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107 Decisions
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Session: 25COM 2001close
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VIII.89 The Committee noted that the State Party had invited a UNESCO-IUCN mission to this site following the recommendation of the twenty-fourth session of the Committee. The mission took place from 25 August to 3 September 2001. IUCN and the Director of the UNESCOMoscow Office, representing the World Heritage Centre, conducted the mission. The Committee was informed that the full report of this mission was presented to the twentyfifth extraordinary session of the Bureau and that it noted in particular the series of recurrent problems and new potential threats that, according to IUCN, ...
Sites: Lake Baikal
  Reports on the state of conservation of natural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List noted by the Committee Great Barrier Reef (Australia) Fraser Island (Australia) The Sundarbans (Bangladesh) Belovezhskaya Pushcha/Bialowieza Forest (Belarus/Poland) Gros Morne National Park (Canada) Nahanni National Park (Canada) Los Katios National Park (Colombia)  Caves of the Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary/Slovakia) The Committee noted that the issues raised concern only the Slovak part of this transboundary site. Sundarbans National Park (India)  The Delegate of ...
State of conservation reports of mixed properties noted by the Committee Tasmanian Wilderness (Australia) Hierapolis-Pamukkale (Turkey) Further to the recommendation of the Bureau and following an update of information from ICOMOS, the Committee noted that a Management Plan for this property had recently been completed.
VIII.1 The Committee examined document WHC-01/CONF.208/9 describing reports on the state of conservation of nineteen natural and seven cultural heritage properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
VIII.29 The Committee noted with interest the inclusion of Sangay as one of the Latin American pilot sites in the UN Foundation financed pilot project entitled: "Enhancing our heritage: monitoring and managing for success in World Natural Heritage sites". The project will test out monitoring and management effectiveness evaluation tools developed by an IUCN/WCPA Task Force. The project management in co-operation with IUCN, both in Gland and in Latin America, is discussing the details for the organization of a national workshop where the development of indicators and benchmarks to monitor ...
VIII.56 The Committee noted with satisfaction that security conditions in the Park have improved and that the Park was re-opened to visitors in July 2001 and that the twenty-fifth session of the Bureau, based on an identification of the Park's needs with regard to purchase of equipment and materials had approved a sum of US$64,000 as emergency assistance to the site. The UNESCO Division for Equipment Procurement is assisting the Centre and the State Party to purchase essential communication and other equipment requested urgently by the site management. The Committee urged the Centre and ...
VIII.61 The Committee examined the state of conservation of the site and urged the State Party to submit a report on the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations made by the joint UNESCO-ICOMOS-Butrint Foundation mission by 1 February 2002, for examination at its twenty-sixth session (June 2002).
Sites: Butrint
VIII.83 The Committee considered the decisions of the twenty-fifth extraordinary session of the Bureau (WHC-01/CONF.208/4) and the Working Document WHC-01/CONF.208/10). The relevant section of the report of the twenty-fifth extraordinary session of the Bureau is attached as Annex IX to this report.
VIII.84 The Committee noted that the proceedings of the workshop on "Mining and World Heritage" were published by the International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME), IUCN and the World Heritage Centre and were distributed to all Committee members. The Committee furthermore noted that the proposal for the establishment of a Working Group on World Heritage and Mining, as proposed by the World Heritage Committee at its twenty-fourth session, and will be presented to its twenty-sixth session.
VIII.85 The Committee noted the concerns over the Territorial Development Plan (TDP), which it anticipates will lead to further incremental development within the remaining larger area. It requested the State Party to ensure that tourism development does not take place in the remaining TDP area in the future. The Committee urged that the mission invited by the State Party be carried out as soon as possible.
VIII.86 The Committee welcomed the recommendations of IUCN, and called upon the State Party to take urgent action to halt illegal poaching in the Reserve, and requested a full report from the State Party on this situation by 1 February 2002. This report shall be submitted for consideration by the twenty-sixth session of the World Heritage Committee (June 2002), at which time it will decide on the need for a mission to the site. Furthermore, the Committee commended the chief executives of major European logging firms active in Central Africa, representatives from various conservation NGOs ...
VIII.87 The Committee, recognising the continued and increasing threats posed to the marine and terrestrial flora and fauna of the Islands, urged the State Party to make all efforts to finalise the specific regulations under the Special Law and enforce them as soon as possible. The Committee commended the ruling by the State Party's Constitutional Court to uphold the Galapagos Special Law. It also commended the Ecuadorian Government for supporting the "Sea Shepherd" patrols in the Galapagos Marine Reserve, as well as efforts to protect the marine ecosystem in the Reserve. The Committee ...
VIII.12   The Committee was updated on the state of conservation of each of the five sites and the outcome of a mission led by the Director of the Centre to DRC from 24 November to 3 December 2001. VIII.13 Virunga National Park has been considerably affected by the war in eastern DRC and its impacts. More than 20,000 families are resident in the central and northern sectors of the Park, most of them undertaking fishing and livestock herding activities. Renegade militia groups are hiding in the forests in the northern and central sectors of the Park and subsist by poaching on wild ...
VIII.57 The State Party has updated the comprehensive report it submitted at the time of the twenty-fifth session of the Bureau on this site. The Committee noted the following specific improvements achieved between June and December 2001: The appropriation increases of the fiscal year 2002 over the previous year for Everglades restoration amounts to a sum of US$31.4 million or a 37.4%; As of May 2001 104,340 acres or 95% of the authorized addition of lands are either in public ownership condemnation or referred for Declaration of Taking; only about 5,260 acres of the habitat earmarked ...
VIII.88 The Committee requested the State Party to invite a mission to the site as soon as possible to enable an independent assessment of the state of conservation of the World Heritage site.
VIII.95 The Committee noted with concern threats to the Bystrinsky Nature Park and noted conflicting reports relating to the gold mine operation and its relationship to the World Heritage boundary. The Committee requested the Centre to work in consultation with the State Party to prepare a mission to the site to review the state of conservation and to ascertain whether a case exists for inscribing this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
VIII.96 The Committee endorsed the recommendations of the IUCN/Centre mission, and requested the State Party to review the document and report back with an action plan for implementation of the recommendations by 1 February 2002 for consideration by the twenty-sixth session of the Committee (June 2002).
VIII.97 The Committee requested the State Party to provide a report on the encroachment situation in the northern section of the World Heritage site and on the impacts of commercial farming introduced by immigrant farmers on the integrity and values of this World Heritage site by 1 February 2002 for consideration by the twentysixth session of the Committee.
IX.4 Several Committee members stressed the importance of the Resolution of the General Assembly concerning the Representivity of the World Heritage List and that the substantive work on the analysis of the current World Heritage List and the tentative lists must be given top priority. New thematic studies and meetings should be carried out only upon the completion of this global analysis, and on the basis of the priorities identified for each region. A number of delegates stated that since 1994, many regional and thematic meetings have been convened, and the results of these meetings ...
X.3 Following the review of the state of conservation reports and the recommendations of the twenty-fifth extraordinary session of the Bureau, the Committee decided to inscribe the following properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger: Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras (Philippines) Abu Mena (Egypt) X.4 Furthermore, the Committee decided to remove Iguaçu National Park (Brazil) from the List of World Heritage in ...