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World Heritage Convention

2824 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year end: 2001close
By Year
XVIII.7.1 NATURAL Côte d'Ivoire National workshop on "Research contribution for the development and sustainable management of Taï National Park: The Committee approved US$30,514, requesting the State Party to integrate the recommendations of IUCN in fine-tuning the objectives of the proposed activity, and urging the State Party to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund. XVIII.7.2 CULTURAL WHC, ICCROM, CRATerre-EAG AFRICA 2009: Conservation of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Committee approved this request for the sub-Saharan African Region for an ...
XVIII.8.1 NATURAL Central African Republic Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park Emergency Rehabilitation Plan: The Committee was informed that the requested clarifications had been received. IUCN expressed its support for the request. The Committee approved US$150,000 for this activity.
XVIII.9 The Committee reiterated that States Parties requesting international assistance should be requested to provide budget breakdown for the utilization of funds to be provided from the World Heritage Fund and for requests over US$100,000 to be more detailed.
XIX.1 The Committee decided that the twenty-sixth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee would be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 8 to 13 April 2002. XIX.2 The Committee decided that agenda items on reforms and strategic reflection should be considered by the Bureau early in the meeting to ensure enough time for debate, decision and report preparation. XIX.3 The Committee requested that presentations to the Bureau and Committee be brief to allow time for discussion. XIX.4 The Delegate of Hungary informed the Committee that a draft "Budapest Declaration on World ...