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World Heritage Convention

245 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 27COM 2003close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expressing concern about the foreseen construction of a commercial complex as well as about the new interventions already carried out, which seem to be incompatible with the Antigua Guatemala's heritage protection law,;2. Recommends that a reactive monitoring mission be carried out as soon as possible to assess the possible damages following the interventions on the Cathedral and on the Church of La Compañia de Jesús, as well as the impact of the proposed commercial complex;3. Urges the State Party to finalize the reformulation of the La Antigua's heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee [56],1. Takes note of the February 2003 joint UNESCO-ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission's findings and recommendations; 2. Expresses its appreciation to the State Party for inviting the joint UNESCO-ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring mission to examine the impact of proposed development of the airstrip at the archaeological property of Copán and possible alternatives; 3. Invites the State Party to discard plans for extension of the airstrip at Copán Ruins and follow the recommendations made by the mission; 4. Requests that the State Party submit to the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Taking note of the information provided,;2. Noting with regret the demolition of three houses,;3. Encourages the State Party to enhance the participation of local organisations and associations in finalising the Integral Plan for the Rehabiliation of the Historic Centre of Puebla and, to ensure that full respect of the urban and architectural heritage of the historic centre, and further encourages the State Party to remain vigilant with regard to the content and objectives of the Plan;4. Commends the establishment of a working group involving the ...
The World Heritage Committee [58], 1. Noting the lack of information provided by the State Party,; 2. Thanking American Express for its grant awarded for the design and construction of an emergency roof and drainage restoration project at San Lorenzo,; 3. Requests that the State Party submit a progress report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 on the design and further measures taken for the conservation of the property in order that World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [58]  Decision adopted without ...
The World Heritage Committee [60], 1. Takes note of the measures undertaken by the municipality to revise the draft Master Plan for the City of Cuzco;2. Commends the State Party for its decision to cancel the construction of the parking;3. Urges the State Party to finalize the Master Plan for the city of Cuzco;4. Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 a progress report in order that World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [60]  Decision adopted without ...
Sites: City of Cuzco
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of the additional information provided by ICOMOS;2. Strongly urges the State Party to take into consideration the recommendations made by the July 2002 meeting on the rehabilitation of the Historic Centre of Lima;3. Urges the State Party to revise its management plan for the Historic Centre;4. Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 a detailed report on the revision and implementation of the management plan of the property in order that World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of ...
The World Heritage Committee [61],1. Shares the ICOMOS recommendations and congratulates the State Party on the progress being made in the implementation of the Master Plan for the Historical Centre of Arequipa;2. Recommends to the responsible authorities the incorporation of a risk-preparedness plan into the Master Plan in view of the frequent seismic activity in this region. [61]  Decision adopted without discussion.
The World Heritage Committee [62],1. Takes note of the recommendations of the ICOMOS mission and the response submitted by the State Party;2. Invites the State Party to proceed with the revision of the hotel-casino project in accordance with the recommendations of the ICOMOS expert mission and to further consult the World Heritage Committee and ICOMOS on this matter;3. Encourages the State Party to urgently initiate the preparation of a master and management plan for the area inscribed on the World Heritage List with the participation of all relevant institutions as well as with the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of the report of the UNESCO/ICOMOS mission; 2. Expresses its serious concerns about the lack of adequate management, planning and conservation mechanisms for the property;3. Urges the State Party to consider and implement the recommendations of the UNESCO/ICOMOS mission and requests the State Party to submit a progress report on this matter by 15 October 2003;4. Authorizes the Chairperson of the Committee to consider the State Party's progress report and to approve, if deemed necessary, a second UNESCO/ICOMOS mission that should prepare a report ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of the report on the state of conservation of Ouadi Qadisha presented by the World Heritage Centre;2. Invites the State Party to establish, in close consultation with the World Heritage Centre, an appropriate legal framework for the protection of the property, designating the World Heritage property of the Ouadi Qadisha as a National Reserve, and to develop a detailed management plan;3. Invites the State Party to establish a co-ordination mechanism involving all the parties concerned in the elaboration and implementation of the management plan of ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Takes note of the report presented by the Secretariat concerning the construction of a concrete slab, covering the Oued Boukhrareb, within the Medina of Fez, and negatively impacting on the World Heritage property;2. Requests the State Party to re-establish the integrity of the property by demolishing this new structure, constructed against the advice of the competent authority;3. Invites the State Party to submit a report to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 on progress on this matter in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the ...
