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World Heritage Convention

139 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1992close
Year end: 1992close
By Year
Potsdam, Park with Sacrow Castle and Sauveur Church 532bis Germany C (i) (ii) (iv) The Committee decided that the Castle and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin would be extended to include the Park with Sacrow Castle and Sauveur Church.
Megalithic Temples 132 bis Malta C(iv) The Committee decided to extend the existing cultural property, the Temples of Ggantija, to include the five prehistoric temples situated on the islands of Malta and Gozo and to rename the site as "The Megalithic Temples of Malta".
Glacier Bay National Park - extension of the Wrangell/St.Elias/Kluane site of Canada-USA 72bis Rev   United States of America N(ii) The Committee inscribed the Glacier Bay National Park as an extension of the Wrangell/St. Elias/Kluane World Heritage site of Canada and the United States of America. The Committee encouraged the two States Parties to consider linking the Glacier Bay National Park with the Wrangell/St. Elias/Kluane unit; specifically, the Committee urged the American authorities to consider adding the Tongass National Forest Wilderness and the ...
Mir Castle  625 Belarus At the request of both ICOMOS and the Belarus authorities, the inscription of this cultural property has been deferred until a comparative study of similar castles in this region is undertaken by ICOMOS and a report on the study is presented to the Committee at its next session.
Karlstejn Castle 619 Czech and Slovak Federal Republic Several delegations requested that ICOMOS undertake a study of the historicity of the nineteenth century restoration of the Castle and present a report at the seventeenth session of the Bureau. The inscription of this cultural property would be deferred until such a report is available.
Reserve of Popular Architecture of Vlkolinec 622 Czech and Slovak Federal Republic The requested information arrived too late to enable ICOMOS to make an evaluation and recommendations to the Committee, hence the inscription of this cultural property was deferred.
Sites: Vlkolínec
Rohtas Fort 586  Pakistan Since the comparative study on military architecture in the region has not been received, the Committee decided to defer inscription of this cultural property until information became available.
Sites: Rohtas Fort
Safranbolu Village 614 Turkey The Turkish authorities have not yet replied to the Bureau's request for further information concerning the boundaries of the site and on certain monuments. The Committee decided to defer inscription of this cultural property until this information was made available.
Tongariro National Park 421 New Zealand This site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1990 on the basis of natural heritage criteria. The Committee instructed the Centre to contact the New Zealand authorities and request further supportive material on cultural aspects of this site in order to study the possibility to inscribe the site under cultural heritage criteria as well.
Srebarna Biosphere Reserve (Bulgaria) The Committee, as requested by the authorities of Bulgaria by letter of 7 October 1992 decided, to include this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee's observations and recommendations regarding the state of conservation of this site are described in Chapter VIII, page 21.
Garamba National Park (Zaire)The Committee, in accordance with a request made by the State Party in their letter of 26 February 1991, decided to remove this site from the List of World Heritage in Danger. Observations and recommendations of the Committee for sustaining the improvements to the state of conservation of this site are described in Chapter VIII, page 31.
Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia, Republic of) The Committee as requested by the authorities of Croatia by letter of 24 April 1992 decided to include this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee's observations and recommendations regarding the state of conservation of this site are described in Chapter VIII, page 24.
Air-Tenere National Nature Reserve (Niger) The Committee as requested by the authorities of Niger, by letter of 1 October 1992, decided to include this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee's observations and recommendations regarding the state of conservation of this site are described in Chapter VIII, page 29.
Even though there were no requests from the States Parties concerned, the Committee on the basis of state of conservation reports provided by IUCN (see Chapter VIII, page 20) decided, in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 4 of the Convention to include the following sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger.  Angkor (Cambodia) Mt. Nimba Nature Reserve (Cote d'Ivoire/Guinea) Sangay National Park (Ecuador) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary ...
The Committee examined document WHC-92/CONF/002/8, 8Add. and 8Add.2, as well as information on additional requests received by the Committee from States Parties during its session, and approved the following projects: A. Technical Co-operation                                            US$ Galapagos National Park ...
XII.1 The Committee examined the document WHC­92/CONF.002/9 which presented the situation of the contributions to the World Heritage Fund for the years 1981 to 1992. Noting with satisfaction that a certain number of States Parties had paid, within the given delay, either their obligatory contribution or their voluntary contribution, the Committee remarked with concern that many States Parties had not yet paid their obligatory contributions. Sometimes the outstanding contributions covered several bienniums. The Committee therefore strongly appealed to the States Parties concerned ...
XIII.1 Natural Heritage Criteria XIII.1.1 The Bureau examined document WHC-92/CONF.002/10 in the light of introductory remarks made by the Representative of IUCN and changes proposed by the Delegation of the United States of America. The Committee adopted the revised natural heritage criteria and the conditions of integrity amended in accordance with the proposals made by the United States Delegation. The Committee requested the Centre to revise the Operational Guidelines accordingly and submit them to the Bureau for verification and approval so that the revised criteria for ...
XIV.1 The Committee decided that the session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 21 to 26 June 1993. XIV.2 The Delegate from Colombia repeated the invitation by the Colombian Government to the Director-General to invite the seventeenth session of the World Heritage Committee to be held from the 6 to 11 December 1993 in Cartagena, Colombia. On behalf of the Director-General, Mr. von Droste expressed his thanks for the generous offer of Colombia, and underlined that, however, a formal agreement following the decisions of the ...
XV.1 The Committee took note of the proposal from Canada to provide to the World Heritage Fund in accordance with the provisions of Article 15, paragaph 4 of the Convention, a sum of C.$200,000 (Canadian dollars) for 1993-1994 for specific projects identified by the Canadian Government. The Committee thanked and congratulated the Canadian Government for taking this initiative. The Committee was informed by the Canadian Observer that under the proposed scheme the Canadian Government would request the Committee to advance funds for specific projects and would reimburse the cost incurred by ...