1. Recalling all the United Nations resolutions related to the conflict and in particular Resolutions 1397, 1402 and 1403 of the Security Council of the United Nations, the Resolution 53/27 of the General Assembly on Bethlehem-2000 and the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) and its additional Protocols;
2. Noting the provisions of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972), the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (The Hague, 1954) and other relevant international legal instruments;
3. Taking note of the Executive Board decision taken at its 164th session (164EX/3.1.1);
4. Deplores the destruction and damage caused to the cultural heritage of Palestine;
5. Emphasizing the exceptional universal value of cultural heritage in Palestine;6. Considers that, until the conditions for the inscription of this heritage on the World Heritage List are fulfilled, appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure its protection;
7. Invites the Director-General, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, to assist with the task of establishing an inventory of this cultural and natural heritage, assessing state of conservation and the measures for its preservation and rehabilitation;
8. Further decides to provide financial support for the implementation of this task and that part of this contribution should be used for training and capacity building of Palestinians specialists in the field of preservation and safeguarding of cultural and natural heritage;
9. Appeals to the concerned parties to co-operate with the Director-General in his efforts in the protection of the cultural and natural heritage in Palestine;
10. Invites the Director-General to report on the execution of this decision during the 27th session of the Committee in 2003.