Sites: Medina of Fez
The World Heritage Committee,1. Expresses grave concern concerning the report on the large-scale tourism development plan in the immediate vicinity of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort World Heritage properties, which may irreversibly and negatively impact upon the World Heritage value of the two properties, as well as the heritage values of the related properties in the Agra and Yamuna River areas;2. Takes note of the information from the State Party concerning the measures taken to halt the landfill work, pending the decision of the Supreme Court which is examining this development project;3. ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Requests the Secretariat in consultation with the Advisory Bodies, to ensure that all properties included in the future state of conservation documents, are treated in compliance with the procedures set out in the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of World Heritage Convention for reactive monitoring (paragraph 68, July 2002);  2. Requests that reports of missions to review the state of conservation of World Heritage properties include, as appropriate: (a) an indication of threats or significant improvement in the conservation of the property ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Noting with concern, during the examination of the state of conservation of the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, the multiplication of inappropriate pastiche buildings which falsify history, 2. Invites, in consequence, the States Parties to encourage a contemporary architecture of quality, respectful of the past, which integrates harmoniously with its environment.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Requests the Secretariat and ICOMOS to organize a symposium on high-rise constructions and contemporary architecture in World Heritage historic cities: the criteria for regulation and management;2. Requests the Secretariat and ICOMOS to provide a proposal on publishing the outcome of the symposium, for consideration by the World Heritage Committee at its 28th session in 2004.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling that Article 11 of the World Heritage Convention requests that States Parties submit Tentative Lists of properties "forming part of the cultural and natural heritage, situated in its territory and suitable for inclusion in the list;",2. Takes note of the Tentative Lists presented in Annex II of document WHC-03/27.COM/8A;3. Decides to include on the agenda for the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004, an item concerning the improved use of Tentative Lists;4. Requests that the World Heritage Centre, for future Committee ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Following examination of state of conservation reports of properties on the World Heritage List  (WHC-03/27.COM/7B) and of proposals for inscription of properties on the World Heritage List (WHC-03/27.COM/8C),;2. Decides to inscribe the following properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger:Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley, Afghanistan (27 COM 8C.44)Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower, Azerbaijan (27 COM 7B.59)Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire (27 COM 7B.3)Ashur (Qala'at ash Sherqat), ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Following examination of state of conservation reports of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger (WHC-03/27.COM/7A),;2. Decides to maintain the following properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger:Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam, Afghanistan (27 COM 7A.21)Butrint, Albania (27 COM 7A.26 )Tipasa, Algeria (27 COM 7A.17)Royal Palaces of Abomey, Benin (27 COM 7A.15)Angkor, Cambodia (27 COM 7A.22)Manovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park, Central African Republic (27 COM 7A.12 )Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Côte d'Ivoire/Guinea (27 ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Following examination of state of conservation reports of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger (WHC-03/27.COM/7A),;2. Decides to remove the following properties from the List of World Heritage in Danger:Srebarna Nature Reserve, Bulgaria (27 COM 7A.10)Natural & Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor, Serbia and Montenegro (27 COM 7A.27)Yellowstone, United States of America (27 COM ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Reminds States Parties, in the context of reviewing a nomination for geological heritage, of the importance of including a global comparative analysis when preparing natural heritage nominations under natural criterion (i) for geological heritage.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Approves the proposed name changes to existing properties on the World Heritage List as proposed by the authorities of Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia:Properties in Hungary:Former Name (English / French)New Name (English / French)Budapest, the Banks of the Danube and the Buda Castle Quarter / Budapest: le panorama des deux bords du Danube et le quartier du château de Buda Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue /Budapest, avec les rives du Danube, le quartier du château de Buda et l'avenue AndrássyHollokö ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Takes note that the following States Parties had requested that their nominations not be examined at the 27th session of the Committee in 2003: Extension to the Historic District of Québec (Canada) Natural System of "Wrangel Island" Sanctuary (Russian Federation) Franja Partisan Hospital (Slovenia) Historic City of Mardin (Turkey) Extension to Gough Island Wildlife Reserve (United Kingdom).
