38th (Saint-Petersburg, 2012), 39th (Bonn, 2015), 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Appreciates the State Party’s continued effort to manage and resource the property through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and reiterates its request to the State Party to guarantee adequate and sustainable ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.48 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the continued efforts made by the State Party to monitor, patrol and support conservation of the property during the COVID-19 pandemic; Notes with deep concern that the deforestation rate in the property increased significantly to a record high of 0.07%, exceeding the 0.01% limit according to the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.48 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes note of the efforts made by the State Party to implement the corrective measures, and requests it to continue their implementation; Welcomes the finalization and quality of the 2022-2024 Development and Management Plan (PAG), and requests the State Party to urgently implement the actions detailed therein, and to provide clarifications concerning its financing, the partnership mentioned with a non-governmental ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.50 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes note of the efforts made by the State Party to implement the corrective measures, notably those concerning the monitoring of certain key species for the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the monitoring of the property, and requests the State Party to continue the implementation of these measures as updated by the 2015 Reactive Monitoring mission, the various recommendations formulated by the workshops of ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 31 COM 7B.3, 32 COM 7B.3, 33 COM 7B.8, 34 COM 7B.3, 35 COM 7B.6, 36 COM 8B.43, 37 COM 7B 7, 38 COM 7B.95, 39 COM 7A.14, 40 COM 7A.47, 41 COM 7A.17, 42 COM 7A.56, 43 COM 7A.16 and 44 COM 7A.51 adopted at its 31st (Christchurch, 2007), 32nd (Quebec City, 2008), 33rd (Seville, 2009), 34th (Brasilia, 2010), 35th (UNESCO, 2011), 36th (Saint-Petersburg, 2012), 37th (Phnom Penh, 2013), 38th (Doha, 2014), 39th (Bonn, 2015), 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.52 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Reiterates its ongoing concern regarding the persistent challenges to the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property, due to encroachment, the impacts of invasive species, and the prospect of road development, which have the potential to aggravate the decline of key species and the increasing ecological isolation of the property; and expresses its sincere regret that the State Party continues to engage in ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.53 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the State Party’s continued efforts to implement the corrective measures and recommendations made by the 2019 Reactive Monitoring mission, yet reiterates its concern that limited progress has been made towards their effective implementation, and therefore requests the State Party to strengthen these efforts; Reiterates once again its request to the State Party to adopt, as a matter of urgency, a new ...
Sites: East Rennell
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.54 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the progress achieved in implementing the corrective measures, and notes with satisfaction that the Modified Water Deliveries (MWD), ‘Canal-111 South Dade’ (C-111), Everglades Construction Project, and the Combined Operational Plan (COP) are operational; Commends the State Party for continuing to implement restoration projects in order to achieve the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.35 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the State Party for its efforts to implement the previous Committee decisions and the set of corrective measures for achieving the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR) despite the difficult context at the national level; Welcomes the finalization, official approval and submission of the Integrated and Participatory Management Plan ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.36 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Acknowledging the important contribution of the project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for the conservation and management of the property, takes note of the commitment expressed by the State Party to implement the full set of corrective measures; Also takes note that the original timeframe to reach the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.37 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the commitment of the State Party to implementing the Master Plan of the property and to providing the necessary funding for this purpose, and appreciates the continued research and monitoring activities of the Pan-American Conservation Centre for Earthen Heritage Sites (PCCEHS), as well as the implementation of a number of important conservation projects, public awareness and outreach activities; Commends ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.38 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes note with appreciation of the restoration and conservation works undertaken in the property, in collaboration with the traditional mud artisan school; Takes note of the information submitted regarding the development of a Minor Boundary Modification for the establishment of the property’s buffer zone, and requests the State Party to submit the final proposal for such Minor Boundary Modification to the World ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.1 adopted at its 44th extended session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Appreciates the efforts made by the State Party to maintain constant management and conservation of the property, as well as the mobilization and responsiveness of the local communities, both for the protection of the archaeological sites and for the ancient fabric of the town; Also appreciates the measures taken at the four archaeological sites for their protection, monitoring and security against looting or illegal ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.2 adopted at its 44th extended session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with satisfaction the continuity of the conservation, management and awareness-raising measures undertaken by traditional actors, notably the mosque management committees and the masons' guild in a still precarious security context; Commends the maintenance and rehabilitation work undertaken on various parts of the three mosques, notably the urgent interventions at the Djingareyber Mosque, such as the ...
Sites: Timbuktu
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.3 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Expresses its satisfaction that the "Project for the Rehabilitation of the Tomb of Askia", financed by the International Alliance for Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH), has enabled a significant dynamic mobilization by the State Party and the local community for the effective conservation, management and promotion of the property through a series of measures on the property and its buffer zone, and ...
