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World Heritage Convention

237 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1999close
Year end: 1999close
By Year
Property: Butrint Id. N°: 570 Bis State Party: Albania Criteria: C (iii) ICOMOS expressed its concern that tourism developments in a small area on the coast, excluded from the proposed extension, could have a disastrous impact on the site. ICOMOS, therefore, strongly recommended that this area be included in the protected area. The Committee decided to extend the property under the existing criterion (iii) under the condition that the excluded area would be included in the zone of the proposed enlargement. The Delegate of Italy offered the interest of his Government to support ...
Sites: Butrint
Property: Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin - Extension Id. N°: 532 Ter State Party: Germany Criteria: C (i)(ii)(iv) The Committee approved this extension to the World Heritage site of the Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin, on the World Heritage List under the existing criteria (i), (ii) and (iv).
Property: Ferrara, City of the Renaissance and its Po Delta (extension of Ferrara, city of the Renaissance) Id. N°: 733 Bis State Party: Italy Criteria: C (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) The Committee approved this extension to the World Heritage site of the City of Ferrara and to inscribe this site on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (iii) and (v), in addition to the already existing criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi): Criterion (iii): The Este ducal residences in the Po Delta illustrate the influence of Renaissance culture on the natural landscape in an exceptional ...
Property: The Villages with fortified churches in Transylvania (extension of Biertan and its Fortified Church) Id. N°: 596 Bis State Party: Romania Criteria: C (iv) The Committee approved this extension to the World Heritage site Biertan and its fortified church, on the World Heritage List under the existing criterion (iv).
Property: The Loire Valley between Maine and Sully-sur-Loire Id. N°: 933 State Party: France Criteria: C (ii) (iv) A lengthy and substantive debate took place with regard to this nomination and on the general issue of cultural landscapes. It was generally recognised that the Loire Valley had outstanding universal value and was worthy of being inscribed as a cultural landscape on the World Heritage List under cultural criteria (ii) and (iv). It was also noted that a Steering Committee with representation from territorial authorities and institutions involved, had been established ...
Property: Sarajevo - Unique symbol of universal multiculture -continual open city Id. N°: 851 Rev State Party: Bosnia and Herzegovina The Committee decided not to inscribe this property on the World Heritage List.
Property: The Kysuce-Orava Switchback Railroad Id. N°: 756 State Party: Slovakia The Committee decided not to inscribe this property on the World Heritage List.
IX.1 The Secretariat presented the Working Document WHC-99/CONF.209/12 that contains the Action Plan for the Arab region which should be completed by December 2000, and the periodic reporting exercise for the African States that should be completed by December 2001. IX.2 Particular mention was made of the links with the implementation of the Global Strategy. The periodic monitoring exercise would help States Parties to recognize their insufficiencies in the field of conservation and facilitate the identification of their needs. The managers of the sites will be trained and ultimately ...
X.1 The Committee examined that state of conservation of fifteen natural and four cultural properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
X.2 Srebarna Nature Reserve (Bulgaria) The Committee was informed that the State Party had submitted a detailed report on the project for monitoring the state of conservation of Srebarna and, in accordance with the request of the twenty-second session of the Committee (Kyoto, Japan, 1998), the Ministry of Environment and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria had submitted a National Report "concerning the progress in restoration of ecological status of Srebarna Reserve in accordance with its removing from the List of World Heritage in Danger". IUCN and the Centre presented a review of the ...
X.3 Manovo-Gounda-St.Floris National Park (Central African Republic (CAR)) The Committee noted with concern that the President of the State Party has not responded to letters from the Director-General and the Chairperson, transmitting the recommendations of the twenty-second session of the Committee (Kyoto, Japan, 1998), inviting the President's urgent intervention for the preparation of a detailed state of conservation report and a rehabilitation plan for the conservation of the site. IUCN informed the Committee that it has received a report that calls for an urgent project formulation ...
