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World Heritage Convention

136 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 23COM 1999close
By Year
X.14 Butrint (Albania) In response to the UNESCO-ICOMOS-Butrint Foundation assessment mission (October 1997), the Government of Albania has taken important decisions to strengthen management, planning and protection for the site. In August 1998, it created the Office for the World Heritage site of Butrint, for the coordination and implementation of actions at Butrint. In June 1999, it declared the surroundings of Butrint as a "National Park" in order to prevent illegal and inadequate developments; it is foreseen that the extended area will be incorporated in an even bigger Butrint Park. ...
Sites: Butrint
X.15 Angkor (Cambodia) The Secretariat reported on the results of the International Coordination Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Area of Angkor (ICC) which convened its plenary session in June 1999. The Committee's attention was drawn to the decision taken by the Royal Government of Cambodia to grant to a private company the collection of entry fees to Angkor Park for a five-year period, and the allocation in 1999 of US$ 800,000 by this company to the Authority for the Protection of the Site and Development of the Region of Angkor (ASPARA) for conservation ...
Sites: Angkor
X.16 Bahla Fort (Oman) The Secretariat reported that monitoring missions were proceeding regularly and covered the preparation of the management plan of the site and of the surrounding oasis. Restoration works were entirely financed by the Omani Government that, since 1993, invested an amount of more than six million US dollars. The Mining Museum in Bochum, Germany, provided photogrammetric records of the Fort that are indispensable for the restoration work. The Committee thanked the State Party for its decision to finance the monitoring missions and the full cost of the restoration ...
Sites: Bahla Fort
X.17 Chan Chan Archaeological Zone (Peru) The Secretariat informed the Committee that it had received, some ten days before the Committee session, a copy of the very extensive and recently completed Master Plan for the site. This plan was prepared by an interdisciplinary group of experts with assistance from the World Heritage Fund. The Secretariat also reported that at the time of the meeting, the Second Pan-America Course on the Conservation and Management of Earthen Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (Government of Peru, ICCROM, CRATerre EAG, Getty Conservation Institute) was ...
X.18 The Bureau at its twenty-third extraordinary session (November 1999) examined the state of conservation of sixty-six properties inscribed on the World Heritage List (thirty natural, four mixed and thirty-two cultural properties). The extensive deliberations and recommendations of the Bureau in November 1999 were included in the report of the session that was made available to the Committee as Working Document WHC-99/CONF.209/6. The relevant section of the report of the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau is attached as Annex VIII. X.19 The Committee examined the state ...
X.20 Iguaçu National Park (Brazil) The Committee noted that an IUCN/UNESCO mission was carried out to this site in March 1999 and that the results were presented to the July 1999 Bureau session. The mission report dealt with four issues relevant to the integrity of this World Heritage site: The Colon road, helicopter flights, dams on the Iguaçu River, and management planning. The Committee noted that the Bureau, at its twenty-third extraordinary session, examined the issues and progress made and recommended inscription of this property on the List of World Heritage in ...
X.21 Salonga National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)) The Committee noted that the heightened levels of threats due to poaching and illegal encroachments as well as the conditions which led the Bureau at its July session to recommend that the Committee inscribe this site in the List of World Heritage in Danger still prevail. The Committee requested the Centre and IUCN to extend to Salonga the co-operation with the conservation NGOs, ICCN and other partners, targeted to raise international awareness and support for four other World Heritage sites in Danger in the DRC ...
X.22 Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda) The Committee noted the reports on lack of resources, suspension of projects and serious security issues at the Park and that a greater part of the Park is not monitored by Park staff. The Committee also noted that the Bureau at its twenty-third session, examined the issues and recommended inscription of this property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee expressed its serious concerns regarding the security situation at this site. The Committee requested the Centre and IUCN to work closely with the Uganda Wildlife Authority. ...
X.23 Great Barrier Reef (Australia) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee noted progress reported on the "Focused Recommendations" and the "Framework for management" relating to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) at the twenty-third and the twenty-third extraordinary sessions of the Bureau. IUCN noted the framework for action, which has been prepared and that it concerns a long-term ...
X.24 Comoe National Park (Côte d'Ivoire) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee noted the discussions at the twenty-third and twentythird extraordinary sessions of the Bureau concerning illegal logging activities that are threatening the integrity of the site. The Committee requested the State Party to consider inviting a Centre/IUCN mission to the site during the year 2000 to review threats to the integrity of the site and plan ...
X.25 Whale Sanctuary of El Viscaino (Mexico) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property. The Committee noted that following its request and at the invitation of the Mexican authorities, a mission was carried out to the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino from 23 to 28 August 1999. The full report and the recommendations of the mission were presented in Information Document WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.20. The Secretariat introduced the report and the main findings of the ...
X.26 Doñana National Park (Spain) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee noted that during 1998 and 1999 a number of actions were undertaken to mitigate the impacts of the ecological disaster following the spill in April 1998, in particular the results of the International Expert Meeting on the Regeneration of the Doñana Watershed in October 1999 with the participation of the World Heritage ...
X.27 St. Kilda (United Kingdom) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: The Committee noted that a round table meeting on the state of conservation of the site was held in Edinburgh on 24 September 1999 with the participation of a representative from IUCN/WCPA and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. IUCN underlined that it does not recommend that this site be placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Delegate of ...
Sites: St Kilda
X.28 The Committee noted the decisions of the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau as reflected in the Report of the Bureau session (Working Document WHC-99/CONF.209/6) included as Annex VIII to this report. Additional observations made during the Committee session are reflected below. Shark Bay, Western Australia (Australia) Wet Tropics of Queensland (Australia) Heard and McDonald Islands (Australia) The Delegate of Australia thanked IUCN for the consultative process started, which could be a model for other State Parties. He also informed the Committee that the area of ...
X.29 Tasmanian Wilderness (Australia) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee requested the Australian Committee for IUCN (ACIUCN) to complete its review process on the state of conservation of the Tasmanian Wilderness with the aim of submitting an up-to-date report to the twenty-fourth session of the Bureau in 2000. ACIUCN's review should include reference to any continuing concerns, such as those noted at ...
X.30 Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area (China) The Committee recalled the report from the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee requested the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, before 15 April 2000, a state of conservation report on developments at "Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area."
X.31 Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (Peru) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee, having examined the report of the World Heritage Centre-IUCN-ICOMOS mission to the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (made available to the Committee as Information Document WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.21), endorsed the conclusions and recommendations contained in it. The Committee congratulated the Government of Peru on the ...
X.32 The Committee noted the decision of the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau as reflected in the Report of the Bureau session (Working Document WHC-99/CONF.209/6) and included in Annex VIII on the following property. Kakadu National Park (Australia)
X.33 Groups of Monuments at Hampi (India) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee examined the findings of the UNESCO reactive monitoring mission, and expressing deep concern over the partial construction of two cable-suspended bridges within the protected archaeological areas of Hampi, decided to inscribe the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger. In view of the ascertained and potential dangers ...
X.34 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (China) The Committee recalled the reports from the twenty-third ordinary and the twenty-third extraordinary session of the Bureau on the state of conservation of this property and adopted the following decision: "The Committee took note of the findings of the report and recommendations of the ICOMOS-ICCROM Joint Mission, undertaken in September 1999, which examined the state of conservation, management and factors affecting the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian. The Committee expressed appreciation to the Government of China, the advisory bodies and the ...