Sites: Tomb of Askia
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 35 COM 7A.17 and 44 COM 7A.4 adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011) and extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021) respectively, Welcomes the completion of the reconstruction of the Mazibu Azaala Mpanga, the restoration of the Bujjabukala (gate house) and the close collaboration of the State Party with the World Heritage Centre, the UNESCO Regional Office in Nairobi and the Advisory Bodies; Commends the strong commitment and engagement of the Government’s national and local ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.5 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the efforts undertaken towards improving the state of conservation of the property, and urges the State Party to continue its work on the corrective measures adopted at its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007); Notes the invitation from the State Party for a World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring mission to the property; Requests that the Management Plan be revised in light of the ICOMOS Technical ...
Sites: Abu Mena
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.6 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.30 on World Heritage properties in Iraq, Commends the decision by the State Party to halt any further construction of Makhool Dam, given its potential impact on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property, and requests the State Party to ensure the permanent cancellation or relocation of the project; Notes with appreciation the efforts of the State Party in providing ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.7 and 44 COM 7A.9 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.30 on the World Heritage properties of Iraq, Commends the efforts undertaken to address the protection and conservation of the property, and requests the State Party to continue its efforts to the extent possible and to seek any needed further support; Encourages the State Party to pursue urgent priority actions, and reminds the State Party that emergency ...
Sites: Hatra
Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.8 and 44 COM 7A.9 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.30 on the World Heritage properties of Iraq, Notes the information provided by the State Party and its efforts in alleviating threats to the property, but reiterates its concern about the lack of comprehensive and detailed information on the property’s state of conservation; Expresses its deep concern regarding the condition of the property, recent damage and its deteriorated state, arising ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add 2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.9 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes note of the reports provided by the State Party regarding the state of conservation of the properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger, and acknowledges with appreciation the efforts of the State Party and the international community to address conservation issues; Continues to express its appreciation to the Director-General of UNESCO for the progress made towards rehabilitating and safeguarding ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having considered Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.4 and the Annex attached to this decision, Recalling its previous decisions concerning the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls, Decides that the status of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls relating to the World Heritage List remains unchanged as reflected in Decisions 44 COM 7A.10 and 44 COM 8C.2 of its last session. ANNEX   The World Heritage Committee Extended 45th session of the Committee (45 COM)   Item 31:     Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls (site proposed by Jordan) The World ...
Property inscribed during the 18th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee (UNESCO, 2023). No reporting is required on this property at this session of the World Heritage Committee.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.11 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with appreciation the efforts undertaken by the State Party to address the conservation of the property; and requests it to continue its efforts in this regard to the extent possible; Also notes that the Cyrene Grand Hotel project is halted, and also requests the State Party to keep the Committee informed on the evolution of the situation at the property and to inform it, through the World Heritage Centre, on ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.12 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with appreciation the efforts undertaken by the State Party to address the conservation of the property; and requests it to continue its efforts in this regard to the extent possible and to seek the necessary funds as needed; Also notes with great concern the alarming state of conservation of the Hunting Baths and also requests the State Party to: Pursue the development of a conservation strategy for the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.13 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with appreciation the efforts undertaken by the State Party in securing projects and initiatives addressing a number of conservation issues and the improved presentation of the property; Requests the State Party to continue its efforts in this regard, to keep the Committee informed on the evolution of the situation at the property and to inform it, through the World Heritage Centre, on any ongoing and future ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.14 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the important efforts made by the State Party to mobilize partners and undertake activities for the conservation of the property and its Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), particularly those directed towards the implementation of corrective measures for the achievement of the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), as adopted by the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.15 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Regrets that the State Party did not submit its report on the state of conservation of the property, as requested by the Committee at its extended 44th session; Urges again the State Party to continue its efforts for the conservation of the property and its Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), in close coordination with local communities and civil society; Invites the State Party to continue to pursue the elaboration of ...
Decision: 45 COM 7A.38 The World Heritage Committee, Having considered Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.4, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7A.28, 43 COM 7A.29 and 44 COM 7A.16 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Decides that the status of Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town relating to the World Heritage List remains unchanged as reflected in Decision 41 COM 8B.1 of the World Heritage Committee. ANNEX   The World Heritage Committee Extended 45th session of the Committee (45 COM) Having considered Document ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.4, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.17 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou /online, 2021), Commends the State Party for its efforts to improve the state of conservation of the property and to implement the corrective measures to achieve the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR), and in particular the restoration and the preparation of guidelines for the drystone walls and the rehabilitation of the watchtowers; Also commends the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.18 and 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.46 on the World Heritage properties of the Syrian Arab Republic, Taking note of the UNESCO Rapid Assessment mission carried out to the property in February 2023 following the devastating earthquake, expresses great concerns about the damage inflicted at the property, which poses additional challenges to recovery efforts; Notes with appreciation that safety ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.19 and 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.46, on the World Heritage properties of the Syrian Arab Republic, Recalling the previously reported extensive illegal excavations at the site, reiterates its call upon the international community to collaborate for the sharing of inventories and documentation that could facilitate the return of looted cultural property; Encourages the State Party to continue ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.20 and 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.46 on the World Heritage properties of the Syrian Arab Republic, Takes note of the restoration works carried out at the property, including major repair to the ancient city wall between Bab Touma and Bab al-Salam supported by the World Heritage Fund, and the adaptation of the Khan Suleiman Pasha to become a five-star hotel, and requests the State Party to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.21 and 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.46 on the World Heritage properties of the Syrian Arab Republic, Expresses its great concern about the situation at the property, in particular the ongoing presence of armed groups, the additional damage resulting from the February 2023 earthquake, and the lack of detailed information on damage incurred; Calls again on all parties involved in the conflict to ...
