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World Heritage Convention

119 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 21COM 1997close
By Year
The Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork 847 Poland C(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of criteria (ii), (iii) and (iv), considering that Malbork Castle is the supreme example of the medieval brick castle that characterizes the unique architecture of the Crusading Teutonic Order in eastern Europe. It is also of considerable historical significance for the evidence that it provides of the evolution of the modern philosophy and practice of restoration and conservation. Following the inscription of these two properties from Poland, the ...
Las Médulas 803 Spain C(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of criteria (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), considering that the Las Médulas gold-mining area is an outstanding example of innovative Roman technology, in which all the elements of the ancient landscape, both industrial and domestic, have survived to an exceptional degree. The Delegate of Thailand informed the Committee that he was unable to accept the inscription of this site as a cultural property as it did not correspond to the definitions given in Article 1 of the Convention. ...
Sites: Las Médulas
The Palau de la Musica and the Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona 804 Spain C(i)(ii)(iv) The Committee decided to inscribe these two properties on the basis of criteria (i), (ii) and (iv), considering that the Palau de la Música Catalana and the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona are masterpieces of the imaginative and exuberant Art Nouveau that flowered in early 20th century Barcelona.
San Millan Yuso and Suso Monasteries 805 Spain C(ii)(iv)(vi) The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi), considering that the Monasteries of Suso and Yuso at San Millán de la Cogolla are exceptional testimony to the introduction and continuous survival of Christian monasticism, from the 6th century to the present day. The property is also of outstanding associative significance as the birthplace of the modern written and spoken Spanish ...
San Millan Yuso and Suso Monasteries 805 Spain C(ii)(iv)(vi) The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi), considering that the Monasteries of Suso and Yuso at San Millán de la Cogolla are exceptional testimony to the introduction and continuous survival of Christian monasticism, from the 6th century to the present day. The property is also of outstanding associative significance as the birthplace of the modern written and spoken Spanish ...
Dougga/Thugga 794 Tunisia C(ii)(iii) The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iii), considering that Dougga is the best preserved Roman small town in North Africa and as such provides an exceptional picture of everyday life in antiquity.
Maritime Greenwich 795 United Kingdom C(i)(ii)(iv)(vi) The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of cultural criteria (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi), considering that the public and private buildings and the Royal Park at Greenwich form an exceptional ensemble that bears witness to human artistic and scientific endeavour of the highest quality, to European architecture at an important stage of its evolution, and to the creation of a landscape that integrates nature and culture in a harmonious whole. The Delegate of Morocco informed the Committee that he felt that the ...
The Committee took note of Information Documents WHC-97/CONF.208/INF.7, WHC-97/CONF.208/INF.8, WHC-97/CONF.INF.12 and WHC-97/CONF.208/INF.13. IX.1 The Global Strategy approved by the Committee in 1994 aims at improving the representivity of cultural heritage on the World Heritage List and redressing the imbalance due to the pre-eminence of Europe, Christianity and monumental architecture, as well as to encourage the nomination of properties illustrating archaeological, industrial and technical heritage from non-European cultures and, in general, of all living cultures, particularly ...
IX.10 The Committee reviewed the proposals for Global Strategy activities for 1998 and 1999. The Committee approved the following budget including the items for IUCN and ICOMOS, foreseen in Chapter II of WHC-97/CONF.208/13:  Summary Budget for the Global Strategy, 1998 to 1999 WHF 1998 Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Africa, Kenya US$ 40,000 Global Strategy Meeting for the Caribbean region, Martinique US$ 35,000 Follow-up Global Strategy meeting for the Pacific, Vanuatu US$ 30,000 Sub-regional meeting on Central Asian ...
X.1 The Committee examined International Assistance requests submitted by States Parties and advisory bodies presented in Working Document WHC-97/CONF.208/12Rev. In accordance with paragraphs 91-117 of the Operational Guidelines, the Committee took decisions concerning International Assistance requests for natural and cultural heritage above US$ 30,000. X.2 The Committee's decisions and comments concerning International Assistance requests for natural and cultural heritage have been summarized in the following tables. NATURAL HERITAGE 1. Training India Meeting ...
XI.3 The Deputy Comptroller of UNESCO then introduced the financial statements of the World Heritage Fund for 1996 as well as the provisional accounts for 1997 as of 31August 1997 of which the Committee took note. One delegate drew the attention of the Committee to the fact that the cash at bank of the Fund was in excess of US$ 5 million and considered that this balance was unnecessarily blocked. He was informed that this balance should be reduced over time through the implementation ofthe increased budget. The Delegate of Italy stated that he considered the staff costs should not be ...
XI.8 The delegates expressed the wish that future work plans and budgets submitted to the World Heritage Committee be prepared based on precise forecasts of the resources and identified needs and priorities. XI.9 A draft resolution prepared by the Italian Delegation and discussed earlier was distributed as amended by a working group created by the Chairperson for this purpose (Italy, Benin, Japan, Thailand, France, Lebanon and Germany). The text of this resolution approved by the Committee is the following: Resolution presented by Italy "The Committee, Underlining its responsibilities ...
XI.7 The Committee then examined the different budget chapters and components and took the following decisions: XI.7.1 Chapter I The amount proposed for participation in statutory meetings is available to all developing States Parties. The amount was increased from US$ 70,000 to US$ 80,000.The amount proposed for co-ordination with other Conventions and programmes, etc. was approved. The Centre will make a report on the use of this amount at the Bureau meeting to be held in June 1998 which will decide upon its future use. An amount of US$ 50,000 was approved for the work of the ...
XII.16 With regard to partnerships with the media and publishing houses, the Committee expressed concern about the use of the emblem and quality control The Committee requested the Consultative Body to submit to it recommendations on the use of the emblem and guidelines for fund-raising. This would allow the development of a policy for outside partnerships that the Centre would implement. The Delegates of China and Japan commended the efforts of the Centre in building partnerships with the media, stating that in their countries World Heritage films produced by Beijing Television and Tokyo ...
XIII.3 [...] During a short discussion certain amendments were proposed to the Recommendation in Document WHC-97CONF.208/15 (Annex VIII).
XIII.3 [...] During a short discussion certain amendments were proposed to the Recommendation in Document WHC-97CONF.208/15 (Annex VIII).
XIV.1 The Committee decided that the twenty-second session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee would be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 22 to 27 June 1998. XIV.2 The Committee adopted the provisional agenda for the Bureau's session which is attached as ANNEX IX.
XV.1 The Committee decided that, following the invitation by the Government of Japan previously expressed at the twentieth session of the World Heritage Committee, the twenty-second session of the World Heritage Committee would take place in Kyoto, Japan from 30 November to 5 December 1998 (to be preceded by an extraordinary session of the Bureau on 27 and 28 November 1998). The Committee expressed its gratitude for this generous invitation. XV.2 The Delegate of Morocco informed the Committee that his country would like to host the Committee in 1999. The Chairperson informed the ...
XVII.1 The Rapporteur presented the draft report of the session to the Committee and thanked the Secretariat for their support in its preparation. Following the examination of the report, the Committee adopted it with the amendments noted and received in written form during its debate. XVII.2 The Delegate of Niger regretted that due to his late arrival he was not able to participate in the discussions on the state of conservation of properties. In referring to paragraph VII.20 concerning Air and Ténéré Reserve (Niger), he informed the Committee that a meeting between the Local Management ...