The Bureau was informed that the employees of this World Heritage site recently staged a four-week strike demanding higher salaries and other improvements of their working conditions. The Bureau also noted that a draft tourism and conservation plan for Galapagos is now being finalized and the Master Plan for the management of the Park would have to be revised in the light of the strategies and programme of actions foreseen in the tourism and conservation plan. The Bureau recommended that the World Heritage Centre contact the Ecuadorean authorities and request them to consider undertaking all possible measures to improve salaries and working conditions of the Park staff and revise the Master Plan for the management of the site, in order to harmonize its implementation with that of the tourism and conservation plan for Galapagos.
Decision 16 BUR V.22
Galapagos National Park (Ecuador)
Decision Code
16 BUR V.22
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
1992 Galápagos Islands