Decision: 45COM 7A.44 The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.22 and 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.46 on the World Heritage properties of the Syrian Arab Republic, Expressing its concerns about the additional damage at the property resulting from the February 2023 earthquake, welcomes the works planned in the framework of the Emergency Assistance request approved in March 2023, with the aim of addressing its impact at both castles; ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 44 COM 7A.23 and 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking into account Decision 45 COM 7A.46 on the World Heritage properties of the Syrian Arab Republic, Reiterates its concern regarding the extensive illegal excavations at the property, and calls upon the international community to collaborate in the sharing of inventories and documentation that could facilitate the return of looted objects; Reiterates its appeal to all States Parties to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.24 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Taking note of the reports provided by the State Party regarding the state of conservation of the six Syrian World Heritage properties and the sites included on the national Tentative List, commends the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) and all heritage professionals and local communities in Syria who are working on monitoring, protecting, and conserving cultural heritage, despite the prevailing ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.25 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Expresses its continuing concern that the Historic Town of Zabid has incurred irreversible damages and continues to be vulnerable to extreme weather conditions and security challenges, and continuing limited support and resources for both heritage management and physical conservation; Commends the efforts undertaken in capacity building, awareness raising, damage assessment, documentation and emergency ...
Property inscribed during the 18th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee (UNESCO, 2023). No reporting is required on this property at this session of the World Heritage Committee.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.26 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the efforts undertaken in capacity building, awareness raising, damage assessment, documentation and emergency interventions at the property, and requests that they continue in consultation with UNESCO and the Advisory Bodies; Expresses its continuing concern that the Old City of Sana’a has incurred irreversible damages and continues to be vulnerable to extreme weather conditions and security challenges, ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.27 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the ongoing local and international efforts to protect and conserve the property, despite the very difficult conditions, and takes note of the conservation projects which have been completed; Expresses its continuing concern about the damage caused to the property as a result of natural elements and the ongoing armed conflict, and that the property continues to be vulnerable, owing to the residual impact ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.3, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7A.1, 43 COM 7A.41 and 44 COM 7A.28 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Regrets that a state of conservation report was not submitted for the property; Express its deep concern with regard to the current humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the difficult situation of the education and cultural sectors, and the challenges faced by the national and international communities, including the United ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.3, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7A.42 and 44 COM 7A.29 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Expresses its deep concern regarding the current situation in Afghanistan in terms of humanitarian, educational and cultural environments, and the challenges faced by the national and international communities, including the United Nations system, in effectively preserving cultural heritage and implementing technical assistance activities; Notes with serious ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7A.30 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes that progress to establish an effective management and protection system for the property and address the urgent pressures and threats affecting its state of conservation has been delayed by border and travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and welcomes the State Party’s assurances that these can soon be addressed; Also welcomes the information that funds will be provided by the US Department of ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 7B.48, 41 COM 7A.57, 42 COM 7A.4 and 44 COM 7A.31 adopted at its 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, and also recalling Decision 43 COM 7A.44 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) session, in which the Committee decided “to allow the State Party two years to explore possible options for a significant boundary modification or a new nomination, and at the end of this period, to consider once ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add, Recalling Decisions 37 COM 7B.71, 39 COM 7B.94, 40 COM 7B.49, 41 COM 7B.42, 42 COM 7A.5, 43 COM 7A.45, and 44 COM 7A.32 adopted at its 37th (Phnom Penh, 2013), 39th (Bonn, 2015), 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Commends the State Party on the progress made in implementing many of the adopted corrective measures and previous Committee decisions, with the aim to enhance the management ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7A.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 8B.26 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the organisation of virtual online meetings to discuss the development of the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property form the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR) between the State Party representatives, ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre, in the absence of a Reactive Monitoring mission due to restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic; Adopts the DSOCR presented in Document ...