X.4 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Virunga National Park, Garamba National Park, Kahuzi Biega National Park, Okapi Wildlife Reserve The Committee recalled the fact that at its last session (Kyoto, Japan, 1998) it had requested the Centre and IUCN to consult with ICCN and conservation NGOs working in the DRC and estimate the cost of paying allowances to staff at Virunga National Park as an interim measure, and submit a proposal for emergency assistance for consideration by the twenty-third session of the Bureau in 1999. The conservation NGOs, ICCN, concerned bilateral ...
X.5 Sangay National Park (Ecuador) The Committee was pleased to note that, in accordance with the recommendation of its twenty-second session (Kyoto, 1998), the State Party had invited a mission to the site. The mission had been undertaken by IUCN experts and representatives of WWF, Fundacion Natura and the Ministry for the Environment of Ecuador, from 10 to 14 June 1999. The State Party did not have adequate time to respond to the mission's findings at the time of the twenty-third session of the Bureau (5-10 July 1999). Hence, the Bureau had requested that the State Party provide a ...
X.6 Simen National Park (Ethiopia) The Committee noted with concern that the Centre has not yet received a response from the State Party to the letter transmitting the observations and recommendations of the twenty-third session of the Bureau (5 - 10 July 1999). IUCN had requested to consult with relevant authorities, particularly those in Bahir Dar, who disagreed with the decision of the twentieth session of the Committee (Merida, Mexico, 1996) to include Simen in the List of World Heritage in Danger. IUCN has not yet received any response to its requests in this regard. The lack of ...
X.7 Mount Nimba Nature Reserve (Guinea/Cote d'Ivoire) The Director-General of the Centre for Environmental Management of Mount Nimba (CEGEN), via his letter of 21 September 1999, has informed the Centre that the Government of Guinea created the CEGEN in 1995. It continues to explore the feasibility for exploiting the mine immediately adjacent to Mt. Nimba in a manner that would respect the integrity of the World Heritage site. The Government of Guinea, through CEGEN, has over the last few months entered into negotiations with UNDP and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to finance a ...
X.8 Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) The Committee was informed that the State Party has not yet responded to the recommendation of the last session of the Committee (Kyoto, Japan, 1998), reiterated by the twenty-third ordinary session of the Bureau held from 5 to 10 July 1999, to invite an IUCN/Centre mission to the site. IUCN has informed the Centre that some reports it has received question whether the Patuca II hydro power project will get approval for its implementation. The damage caused by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 appears to have revived concerns over the ecological ...
X.9 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The Committee was informed that, as requested by the twentythird ordinary session of the Bureau (5-10 July 1999), IUCN has reviewed the justifications, provided by Indian authorities, to the budgetary revisions for the utilization of the US$ 70,000 of the US$ 90,000 approved by the twenty-first session of the Committee (Naples, Italy, 1997). The US$ 70,000 was originally intended for the reconstruction of guard camps and staff residential facilities destroyed during the Bodo militancy from 1989 to 1992. The revisions proposed suggested that the ...
X.10 Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves (Niger) The Committee was informed that the Chairperson had approved, in April 1999, US$ 20,000 for the sensitization of all stakeholders to the conservation needs of the site. The project is one of the five activities foreseen in the emergency rehabilitation plan prepared by the State Party and submitted to the twentythird session of the Bureau in July 1999. The total cost of implementing the plan is estimated at US$ 127,000. The Bureau had endorsed the plan and recommended that the Centre and IUCN explore ways and means for financing the ...
X.11 Ichkeul National Park (Tunisia) The Committee was informed that the Bureau, at its twenty-third ordinary session in July 1999, agreed with the recommendations of a joint IUCN/Ramsar/Centre mission to the site, undertaken in February 1999, in accordance with the wish of Bureau and the Committee expressed at their respective sessions in 1998. The Bureau had welcomed the suggestion of the mission team that the State Party include, in its threat mitigation status report to the twenty-third session of the Committee, definitions of current and expected values for a set of indicators, e.g. ...
X.12 Everglades National Park (United States of America) The Committee recalled that at its last session it had requested the State Party to submit an up-to-date state of conservation report on the site, including proposed action being taken by the State Party to determine impacts of rehabilitation measures on the integrity of the site and plans for the eventual removal of the site from the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Observer of the United States of America regretted the delay in the submission of the report requested by the last session of the Committee but informed the ...