The World Heritage Committee,1. Inscribes the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas, China on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural  criteria (i), (ii), (iii) and  (iv):Criterion (i): The property is of outstanding value for displaying the geological history of the last 50 million years associated with the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate, the closure of the ancient Tethys Sea, and the uplifting of the Himalaya Range and the Tibetan Plateau. These were major geological events in the evolution of the land surface of Asia and they are on-going. The ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Defers consideration of the nomination of Ras Mohammed, Egypt, to allow the State Party to consider extending the boundaries of the nomination to include the eastern portion of the Ras Mohammed National Park as well as appropriate sectors of the adjoining protected marine areas in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Aqaba.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Defers consideration of the nomination of Saryarka - Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan, until a detailed action plan and implementation programme demonstrating the commitment of the State Party to: (a) maintaining the existing natural flows in the Nura River and containing deposits of mercury pollution; (b) upgrading the Sarykopa Wildlife Reserve to Nature Reserve protected status; and (c) linking the Tersek and Sypsyn outliers to an extended main Naurzum Nature Reserve by protecting the intervening corridors of unmodified steppe; 2. Requests IUCN ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Inscribes  Monte San Giorgio, Switzerland, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural  criterion (i): Criterion (i): Monte San Giorgio is the single best known record of marine life in the Triassic period, and records important remains of life on land as well. The property has produced diverse and numerous fossils, many of which show exceptional completeness and detailed preservation. The long history of study of the property and the disciplined management of the resource have created a well documented and catalogued body of specimens of ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Inscribes  Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Viet Nam, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural  criterion (i):Criterion (i): Phong Nha is part of a larger dissected plateau, which also encompasses the Ke Bang and Hin Namno karsts. The limestone is not continuous and demonstrates complex interbedding with shales and sandstones. This, together with the capping of schists and apparent granites has led to a particularly distinctive topography. The caves demonstrate discrete episodic sequences of events, leaving behind various levels of fossil ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Inscribes Uvs Nuur Basin, Mongolia/ Russian Federation, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural  criteria (ii) and (iv):Criterion (ii): The closed salt lake system of Uvs Nuur is of international scientific importance because of its climatic and hydrological regimes. Because of the unchanging nature of the nomadic pastoral use of the grasslands within the basin over thousands of years, current research programmes should be able to unravel the rate at which Uvs Nuur (and other smaller lakes within the basin) have become saline (and eutrophic). ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Approves the extension of Jaú National Park, Brazil, with the addition of the Amana Sustainable Development Reserve, the Demonstration area of the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve and the Anavilhanas Ecological Station;2. Adopts, with the agreement of the State Party, the new name for the property, "Central Amazon Conservation Complex";3. Encourages the State Party to re-nominate the subsidiary area of Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve once it fully meets the conditions of integrity.The inscription adds three protected areas to Jaú National ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recognizing the outstanding universal cultural and natural value of Purnululu National Park, Australia, and the importance of the relationship and interaction between the Traditional Owners and the natural environment of the property,;2. Inscribes the property on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria (i) and (iii) as recommended by IUCN:Criterion (i): The Bungle Bungles are, by far, the most outstanding example of cone karst in sandstones anywhere in the world and owe their existence and uniqueness to several interacting geological, ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides not to inscribe Rio de Janeiro: Sugar Loaf, Tijuca Forest and the Botanical Gardens, Brazil, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria; 2. Defers consideration of the cultural criteria of Rio de Janeiro: Sugar Loaf, Tijuca Forest and the Botanical Gardens, Brazil, encouraging the State Party to: (a) undertake an appraisal of the cultural values of Rio's setting in order to inform a re-definition of the boundaries of the proposed World Heritage property, so as to protect the overall back-drop of the city more effectively,; ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Decides not to inscribe Parque Nacional del Este and its buffer zone, Dominican Republic, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria; 2. Decides to refer back to the State Party the nomination of Parque Nacional del Este and its buffer zone, Dominican Republic, encouraging the State Party to undertake the survey programme recommended by ICOMOS and to provide assurances that the resources, management, facilities, and security issues noted by ICOMOS will be examined and responded ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Decides not to inscribe Pico Island Vineyard Culture, Portugal, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria;2. Refers back to the State Party consideration of the cultural criteria of Pico Island Vineyard Culture, Portugal,  to allow the State Party to nominate a more extensive area and as a cultural landscape, as recommended by ICOMOS.