The World Heritage Committee, Decides to adjourn the debate on this agenda item until its next ordinary session.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.195 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with concern that severe drought has led to the most extensive fires ever recorded, affecting 32% of the wider Pantanal biome, including the property; Welcomes the immediate actions taken to suppress the fires and limit the damage to the biodiversity of the property, including recent efforts to prevent fires in the surrounding area from reaching the property in 2021; Also welcomes the processes underway to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examinedDocument WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.114 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Regrets the construction of the border wall in the United States of America (USA) in spite of the request of the Committee in its Decision 44 COM 7B.14 to halt any further works and without prior submission to the World Heritage Centre of an assessment of the potential impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and expresses its concern that the border wall now extends along almost the entire boundary between ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.79 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Deplores the new murderous attacks committed by armed groups in the property, and expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to all the staff of the national administrations in charge of the management of the property; Recognizing that the increase in the number of violent incidents linked to the presence of armed groups in the area of the property is a direct consequence of the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 7B.78, 42 COM 7B.89 and 44 COM 7B.80 adopted at its 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the adoption of the Okavango Delta Management Plan 2021-2027, developed with International Assistance from the World Heritage Fund, and which addresses the past Committee requests on community concerns and the management of invasive alien species, and encourages the State Party to ensure sufficient financial ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 33 COM 7B.1, 34 COM 7B.1, 35 COM 7B.1, 36 COM 7B.1, 40 COM 7B.79, 43 COM 7B.29 and 44 COM 7B.173adopted respectively at its 33rd (Seville, 2009), 34th (Brasilia, 2010), 35th (UNESCO, 2011), 36th (Saint Petersburg, 2012), 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions, Commends the State Party for the improvement of surveillance efforts, the continuation of ecological monitoring, the reinforcement of staff numbers and capacities, the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 7A.40, 43 COM 7A.10 and 44 COM 7A.44 adopted respectively at its 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 43rd (Baku, 2019) sessions, and at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Warmly welcomes the formalization of the co-management agreement between the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and requests the State Party to continue the implementation of the decisions of the World Heritage Committee and recommendations made ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 39 COM 7B.5, 41 COM 7B.21, 43 COM 7B.33 and 44 COM 7B.175 adopted at its 39th (Bonn, 2015), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Expresses its utmost concern about the impacts of the continuous water level rise in all the lakes of the property, causing changes in the boundaries, pH and salinity of the lakes and resulting in adverse impacts on biodiversity, in particular the alarming decline of Lesser Flamingo population, a key ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.83 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes note of the conclusion of the 2022 joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN reactive monitoring mission that, in view of the considerable management efforts undertaken by the State Party and its partners, the conditions for a new inscription of the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger are not met, but the ecological integrity of the property remains threatened by water pollution, the proliferation of invasive ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.176 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes the report that the further clearing and burning of swamp forest for subsistence agriculture within the property has been halted, and the State Party support to communities through alternative means and requests the State Party to continue the dialogue with communities to resolve the issue and to report on the progress of implementing the rehabilitation plan; Also notes the response by the State Party on ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 36 COM 7B.7, 38 COM 7B.7 and 44 COM 7B.177 adopted at its 36th (Saint-Petersburg, 2012), 38th (Doha, 2014) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the continued cooperation between the two States Parties in strengthening the joint management of the transboundary property, and the continued efforts to undertake monitoring and control of invasive alien plant species; Notes again with increasing concern the inevitable negative impacts of the proposed Batoka ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.87 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the State Party for the significant efforts made and requests it to pursue them, in particular by implementing the 2020-2024 Development and Management Plan, and by continuing to develop knowledge, monitoring and the fight against threats affecting the property; Considers that climate change is a crucial issue for the distribution of species and ecosystems, particularly seagrasses, and therefore for the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7B.100, 43 COM 7B.1 and 44 COM 7B.88 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online) sessions respectively, Welcomes the State Party’s on-going commitment to strengthen management measures in collaboration with international partners in spite of significant capacity constraints due to the challenging ongoing political instability and economic crisis in Yemen; Notes with concern that on-going political instability and the economic crisis ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 41 COM 7 and 44 COM 7B.90 adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Notes with utmost concern that the property has suffered from four mass coral bleaching events since 2016, as a result of climate change, including an unprecedented event in 2022 occurring for the first time in a traditionally cooler La Niña period, and appreciates the efforts to control the Crown-of-Thorn Starfish outbreaks; Notes with appreciation the State ...
The World Heritage Committee,  Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 38 COM 7B.64, 41 COM 7B.25, 43 COM 7B.3 and 44 COM 7B.91 adopted at its 38th (Doha, 2014), 41st (Kraków, 2017), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the State Party’s continued efforts towards enhancing the protection of the property and the progress in implementing the recommendations of the 2019 joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN Reactive Monitoring mission, undertaking effective conservation measures through planned forestation ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.93 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Considers that the identification of Komodo National Park (KNP) as one of five high-priority tourism destinations in Indonesia, the State Party’s intention to shift away from mass tourism, and the development of an Integrated Tourism Master Plan for Komodo National Park and Labuan Bajo Flores (ITMP), present a positive opportunity to position the property as a leading sustainable tourism destination that ensures ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.94 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Appreciates the activities undertaken to strengthen community engagement and the establishment of a Lorentz National Park Collaborative Management Forum, which has led to a revised national park management zonation and a Long-Term Development Plan for the property, and requests the State