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World Heritage Convention

8194 Decisions
146 Resolutions
By Year
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC-09/17.GA/2A, Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC-09/17.GA/3A and WHC-09/17.GA/INF.3A, Recalling Resolutions 15 GA 9 and 16 GA 3A, adopted respectively at its 15th and 16th sessions, requesting to initiate a «process to discuss possible alternatives to the existing system of elections to the World Heritage Committee» and to establish an open-ended Working Group in order to make recommendations on this issue, Noting that capacity building would enhance expertise of the States Parties and would encourage the latter to present their candidature to the Committee, Recognizing that a ...
The General Assembly,  Elects the United Arab Emirates (State Party with no property on the World Heritage List) as a member of the World Heritage Committee; Elects the Russian Federation (Electoral Group which might have no State Party in the composition of the next Committee) as a member of the World Heritage Committee; Elects the following eleven States Parties as members of the World Heritage Committee: Cambodia, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Iraq, Mali, Mexico, South Africa, Switzerland and ...
The General Assembly,  Having examined Document WHC-09/17.GA/4, Takes note of the report of the Intergovernmental Committee for the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on its activities (2008-2009).
The General Assembly, Having examined the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 2007 approved by the Comptroller (Document WHC-09/17.GA/INF.5, Sections I and II) in conformity with the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund that stipulate that the accounts of the Fund shall be submitted to the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention (Article 6, paragraph 6.4), Approves the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 2007 (Document WHC-09/17.GA/INF.5, Sections I and II); Takes note ...
The General Assembly, Decides to set at 1% the percentage for the calculation of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties for the financial period 2010-2011.
The General Assembly, Takes note of the decisions of the Committee concerning the contributions of States Parties and of their status of implementation; Also takes note of Document WHC-09/17.GA/INF.6 on the status of compulsory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund; Requests the World Heritage Committee to submit all possible options for equitable additional voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund to the General Assembly at its 18th session in 2011, as requested in Decision 33 COM 16B; Further requests the World Heritage Centre to report to the General ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC-09/17.GA/7, Takes note with satisfaction of the progress achieved so far in implementing the main recommendations of the management audit of the World Heritage Centre; Calls upon the World Heritage Centre to continue to implement the recommendations of the management audit; While noting the positive efforts made in addressing the recommendations of the audit, calls upon the World Heritage Centre to continue to address the issues for further improvements in personnel requirements, taking into account geographical representation, and ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC-09/17.GA/8, Takes note of the information provided in the above-mentioned document; Welcomes the preparation and dissemination of the publications planned within the Series of World Heritage Resource Manuals; Encourages States Parties to contribute extra-budgetary funding to support the publication of titles within the Series.
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC-09/17.GA/9 and WHC-09/17.GA/INF.9 Noting that the World Heritage Convention is approaching universal ratification and that its 40th anniversary is to be celebrated in 2012 and, therefore, that it is appropriate to reflect on the successes of the Convention and also how it can best be implemented to meet the emerging challenges and opportunities it faces while also increasing its relevance and engagement with communities around the world, Considering the results of the Workshop to reflect on the Future of the World Heritage ...
The Bureau recalled that the site was inscribed in 1983 and placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992. Furthermore, it noted that considerable discussion had taken place both at the Committee and it's Bureau sessions regarding the possible delisting of the site, and that IUCN reports on the status of the site indicating the degradation of its natural values have been reviewed continuously since December 1991. Furthermore, a report by wetland experts from the United States National Park Service indicate that major effort is required to restore the site. The Secretariat ...
The Bureau recalled that the site was inscribed in 1983 and added to the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 due to threats from poaching and a road construction. A field mission was carried out in 1993 and a report was submitted to the seventeenth session of the World Heritage Committee in December 1993. A short up-date report has been provided by the IUCN Office in Ecuador, indicating major restructuring of the park administration and a reduction of personnel. Furthermore, the Macas-Guamote road construction is progressing with no attention being paid to the conditions of the ...
The Bureau took note that the Government of India finally responded to the concerns of the World Heritage Committee and its Bureau by letter dated 24 January 1994. However, the Bureau showed continued concern with regard to the management of the site, the increase in poaching and the continuous decline of this World Heritage site in Danger. It therefore, endorsed international assistance, if officially requested by the Indian Government, and requested the Centre and IUCN to work closely together with two non-governmental organizations, WWF-India and the Swaminathan Foundation, to obtain a ...
The Bureau was informed of a recent IUCN mission to the site giving an account on (a) the implementation of the Commonwealth and State Management Agreement which has been signed, but no further action has been taken so far and (b) on the efforts to achieve more effective conservation of the site, for which improvements have been made. The Bureau requested the Centre to write to the Australian authorities informing them of its concerns and requesting that an up-date on progress in implementing the Agreement be presented to the next session of the Committee.
The Bureau took note that several reports have been sent to the Centre and Bureau members by the Wilderness Society concerning Tasmania World Heritage site and the impact of logging operations in areas adjacent to the current World Heritage area. By letter of 22 March 1994, the Centre informed the Permanent Delegate of Australia and requested a response from the Australian authorities regarding this matter. The Observer from Australia indicated that discussions between the Government and the State of Tasmania are taking place at the moment. The Bureau requested the Centre to follow-up and ...
The Bureau was informed by IUCN of the first World Heritage mission to this mixed site. The report indicated problems at the site with landowner residents, aboriginal concerns as well as the fact that no management plan has yet been prepared. However, the Commonwealth is taking up these issues and furthermore, a socio­economic impact study is underway. IUCN suggested that all authorities consider renominating the area under cultural criteria and with a reduced boundary. The Observer of Australia informed the Bureau that through the agreed management arrangements for the site, a review ...
The Bureau was informed that a fire broke out at Isabela Island on 12 April 1994 and was discovered by a patrol boat of the Galapagos National Park authorities. The fire combat was very difficult, involving park personnel and both the army and the navy. After one month the fire was under control, but 4,500 ha were burnt. The giant tortoises are not at risk, but the extinction danger remains. The authorities have received emergency aid from the World Heritage Fund (US$ 50,000), UNESCO (US$ 20,000) and several governments, NGOs and individual donors. The Bureau took note of the report and ...
The Bureau recalled that at its sixteenth session it noted concern over increasing forestry activities at the site, however, no mission was carried out. A recent report by WWF and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (EPC) on the ecological state of the site indicates serious threats, including overgrazing, chemical pollution as well as a proposed hydrodam construction. IUCN stressed the need for impact studies, a forest management plan and a system of reserves. The Bureau took note of the report and requested the Centre to write to the appropriate authorities transmitting its ...
Sites: Mount Athos
The Bureau took note of the Centre's report on the Paris-Dakar rally crossing the site, which had very little impact on the ecological situation of the Park. IUCN reported on the plan to capture six monk seals from the seal population of the park (100­130) and move them to Antibes (Southern France) for captive breeding. After some discussion on captive breeding experiences, the Bureau requested that the propensity of the planned capture operation be reported to the World Heritage Committee.