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Decides not to inscribe Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria;2. Encourages the State Party to consider including relevant protected areas in a serial nomination that can better ensure biodiversity conservation of the Caatinga biome;3. Commends the State Party, through the commitment and work of the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) and the Museum for American Man Foundation (FUMDHAM), for transforming Serra da Capivara National Park over a decade ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Decides not to inscribe the Saint Catherine Area, Egypt, on the World Heritage List on the basis of natural criteria;2. Encourges the State Party to resubmit the nomination as a cultural landscape; and3. Notes that the original inscription of the Saint Catherine Area on the World Heritage List under cultural criteria (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi) is not affected by this decision.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Inscribes Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina, on the World Heritage List on the basis of  cultural criteria (ii), (iv) and (v):Criterion (ii): The Quebrada de Humahuaca Vvalley has been used over the past 10,000 years as a crucial passage for the transport of people and ideas from the high Andean lands to the plains.Criteria (iv) and (v): The Quebrada de Humahuaca Vvalley reflects the way its strategic position has engendered settlement, agriculture and trade. Its distinctive pre-Hispanic and pre-Incan settlements, as a group with their associated field ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Inscribes The Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in Třebíč, Czech Republic, on the World Heritage List on the basis of cultural criteria (ii) and (iii):Criterion (ii): The Jewish Quarter and St. Procopius Basilica of Třebíč bear witness to the coexistence and interchange of values between two different cultures, Jewish and Christian, over many centuries.Criterion (iii): the Jewish Quarter of Třebíč is an exceptional testimony to the cultural traditions related to the Jewish diaspora in central Europe.The inscription is for three separate ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Defers the nomination of the Complex of Koguryo Tombs, Democratic People's Republic of Korea; 2. Notes the supplementary information submitted by the State Party;3. Requests that further steps be taken so that the relevant remaining technical issues can be resolved with a view to considering the nomination at the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2004.
The World Heritage Committee,1.   Defers the nomination of The Town Hall and Roland on the Marketplace of Bremen, Germany, to allow for the historical and architectural evaluation of the property in the framework of a comparative study of town halls.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Inscribes the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, India, on the World Heritage List on the basis of cultural criteria (iii) and (v):Criterion (iii): Bhimbetka reflects a long interaction between people and the landscape, as demonstrated in the quantity and quality of its rock art;.Criterion (v): Bhimbetka is closely associated with a hunting and gathering economy as demonstrated in the rock art and in the relicts of this tradition in the local adivasi villages on the periphery of this property;.2. Requests that the State Party undertake a survey of the rock art ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Inscribes Takht-e Soleyman, Islamic Republic of Iran, on the World Heritage List on the basis of cultural criteria (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi):Criterion (i): Takht-e Soleyman is an outstanding ensemble of royal architecture, joining the principal architectural elements created by the Sasanians in a harmonious composition inspired by their natural context.Criterion (ii): The composition and the architectural elements created by the Sasanians at Takht-e Soleyman have had strong influence not only in the development of religious architecture in the Islamic ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Noting the request for a modification of the original name of the property, 2. Inscribes the White City of Tel-Aviv - the Modern Movement, Israel, on the World Heritage List on the basis of cultural criteria (ii) and (iv): Criterion (ii): The White City of Tel Aviv is a synthesis of outstanding significance of the various trends of the Modern Movement in architecture and town planning in the early part of the 20th century. Such influences were adapted to the cultural and climatic conditions of the place, as well as being integrated with local ...
With regard to protective legislation in Israel, the World Heritage Committee,1. Encourages the State Party to broaden the scope of its system of legal protection at the national level to include modern heritage.