Party to submit both the revised zonation and the Development Plan to the World Heritage Centre for review by IUCN; Notes that a ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 34 COM 8B.2 and 39 COM 7B.14 adopted at its 34th (Brasília, 2010) and 39th (Bonn, 2015) sessions respectively, Regrets that the State Party did not submit a report on the state of conservation of the property, as requested by the World Heritage Centre; Expresses its deep regret that the State Party decided to lift the 2015 landmark closure of the property for commercial fisheries, and that the reversed fishing license designed to compensate foregone fishing revenue appears not to have ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 41 COM 8B.6 and 44 COM 7B.187 adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Regrets that the reports on the state of conservation of the property were submitted separately by each State Party, recalls that, for transboundary properties, States Parties should submit a joint report rather than individual reports on their national components, and requests the States Parties of Mongolia and the Russian Federation to submit a joint report ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 41 COM 7B.32 and 44 COM 7B.97 adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Appreciates the continued commitment of the State Party to lead international cooperation and carry out activities within the property to address illegal logging and trade of Siamese Rosewood and other precious wood species, and strongly encourages the State Party to further strengthen this cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling decisions 37 COM 7B.26, 38 COM 7B.75, 39 COM 7B.19, 41 COM 7B.4, 41 COM 8B.7, 42 COM 7B.71, 43 COM 7B.13, 44 COM 7B.99 and 44 COM 8B.32 adopted at its 37th (Phnom Penh, 2013), 38th (Doha, 2014), 39th (Bonn, 2015), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Notes with satisfaction that, further to relevant decisions, the joint Reactive Monitoring mission in 2014, the joint Advisory mission in 2018, and the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7B.14 and 44 COM 7B.100 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Expresses its utmost concern regarding the construction by the State Party of Poland, without prior submission to the World Heritage Centre of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the potential impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), of a border barrier between the Belarusian and Polish parts of the transboundary property, crossing some of the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 39 COM 7B.18, 41 COM 7B.2, 43 COM 7B.1 and 44 COM 7B.190 adopted at its 39th (Bonn, 2015), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Notes with concern the conclusion of the 2022 joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN Reactive Monitoring mission that the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property continues to face significant ascertained and potential threats, in particular as a result of changes in the hydrology of the Peace ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 33 COM 8B.4 and 38 COM 8B.13 adopted at its 33rd (Sevilla, 2009) and 38th (Doha, 2014) sessions respectively, Welcomes the development of the ‘Agenda for the Wadden Sea Region 2050’ in 2021 and the adoption of the ‘Single Integrated Management Plan’ (SIMP) for the transboundary property in 2023 and strongly encourages the States Parties of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands to adopt a precautionary and strategic approach to the management of the property, including to clarify ...
Sites: Wadden Sea
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 7B.97 and 44 COM 7B.107 adopted at its 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Urges again the State Party to refrain from renewing legislative amendments which allow extending the water level variation beyond one metre due to potential negative impact on the property and its Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), until the impacts of all existing water use and management regulations on the OUV are fully assessed and the ...
Sites: Lake Baikal
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7B.77 and 43 COM 7B.17 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018) and 43rd (Baku, 2019) sessions respectively, Regrets the lack of sufficient information provided by the State Party concerning the implementation of the recommendations of the 2017 Reactive Monitoring mission, which makes it difficult to assess the state of conservation of the property, and urges the State Party to implement these recommendations and provide detailed information on the progress towards their ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.109 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Reiterates its utmost concern that the boundaries of the South Kamchatka Nature Park (SKNP) have been modified at national level, thereby removing the legal protection of part of the property to facilitate inappropriate development alongside reports of a draft law which would allow the boundaries of federally protected areas to be changed to accommodate economic activities and recalls that such removal of the legal ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 32 COM 7B.25, 42 COM 7B.80, 43 COM 7B.18 and 44 COM 7B.110 adopted at its 32nd (Quebec City, 2008), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Reiterates its deep concern that the construction of the Lagonaki Mountain Resort remains under consideration, with preparatory work underway, and the alleged planning of another ski resort within the property on Tabunnaya Mountain range, and requests the State Party to provide the World ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 40 COM 8B.15, 42 COM 7B.64, and 44 COM 7B.71 adopted at its 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Expresses concern that once again the State Party has provided little information on the state of conservation of the property or on the actions taken to implement the requests of the Committee at the time of inscription and in subsequent decisions; Welcomes the actions of the State Party and its partner, the African ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.72 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Notes with satisfaction the various measures taken by the State Party for the conservation of the heritage and the reconciliation and social cohesion of communities with the support of MINUSMA and other partners, and requests it to strengthen these measures; Reiterates its great concern about the continuing very unstable security situation due to intra- and inter-community tensions and armed conflicts which are ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.171 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Expresses its deep concern over the alleged human rights violations in and around the property as set out in the letters from the UN Special Procedures Branch of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of any forced evictions, and strongly requests the State Party to continue to investigate and address all such allegations in relation to the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.73 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the resumption of survey and maintenance work at Ur and Uruk, and requests the completion and subsequent implementation of conservation plans for all three of the cultural components before further excavations are undertaken and before tourism is encouraged; Recalling that significant fluctuations in water flows may pose a major threat to the property and non-fulfilment of minimum water requirements ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision CONF 201 VIII.B adopted at its 20th session (Merida, 1996) by which the Committee “recommended that the Swedish authorities continue to work with local Sámi people”, and Decision 37 COM 7 (Part III) adopted at its 37th session (Phnom Penh, 2013) which urges all States Parties and leading industry stakeholders to respect the International Council on Mining and Metals “No-go” commitment by not permitting extractive activities within World Heritage properties and by making every effort to ensure ...
Sites: Laponian Area
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7B.39 and 44 COM 7B.68 adopted at 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Also recalling the numerous reports of the Advisory and Reactive Monitoring missions and their recommendations to the State Party on the conservation and management of the property; Notes that it has been difficult for the State Party to advance in the implementation of these recommendations due to the extremely complex internal circumstances and the COVID-19 ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.1 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Thanks the State Party to have invited and facilitated the joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS/ICCROM Reactive Monitoring mission to the property that took place in February/March 2022, and requests the State Party to start implementing the mission’s recommendations with no delay; Welcomes the State Party’s re-affirmation of its authority at the property and the continuing measures to address illegal development and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7B.105 and 44 COM 7B.118 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Acknowledges the information provided by the State Party, including the studies from the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), on the progress of preparations related to the Ethiopian-French bilateral Sustainable Lalibela project and the further elaboration of adapted design options for canopies proposed to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.4 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the State Party for its response to the impacts of Cyclone Gombe in March 2022, in particular by organizing a prompt assessment of the damages caused by the cyclone and by mobilizing support through both Emergency International Assistance and the UNESCO Heritage Emergency Fund (HEF) to undertake rehabilitation of traditional Swahili houses with on-site trainings of local communities and on Disaster Risk ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 38 COM 7B.55, 39 COM 7B.45, 40 COM 7B.21, 42 COM 7B.51 and 44 COM 7B.12 adopted at its 38th (Doha, 2014), 39th (Bonn, 2015), 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Notes the completion in 2020 of the Stone Town Conservation and Heritage Management Plan (STCHMP), the implementation of the new management structure, and the State Party’s commitment to implement legislative changes to align the legal system with the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.13 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the progress made with the strengthening and operationalisation of the management system for the property through an increased allocation of resources and the inauguration of a Management Committee, which is tasked with delivering an integrated strategy for the preservation and urban regeneration of Historic Cairo; Also welcomes the work being undertaken on the development of a combined Management and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.134 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes notes that a joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Advisory mission to the property took place in May 2022; Expresses its appreciation for the efforts undertaken by the State Party in addressing its previous recommendations and the recommendations of the 2018 joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS/ICCROM Advisory mission, particularly with regard to providing details of on-going and planned major restoration and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.17 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Expresses its great concern about the armed conflict that erupted in April 2023 and the ensuing instability, which has impacted communities and all sectors of society, and may further affect the management capabilities at the property, and calls on all parties involved in the conflict to refrain from any action that could cause damage to the property; Commends the State Party for its efforts to implement some of its ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 43 COM 8B.16 adopted at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019), Welcomes the progress made to improve the frameworks for legal protection and management of the property and the ongoing efforts to establish a detailed base plan and inventory of the property’s attributes; Notes that Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) have been undertaken for a range of conservation, infrastructure and development projects and that the State Party has developed additional guidance for public projects to strengthen the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.31 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the continued monitoring of the Mausoleum by the State Party’s advisors, and requests that the recommendations of the February 2022 report by the International Institute of Central Asian Studies (IICAS) be implemented; Also requests that the State Party provide an update report on the functioning and effect of the Scientific-Methodological Council constituted in 2019; Also welcomes the extensive presentation, ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.32 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Acknowledges the State Party’s efforts to implement activities for preservation, education and monitoring, but reiterates its request to the State Party to submit the Infrastructure Development Plan for review by the Advisory Bodies prior to its final approval and implementation; Acknowledges the findings and recommendations of the 2022 joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring mission to the property, ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.3, Recalling Decision 43 COM 8B.20 adopted at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019), Commends the significant efforts that have been made towards implementing the recommendations it made at the time of the property’s inscription on the World Heritage List; Expresses its sympathy to the people of Myanmar, who have been affected by a tropical cyclone in May 2023, notes with concern that the cyclone may have affected the property and its Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), and emphasizes that a number of emergency ...
Sites: Bagan
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.33 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the State Party’s continued efforts towards the recovery of the property following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake and the establishment of the International Scientific Committee for Kathmandu Valley (ISC-KV); Calls upon the international community to continue supporting the State Party’s recovery work through financial, technical or expert assistance, including support for local communities and their housing and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.148 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the finalization of the Integrated Management Framework (IMF) for the property and its adoption by the Government of Nepal, and urges the State Party to facilitate and provide the necessary resources for its swift implementation; Also welcomes advice from the State Party that Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs) will be completed for any proposed project that may have an impact on the Outstanding Universal ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.34 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Takes note of the advice and the reports provided by the State Party regarding its response to the Committee’s previous requests and the recommendations formulated by the 2018 joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring mission, including the preparation of eight feasibility studies and the May 2022 ‘Inception Report’, but expresses its regret that the State Party has not actively engaged with the World ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 33 COM 8B.15 adopted at its 33rd session (Seville, 2009), Welcomes the State Party’s efforts to fully implement its recommendations formulated at the time of inscription, and commends the State Party’s continued efforts to establish a set of development standards for each of the 18 buffer zones; Notes that Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs) are currently underway to evaluate the impacts of housing development plans on the conservation of Changneung Royal Tomb in the Seooreung Cluster ...
Decision: 45 COM 7B.49 The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.39 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the fact that the moratorium on demolition and rebuilding in Dishan Kala remains in place; Notes that the Project of Detailed Planning of Historical Centre of Khiva (PDP) is being revised to take its recommendations into account, but that the requested phased dialogue with the Advisory Bodies has not yet taken place, and urges the State Party to initiate such a dialogue as soon as ...
Sites: Itchan Kala
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.40 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the progress made to address previously identified threats to the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property through regulatory change, capacity building, preparation of additional guidance documents, proposed conservation works, the revision of the traffic scheme, which no longer includes any expansion of the main transport routes within the property and buffer zone, and the relocation of the proposed ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 39 COM 7B.75, 41 COM 7B.40, 43 COM 7B.79 and 44 COM 7B.151 adopted at its 39th (Bonn, 2015), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 43th (Baku, 2019) and its extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Commends the State Party for the progress made in improving the state of conservation of the property, as well as for providing financial stimulus to private owners to undertake conservation and maintenance work; Welcomes the State Party’s commitment to upgrading urban regulations for ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Welcomes the States Parties’ commitment to achieving the joint management of the property and encourages the States Parties to strengthen their dialogue to collaboratively address the complex issues affecting the transboundary lacustrine cultural landscape; Expresses its utmost concern about the scale of the original Sopron Fertő Lake Resort, welcomes the decision to suspend the project but notes that any future project cannot be regarded solely as a rehabilitation project, and that its potential impacts ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.46 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the State Party for the efforts made to safeguard Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral and for the successful completion of the security and consolidation work; Thanks the State Party for the successful organization of the joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS/ICCROM Advisory mission; Welcomes the compatibility of the modalities for the implementation of the restoration of the exterior of the Cathedral as well as ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.47 adopted at its 44th extended session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Commends the State Party on the efficiency with which it has attempted to address the deficiencies concerning the roofs installed in 2015-2018 in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin and St George’s Church and to prevent further decay of the historic murals, in collaboration with the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies and through engagement of international experts, as well as on the timely ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 8B.18 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Acknowledges the positive steps undertaken by the State Party to resolve the issues raised by the Committee at the time of inscription; Requests the State Party to provide updates on the implementation of its recommendations with regard to the following: Developing a conservation management plan to guarantee a consistent conservation approach and strategy for all buildings of the property, Strengthening the link ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.49 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the modifications and amendments concerning the World Heritage Design Guide, the Hungarian World Heritage Council and the World Heritage Complex Impact Assessment as well as plans to conduct Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) supplemented by a Visual Impact Assessments and requests the State Party to conduct HIAs in accordance with the Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 39 COM 8B.32, 41 COM 7B.50, 43 COM 7B.90 and 44 COM 7B.56 adopted at its 39th (Bonn, 2015), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Expresses its solidarity with the State Party of Türkiye and its people for the devastating effects of the earthquakes that took place in February 2023, assures the State Party of the availability of the Convention assistance mechanism to support affected World Heritage properties and invites the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7B.31 and 44 COM 7B.58 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the maintenance and repair of Ottoman timber houses and reiterates its request to the State Party to provide information on how this relates to a long-term strategy for timber buildings within the property; Also welcomes the inventory digitization and the systematic survey of the condition of structures by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.59 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Deplores the war prevailing in Ukraine and the loss of human life; Commends the State Party for its strong commitment to the protection of the World Heritage property ‘Kyiv: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra’, as well as the other World Heritage properties in Ukraine, and expresses its utmost concern at the increasing potential threats facing the property; Acknowledges the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Deplores the war prevailing in Ukraine and the loss of human life; Commends the State Party for its strong commitment to the protection of the World Heritage property ‘L’viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre’, as well as the other World Heritage properties in Ukraine, and expresses its utmost concern at the increasing potential threats facing the property; Welcomes the various actions implemented by UNESCO and the Advisory Bodies to assist Ukraine in the protection and safeguarding of the property ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Notes that development proposals in the buffer zone and the setting of the property have been approved against ICOMOS’ advice that these projects would have a negative impact on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property, and that development areas have been identified within the property boundaries in the Belper 2021 Neighbourhood Plan, which may have a similar impact on its OUV, and requests the State Party to: Reconsider the approval of the Landmark project in Derby and not approve the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decisions 41 COM 7B.56, 42 COM 7B.32, 43 COM 7B.95 and 44 COM 7B.61 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Notes further progress with the revised management and governance arrangements, the Trust Transition Project, the implementation of the Avebury 2015 Transport Strategy, the forthcoming setting study and proposed Supplementary Planning Documents and future boundary review of the property, and the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 41 COM 8B.30 adopted at its 41st session (Krakow, 2017), Welcomes the efforts made by the State Party to address the recommendations adopted at the time of the inscription of the property on the World Heritage List but notes that progress in the implementation of those recommendations is very slow; Also welcomes the State Party’s confirmation that no projects for a gondola/cable car at Whinlatter and a Geological Disposal Facility for hazardous waste within the property are currently being ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.112 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Regrets that no specific assessment of the impacts of the Baixo Iguaçu hydropower plant (HPP) on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property was submitted prior to construction and operation of the HPP, as requested by the Committee in its Decision 40 COM 7B.70 and takes note that impacts to the property were considered during the Environmental Impact Study process for the project and extensive conditions were ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7B.24 and 44 COM 7B.196 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and its extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the confirmation that the authorization for the proposed Interoceanic Dry Canal project was not approved and the firm State Party position communicated in this regard, and that the property continues to remain off-limits to industrial development infrastructure; Remains concerned that that the project proponent as well as other companies continue to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 43 COM 7B.25 and 44 COM 7B.197 adopted at its 43rd (Baku, 2019) and its extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the States Parties’ continued efforts to monitor and control illegal activities within the property, despite resource constraints, including through the establishment of new partnerships and projects; Also welcomes the resumption of bilateral efforts following temporary border closure and Costa Rica’s increasing involvement of indigenous peoples, and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.113 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Appreciates the significant progress made by the State Party in addressing the longstanding issues facing the property and in implementing the recommendations of the 2017 Reactive Monitoring mission, in particular the recent progress towards the operationalization of the Galápagos Biosecurity Agency (GBA); Encourages the State Party to continue the current biosecurity measures to control the entry and spread of ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.198 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Appreciates the measures taken to ensure the maintenance of the ecological integrity of the property and restoration of degraded areas with the involvement of relevant government agencies and local communities; Notes with utmost concern that illegal logging activities in the property have increased, and urges again the State Party to significantly increase efforts to halt the illegal logging in the property as a matter ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.115 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the ongoing updating of the Management Plan for the property, takes note of the development of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the property and its area of socioeconomic influence, and requests the State Party to submit the draft SEA to the World Heritage Centre, for review by IUCN, once it is available; Notes however that rehabilitation works, including tourist accommodation, are planned ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.116 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes that funding has been secured to integrate the recommendations of the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) study into the legal and regulatory framework of Saint Lucia and requests the State Party to undertake the process to amend the Physical Planning and Development Act as soon as possible; Notes with concern the reported development, in particular in Sugar Bay, which does not comply fully with the Policy ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.199 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou /online, 2021), Notes with appreciation the reported increase in the number of firefighters and rangers, as well as information on the surveillance of the property; Notes with concern that it remains unclear whether the planned and existing mining operations within the National Strategic Development Zone “Arco Minero del Orinoco” (ZDENAMO) rights areas close to the property have been subject to impact assessments which fully assess ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.174 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the efforts of the States Parties and their partners to improve the effectiveness of the management of the property by continuing to update the various management plans, harmonizing the wildlife census methodology throughout the property by 2025, acquiring equipment for ecological monitoring and surveillance of the property, recruiting and strengthening the capacities of eco-guards to combat wildlife crime ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.81 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the progress made by the State Party, with the support of its partners, in responding to past Committee decisions and the 2017 Reactive Monitoring mission recommendations, including the finalisation and implementation of the 2020-2030 General Management Plan (GMP), the monitoring protocols for Ethiopian wolf, Walia ibex and Gelada, and a fire management plan; Takes note of the confirmation that the GMP fully ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 38 COM 7B.92, 42 COM 7B.93 and 44 COM 7B.82 adopted at its 38th (Doha, 2014), 42nd (Manama, 2018) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the significant efforts made by the State Party, in partnership with several partners including local communities, to strengthen the management and protection of the property, including through enhanced operational, monitoring and research capacity, and encourages the State Party to ensure effective coordination of the ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add.2, Recalling Decision 44 COM 7B.85 adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), Welcomes the continued implementation of the 2016-2026 General Management Plan (GMP) for the property, and requests the State Party to ensure that the attributes that constitute the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property are fully reflected in the next GMP; Notes with concern the results of the 2021 animal census for elephants which indicate only seven individuals as now remaining in the property, and ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 35 COM 7B.7, 38 COM 7B.94, 42 COM 7B.96 and 44 COM 7B.[86] adopted at its 35th (UNESCO, 2011), 38th (Doha, 2014), 42nd (Manama, 2018) and its extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Expresses its continued concern about the proposed dam projects upstream of the property in the Mara River basin, which could have a negative impact on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the Serengeti National Park and Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B.Add, Recalling Decisions 38 COM 7B.97, 40 COM 7B.84 and 44 COM 7B.178 adopted at its 38th (Doha, 2014), 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, Welcomes the continued strengthening of anti-poaching measures, including joint operations with the State Party of Zambia, and with support from technical and financial partners; Appreciates the collaboration between the States Parties of Zambia and Zimbabwe to strengthen transboundary conservation and encourages ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/7B, Recalling Decisions 42 COM 7B.99 and 44 COM 7B.179 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018) and the extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions, respectively, While noting that the formal adoption of the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the property was constrained by the unstable political situation and its full implementation by the lack of financial resources, welcomes the 80% implementation of the IMP by the Wildlife Conservation General Administration and its partners, and requests the State Party to update ...